单选题Which of the following statements is true of Asian women and young girls?AThey like to read science fiction.BThey follow Western standards of beauty at the expense of disfiguring their own looks.CThey are not as attractive as women in the Western countries.DThey aspire the life style of the leisure class in the West.

Which of the following statements is true of Asian women and young girls?

They like to read science fiction.


They follow Western standards of beauty at the expense of disfiguring their own looks.


They are not as attractive as women in the Western countries.


They aspire the life style of the leisure class in the West.


录音中指出“Asian women and young girls have been brainwashed to disfigure themselves by undergoing Frankenstein Surgery to meet these unreal Western standards of perfect beauty”,可见亚洲女人和年轻女孩被洗脑了,她们通过整容手术毁坏自己的外形来符合西方不真实的完美标准。因此选项B符合录音内容。
Asian women and young girls have been brainwashed to disfigure themselves by undergoing Frankenstein Surgery to meet these unreal Western standards of perfect beauty. I guess these young females have been poisoned by watching too many Hollywood movies and reading too many Western trash magazines;they follow these beauty standards blindly.


Which of the following statements is true?A. Males and females in the family took turns using the bathtub.B. Some bathtubs were big enough for many people to bathe in at the same time.C. All the women and girls of a family could bathe together standing up in the tub.D. When several family members bathed together, they did not use the bathtub.

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ( )A.Women Are Socially Trained to TalkB.Talking Maintains RelationshipsC.Women Love to TalkD.Men Talk Differently from Women

Passage FourIt seems that beauty and women are twins. Observe for yourself. Ads on fashion flood TV screen, radio programs, magazines and the streets. Whether they have realized or not, women are besieged (包围) by a sea of fashion. They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart and concern for others.In addition, old and young, beautiful and ugly are relative concepts. People who keep a young mind will never feel old. Curious about new things and eager to learn more, they keep up with the tide. Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, which is pure and real.Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful. Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of one's heart and looks.46. Why does the author say that beauty and women are twins?A. Women are born to be beauties.B. Women like to show off their beautiesC. Women are proud of their beautyD. Women try to maintain their beauty by dressing up

According to the author, in order to stay young and attractive, women should______.A. follow the fashionB. enrich their mindC. do more exerciseD. dress up in beautiful clothes

The author believes that______.A. women should lay more emphasis on their own qualitiesB. beautiful clothes can make women more attractiveC. women have to show their beauty through their looksD. women are more curious about new things than men

Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?A.Women are biologically more vulnerable to stress.B.Women are still suffering much stress caused by men.C.Women are more experienced than men in coping with stress.D.Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.

Beauty contests are popular in the US, but many people()the idea that women should be judged by how attractive they are. A、approveB、disapproveC、approve ofD、disapprove of

which of the following statements is not true about maori population?A. Maori population makes up nearly one-seventh of New Zealand s total population.B. Maori population is younger than the total population.C. Non-Maori women tend to have children earlier than Maori women.D. Maori women tend to have more children than non-Maori women.

which of the following genre films did jaws belong?A. A western film.B. A science fiction film.C. A suspense pictureD. A horror film.

According to the American linguist, Deborah Tannen, communication habits vary depending on individual personality, culture, and among other factors, gender(性别). Since male ways of communicating are standard in business, women’s ways of talking are often ignored or misunderstood in the workplace. Tannen emphasizes that female and male style. are both valid(有效的). Here are some of Tannen’s main points:Conversational styles in boys and girls show up(显现)early. Even 5-year-old boys care about their ranks in the group, while 5-year-old girls care more about being in or out of the group. Therefore, men’s conversational styles often use competition(竞争), while women try to keep the appearance of equality(平等).Women tend to apologize more than men, as an attempt(试图)to restore(恢复)the power balance (权力平衡) in conversation. When men simply accept the apology rather than part of the responsibility, women feel unjustly (不公正地)blameD.Western women favor indirect ways of speaking, which is interpreted(理解)by Western men as showing insecurity(局促不安) and lack of confidence(缺乏自信). However, this gender difference is also a cultural difference: Japanese business culture demands indirectness, and direct approach used by Western businessmen is often seen as rude by the Japanese.1. Communication habits vary depending on individual personality, culture and diet.()A.TrueB.False2. Business people normally act according to how men communicate with each other.()A.TrueB.False3. Kids are concerned about similar things when they are about 5.()A.TrueB.False4. Women tend to feel that it is not fair to be blamed when men don’t think they are also responsible for certain thing.()A.TrueB.False5. Women in the west like indirect ways of speaking, which is taken by men as confident.()A.TrueB.False

Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A. Men do better than women when it comes to learning English.B.Women stand out at remembering people's names.C. Men excel at typing as many words in a particular category as possible in the giventime.D. Women excel at dealing mathematic problems.

