单选题Which of the following is not a characteristic of fast switching?()AFast switching reducesa routers CPU utilization, compared to process switchingBAll packets of a flow, except for the first packet, use the information in the fast cacheCIt can be enabled with the interface command ip route-cacheDFast switching uses a fast cache maintained in a router’s control planeEThe fast cache contains information about how traffic from different data flows should beforwardedFEven though the fast switching is enabled, the first packet of a flow is still process switched
单选题Clients using Cisco-LEAP and EAP-FAST authentication are having no problems logging on to thewireless network, but clients using PEAP are failing to log on. Which situation would result in thistype ofproblem?()APosture validation has not been enabledBThe AAA server is set to accept both MS-CHAP v2 and GTC for PEAP authenticationCClients and server are not using certificatesDClients have been set to validate the server identity
单选题In a deployment using standalone access points, clients set up to authenticate with eap-peap or eap-cisco wireless (cisco-leap) cannot authenticatE. when you inspect the failed attempts report on the cisco secure acs, you find this error: "unknown network access server nas." Which problem may have caused this failure?()Amisconfigured ip address of the aaa server on the access pointBmisconfigured eap type on the access pointCmisconfigured ip address of the access point on the aaa serverDmisconfigured eap type on the aaa server
单选题When the AIM-CUE is being used, where do log messages go if the log file is full?()AThe initial log file is named message.log.prev, and a new file named message.log is started. BOnce the log file is full, the oldest log entries are dropped to make space for new entries. CWhen the log file becomes full, it is automatically copied to an external server and a new message.log file is started. DOnce the log file becomes full, it stops logging new messages and the new log messages are lost.
单选题A MAC address flood attack is occurring on the LAN. During this attack, numerous frames areforwarded to a switch which causes the CAM table to fill to capacity. How does this action benefitthe attacker?()AAll traffic is tagged with a specific VLAN ID from the VLAN of the attacker and is now viewableBClients will forward packets to the attacking device, which will in turn send them to the desireddestination but not before recording the traffic patternsCAll traffic is redirected to the VLAN that the attacker used to flood the CAM tableDAll traffic is flooded out all ports and an attacker is able to capture all dataENone of the other alternatives apply
单选题Which statement is correct about the Cisco QoS SDM wizard?()Athe best-effort class will need to have its percentage entered in the QoS Policy Generation screenBSDM QoS wizard provides real-time validation of application usage of WAN bandwidthCthe SDM wizard is not able to monitor QoS policing trafficDthe SDM QoS wizard is pre-installed on enterprise routers
多选题Which three of the following network features are methods used to achieve high availability()ASpanning Tree Protocol(STP)BDelay reductionCHot Standby Routing Protocol(HSRP)DDynamic routing protocolsEQuality of Service(QoS)FJitter management
单选题Which authentication protocol does H-REAP AP local authentication support in version 5.2?()AEAP-TLSBEAP-PEAPCEAP-LEAPDEAP-TTLS
多选题Which three statements are true about load-based Call Admission Control?()Agrants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on the number of active clients associated to the accesspointBgrants a VoWLAN client-initiated call based on channel bandwidth capacityCuses the 802.11i specificationDuses 802.11 action framesErequires a WMM-enabled client
单选题Which statement is true when ICMP echo and echo-reply are disabled on edge devices?()APings are allowed only to specific devices.BCDP information is not exchanged.CPort scans can no longer be run.DSome network diagnostic data is lost.EWireless devices need to be physically connected to the edge device.FOSPF routing needs the command ip ospf network non-broadcast enabled.
多选题Which three colors are used in the Cisco WCS v5.2 Voice Readiness Tool?()AgreenBblueCyellowDredEpurpleFwhite
多选题Which two aspects of a UCS solution enable fast response to growth requirements in the data center?()AUCS ManagerBfabric interconnectCservice profilesDexpansion modulesEvirtual interface cards
单选题Why is it appropriate to use conditional label advertising when deploying MPLS?()Ato make CEF tables smallerBto enable label switching on the frame mode interfaceCto restrict MPLS availability to predefined time periodsDto restrict label switching to a limited number of networksEto restrict end users from seeing the routers in the MPLS network
多选题Which three statements about classification marking of traffic at Layer 2 are true? ()Aa Frame Relay header includes a 1-bit discard eligible (DE) bit to provide the class of service (CoS)Ban ATM header includes a 1-bit DE field to provide the CoSCan MPLS EXP field is inserted in the Layer 3 IP precedence field to identify the CoSDthe CoS field only exists inside Ethernet frames when 802.1Q or Inter-Switch Link (ISL) trunking is usedEin the IEEE 802.1p standard, three bits are used to identify the user priority bits for the CoSFin the IEEE 802.1q standard, six bits are used to identify the user priority bits for the CoS
多选题The Cisco SDM will create a QoS policy that provides services to two types of traffic. Which two statements indicate the default QoS parameters that are created by SDM?()ABusiness-critical traffic will be sorted into two QoS classes.BReal-time traffic will be sorted into one QoS class.CVoice traffic will be considered real-time traffic while call signaling will be considered business-critical.DAll traffic except real-time will be considered best-effort.ERouting, management, and transactional traffic will be considered business-critical.FVoice and call signaling traffic will be considered real-time.
单选题预防早产儿感染的护理措施中最重要的因素是( )。A早产儿室空气净化B医护人员衣着清洁C诊疗用具严格消毒D强化洗手E定期做体检