









根据下文“... it only exists in the imagination ...”,即“……仅仅存在于想象中……”可以推测idea(想法,理念)正确。fact事实;case情况;truth事实,真理。


单选题Thousands of Irish people starved during the “Potato Famine” because _____.Athey were so dependent on the potato that they refused to eat anything elseBthey were forced to emigrate to AmericaCthe weather conditions in Ireland were not suitable for growing the potatoDthe potato harvest was bad

单选题_____AcardBa photoCan e-mailDan envelope

单选题His _____ was to graduate from medical school and become a great surgeon.AmistakeBdestinationCintelligenceDpurpose

单选题When did two Frenchmen rise above Paris?AIn December 1783.BIn September 1783.CIn November 1783.DIn the seventeenth century.

单选题What are the _____ that distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?AcharacteristicsBdifferencesCfeaturesDcontradictions

单选题If only I _____ how to operate a computer as you do!Ahad knownBwould knowCshould knowDknew



单选题He packed an _____ shirt in case he had to stay another day.AspareBunnecessaryCexcessiveDextra



单选题The electric shaver _____ before it can be used.Aneeds repairingBrequires to repairCshould be in repairDhas to be repairable

单选题It is _____ that should be given priority to.Athe government who decidedBwhat has the government decidedConly the government has decidedDwhat the government has decided

单选题_____Abe doneBdoneCto doDto doing

单选题Smith is to study medicine as soon as he _____ military service.Awill finishBhas finishedCfinishDwould finish

单选题I’m _____ that he didn’t come.AastonishedBastonishingCastonishDto astonish

单选题The habit of reading newspapers is _____.Auncommon in the worldBnot popular in the USACwidespread in the worldDfounded among a few families

问答题练习3  The traditional Chinese hospitality requires food diversity, so that guests will be full before eating up all the dishes. A typical Chinese banquet menu includes cold dishes served at the beginning, followed by hot dishes, such as meat, poultry, vegetables, etc. At most banquets, the whole fish is considered to be essential, unless various Kinds of seafood have been served already. Today, Chinese people would like to combine Western specialties with traditional Chinese dishes. Therefore, it is not rare to see steak being served as well. Salad is gaining popularity, although traditionally the Chinese people generally do not eat any food without cooking. There is usually at least a bowl of soup, served at the beginning or in the end of the dinner party. Desserts and fruit usually mark the end of the feast.

单选题Please pass me the dictionary _____ cover is black.AwhichBwhich ofCwhoseDwith

单选题We’ll have to finish the job, _____.Along it takes howeverBit takes however longClong however it takesDhowever long it takes

单选题In that country, the rich _____ richer, the poor poorer.AbecomeBhas becomeCbecomesDis becoming

单选题Being able to afford _____ drink would be _____ comfort in those tough times.Athe; theBa; aCa; 不填D不填;a


单选题Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but he hung up _____ I could answer the phone.AasBsinceCuntilDbefore


单选题We must have an engineer _____ the workers build the house.Ato seeBseeCseeingDseen

单选题—What do you think of the TV play?—Wonderful. It is worth _____ a second time.AwatchingBwatchedCseenDseeing

单选题You’d better find some information about Nike’s “Chamber of Fear” advertisement, _____?Awouldn’t youBhad youChadn’t youDshould you