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?A. Women Are Socially Trained to Talk B. Talking Maintains RelationshipsC. Women Love to Talk D. Men Talk Differently from Women

Beauty has always been regarded as something praise worthy. Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and healthier, have better marriages and have more respectable occupations. Personal consultants give them better advice for finding jobs. Even judges are softer on attractive defendants (被告). But in the executive circle, beauty can become a liability. While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to a woman. Handsome male executives were thought as having more integrity than plainer men; effort and ability were thought to account for their success. Attractive female executives were considered to have less integrity than unattractive ones; their success was attributed not to ability but to factors such as luck. All unattractive women executives were thought to have more integrity and to be more capable than the attractive female executives. Interestingly, though, the rise of the unattractive overnight successes was attributed more to personal relationships and less to ability than that of attractive overnight successes. Why are attractive women not thought to be able? An attractive woman is thought to be more feminine and an attractive man more masculine (有男子气概的) than the less attractive ones. Thus, an attractive woman has an advantage in traditionally female jobs, but an attractive woman in a traditionally masculine position appears to lack the "masculine" qualities required. This is true even in politics. ′When the only clue is how he or she looks, people treat men and women differently,′ says Anne Bowman, who recently published a study on the effects of attractiveness on political candidates. She asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs, one of men and one of women, in order of attractiveness. The students were told the photographs were of candidates for political offices. They were asked to rank them again, in the order they would vote for them. The results showed that attractive males utterly defeated unattractive men, but the women who had been ranked most attractive invariably received the fewest votes. In traditionally female jobs, attractiveness___________.A.makes women look more honest and capableB.strengthens the feminine qualities requiredC.is of primary importance to womenD.often enables women to succeed quickly

Mr. Backus simply replaced the original equation with his own ______ for a dream date, which included the percentage of women likely to find him attractive, and the number of girls aged 24 to 34 in London.A.designationB.measuresC.criteriaD.legislation

共用题干1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Paragraph 4_________A:How do men view their appearance?B:How can women make themselves more beautiful?C:Why do men and women view their appearance differently?D:Is it possible for women to meet the standards of perfect beauty?E:How do people judge women and men? F: How do women view their appearance?

共用题干1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Today the percentage of women who have the ideal shape,face,etc is probably like________.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

共用题干1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Women are more self-critical than men because women are judged on their appearance mor than men,and_____.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

共用题干1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.During the last century,standards of female beauty have in fact become_______.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

共用题干1.All research to date on body image shows that women are much more critical of their appearance than men and much less likely to admire what they see in the mirror. Up to 8 out of 10 women are dissatisfied with their reflection,and more than half may see a distorted image.2.Men looking in the mirror are more likely to be either pleased with what they see or indifferent. Research shows that men generally have a much more positive body-image than women一if anything,they may tend to over-estimate their attractiveness.Some men looking in the mirror may literally not see the flaws in their appearance.3.Why are women too much more self-critical than men?Because women are judged on their appearance more than men,and standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the inflexible.Women are continually bombarded with images of the"ideal"face.And constant exposure to idealized images of female beauty on TV,magazines and billboards makes exceptional good looks seem normal and anything short of perfection seem abnormal and ugly.It has been estimated that young women now see more images of outstandingly beautiful women in one day than our mothers saw throughout their entire adolescence.4.Also,most women are trying to achieve the impossible:standards of female beauty have in fact become progressively more unrealistic during the last century.In 1917,the physically perfect woman was about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed nearly 10 stone(约140磅).Even 25 years ago, top models and beauty queens weighed only 8% less than the average woman,now they weigh 23% less.The current media ideal for women is achievable by less than 5% of the female population一and that's just in terms of weight and size.If you want the ideal shape,face,etc, it's probably more like 1%.Men generally have such a positive body-image that some men looking in the mirn may_______.A:literally not see the flaws in their appearance.B:1%C:smile at themselvesD:standards of female beauty are considerably higher and more inflexibleE:progressively more unrealisticF:5%

Maoris have adopted many aspects of()and more and more New Zealanders now share in the rich heritage of()A、American culture/Asian cultureB、Western culture/Asian cultureC、American culture/Maori cultureD、Western culture/Maori culture

单选题Which of the following is true of women’s nurturiring nature according to the passage?AIt is not inborn in any sense.BIt is inspired by women’s families.CIt is caused by social prejudiceDIt is partly biological in origin.

单选题According to the speaker, ______ .Athe Japanese imported industrial silicon for breast implants after World War II.Bthe invading forces sold silicon to Japanese women working in factories.Cplastic surgery is also very popular with women in Western countries.DAsian women undergoing plastic surgery are eager to emigrate to the US.

单选题Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the passage?AWomen did not have the right to vote before 1900.BWomen had the right to vote throughout the country in 1920.CA little number of women held high academic and government positions in 1920.D“Career women” were largely restricted to some areas.

单选题Which of the following statements forecasts the continuous rise of English in the future?AAbout half of Western Europeans are now proficient in English.BU.S. and British media companies are operating in Western Europe.CMost secondary school students in Europe study English.DMost Europeans continue to use their own language.

单选题Which of the following sentence contain a noun (名词) used as an attribute(定语)?AWe can’t but face the reality.BWe could hardly see any fresh vegetables in winter on market several years ago.CThere are only two women assistants in that shoe shop.DThese young people know little about how to choose good books to read.

单选题According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?AAbout two thousand and two hundred old women took part in the study.BEleanor Schwarz's research program was about men and women who suffered fromdiabetes.COver one fifths of the women never got married.DEleanor Schwarz's results seem more reliable.

单选题Which of the following statements is true of Asian women and young girls?AThey like to read science fiction.BThey follow Western standards of beauty at the expense of disfiguring their own looks.CThey are not as attractive as women in the Western countries.DThey aspire the life style of the leisure class in the West.

单选题Which of the following statements is true to women athletes?AThey are more likely to get hurt than males in football.BThey suffer 240% more concussions than male players in basketball.CThey run 40% higher risks than males in sports.DThey are more competitive than males in sports played by both sexes.