填空题In order to improve Asian trade, Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ established the John Company.____

In order to improve Asian trade, Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ established the John Company.____


由题干的“Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ”可定位到D段。此处讲到Elizabeth Ⅰ成立the John Company是为了促进亚洲贸易,故匹配段落为D段。


什么票据是可流通的?() A.Pay to John David onlyB.Pay to John David not transferableC.Pay to the order of ABC Co.D.Pay to ABC Co

John Smith wants to kill the Indians in order to get the gold from the Indians.()

() improve your service, you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding. A、In order thatB、So as toC、In order to

We respectfully inform. you that on account of a rapid increase in the volume of our trade with China, we have recently established a new branch at People Square.


We must improve the farming method( )we may get high yields.A.in case B.in order thatC.now that D.even if

资料:A new Chinese-led international development bank announced its first four loans on Saturday, pledging to lend $509 million for projects to spread electric power in rural Bangladesh, upgrade living conditions in slums in Indonesia, and improve roads in Pakistan and Tajikistan. At the first of the annual general meetings of in institution, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the bank’s president, Jin Liqun, said the projects were financially sound and environmentally friendly and had been accepted by the people in the project areas.The road in Tajikistan is just three miles long, but it will help clear traffic congestion on an important trading route near the capital, Dushanbe. A $100 million loan to Pakistan is for 40 miles of highway in Punjab Province that would complete the last section of national artery, the M-4, the bank said.Three of the projects are being financed with other institutions-the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the European bank for Reconstruction and Development-an approach that allowed the new bank to begin the projects quickly. The bank’s $165 million loan to expand electricity in rural areas of Bangladesh is its only stand-alone project. By financing projects with long-established institutions, the Beijing-based bank was able to move quickly because work on meeting environmental standards and procurement policies had been completed, staff members at the bank said.Although the new bank was China’s idea, it is intended to operate as an international bank dedicated to improving the basic structures and facilities needed to stimulate development across Asia, Mr. Jin said at a news conference on Saturday. Unlike the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank places less emphasis on the reduction of poverty, he said. The bank “ was born with the birthmark of China, but its upbringing is international,” Mr. Jin said. Referring to the three other institutions that will finance the projects, he said, “we can work wonderfully together.” The new bank is being watched closely. The United States refused to join when it was offered membership in 2014. Japan has also not sought membership in the bank. But President Obama’s administration was mostly concerned that the bank would challenge the current development architecture, the Bretton Woods system established under the leadership of the United States after World WarⅡ. In the past year, Mr. Jin has worked to reassure Washington, largely by agreeing to choose projects that have already been approved by the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank. He has also emphasized that the new bank will be more streamlined and strive to be “lean, green and clean.” Britain was the most eager of the Western democracies to join the bank, and it broke ranks with the United States and became a member in the fall of 2014. Other members of the European Union, including France and Germany, rushed in after Britain. The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union is not expected to affect its relationship with the bank, Mr. Jin said. “ I believe the United Kingdom will continue to play an important role in the development of the bank, ”he said at the news conference. Asked if he believed that Britain’s decision showed that the old guard was crumbling quicker than he expected, Mr. Jin diplomatically replied that he had detected no such..(缺失) Two dozen countries have expressed interest in joining the bank, and they sent observers to the two-day meeting, Mr. Jin said. The new members would come from Eastern Europe, Latin America, and could join as early as (缺失)year.Mr. Jin agrees with the following ideas except ( ).A.World Bank and the Asian Development Bank emphasize more on poverty reduction than Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank does.B.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will be devoted to improve develpomengt in Asia.C.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will work together with the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.D.The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will pose a challenge to the United States.

In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production.A:step up B:decrease C:stop D:control

In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production.A:step upB:decreaseC:stopD:control

Some people Asian-Americans owe their success to the Asian tradition of()AeducautionBfamily and hardworkCeducationDBandC

Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A、Elizabeth I broke Mary.s ties with Rome.B、Elizabeth I restored her father.s independent Church of England.C、Elizabeth I.s religious reform was a compromise of views.D、Elizabeth I.s religious settlement was acceptable to both extreme

In Ireland a prime minister is appointed by after nomination by().A、the Queen/the presidentB、the president/the QueenC、the Queen/the House of RepresentativesD、the president/the House of Representatives

ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.A、has,ofB、with,inC、have,inD、with,of

If you can improve your price by 3%,we shall be prepared to()for 5,000 metric tons.A、book with you an orderB、book your orderC、be in the marketD、place a order with you

What bills are negotiable? 什么票据是可以背书流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC Co.D、Pay to bearer.

What bills are negotiable?什么票据是可流通的?()A、Pay to John David onlyB、Pay to John David not transferableC、Pay to the order of ABC CoD、Pay to ABC Co

单选题What does Mr. Manala NOT inquire about?AWhat Asian appetizers areBThe deadline for placing an orderCIf he can modify his order laterDThe amount of appetizers per platter

单选题Which of the following is not correct?AThe Queen holds meetings of the Privy Council.BThe Queen receives reports of Cabinet meetings in her weekly sessions with the Prime Minister.CThe Queen must take sides when a dispute arises in the CabinetDThe Queen is informed of, and consulted on every aspect of national life.

单选题The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is reigned over by _____, but ruled by _____.Athe government/the MonarchBthe Monarch/the governmentCthe parliament/Constitutional monarchDthe Cabinet/Queen Elizabeth

填空题In order to improve Asian trade, Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ established the John Company.____

单选题If you can improve your price by 3%,we shall be prepared to()for 5,000 metric tons.Abook with you an orderBbook your orderCbe in the marketDplace a order with you

单选题In order to improve the efficiency of the communication with shore personnel, you should()Ainform the chief engineer whenever there are problemsBreduce the time wasted on checking itemsCknow who is responsible for the domestic cleaning equipmentDknow the chain of authority on the ship

单选题In an “open classroom” the teacher is supposed to _____.Aorganize classroom activities rather than merely transmit knowledgeBrely on the students interests in classroom activitiesCteach course less relevant to the established curriculaDhelp the students improve their basic academic skills

单选题The John Hopkins Hospital was established as a subsidiary of John Hopkins University in order to provide medical service to the university's faculty and students.AhallBrivalCpatronDbranch

单选题Why does John Alderson want everyone to attend the seminar?ABecause the Accounting Department will reimburse themBBecause everyone should have enough free timeCBecause they need to improve upon their performanceDBecause Ms. Sadowski always hosts interesting seminars

单选题We must improve the farming method_______we may get high yields.Ain caseBin order thatCnow thatDeven if

单选题ABC Company is an old-established firm()many year’s experience()the trade.Ahas,ofBwith,inChave,inDwith,of