单选题皮肤上的痤疮丙酸杆菌产生( )。ABCDE
皮肤上的痤疮丙酸杆菌产生( )。
单选题You want to configure your Windows 2000 Professional computer to remotely access your company's Windows 2000 Routing and Remote Access server. You configure a VPN connection. For security purposes, you configure the VPN connection to use MS-CHAP v2 only and to require encryption. You also configure TCP/IP to obtain an IP address automatically, to enable IPSec, and to set IPSec to Secure Server. When you try to connect, you receive the following error message, "The encryption attempt failed because no valid certificate was found." What should you do to connect to the server? ()AEnable the VPN connection to use MS-CHAP.BChange the data encryption setting toOptional Encryption.CSpecify a TCP/IP address in theNetworkproperties.DChange the IPSec policy setting toClient.
单选题下列5家医院的手术室,外科洗手消毒的消毒药液存放方法不同,其中正确的是( )。A甲医院:消毒药液盛放于无菌治疗碗内,敞口放置B乙医院:消毒药液盛放于无菌弯盘内,上面扣另一无菌弯盘C丙医院:消毒药液盛放于有盖的下口瓶内,红外线感应式开关D丁医院:消毒药液盛放于无盖的下口瓶内,脚踏式开关E戊医院:消毒药液盛放于橡胶塞密封瓶内,使用时用手倒出药液
单选题关于“人类行为分类”的描述,错误的是( )。A社会行为是人类最基本的行为B包括本能行为和社会行为C社会行为来自后天习得D本能行为指人生来固有的行为E人的社会行为与其所处的社会环境相适应
单选题You are the administrator of your company’s network. A user named Paul in the service department has a Windows 2000 Professional computer. Paul needs to access the files that are in a shared folder on his computer. A local group named Sales has permissions to access the data. Paul is a member of the Sales local group but he cannot access the file he needs. What should you do? ()AGrant Paul NTFS permission so that he can access any parent folder to files in the shared folder.BShare the Sales folder and grant Paul shared folder permission to access the shared Sales folder.CRemove Paul from any other group that has been explicitly denied access to the Sales folder. DDelete the Sales local group and recreate it. Add individual user accounts from the Sales Department back into Sales local group.
单选题You are the network administrator for ExamSheet and you support the portable computer users. An Account Executive named Hildegard frequently travels to meet with customers and uses her portable computer to demonstrate the company’s new software products. Hildegard needs to update these products frequently so customers can evaluate the latest software releases. You need to allow Hildegard to install the product updates while limiting her ability to perform other administrative duties on her portable computer. What should you do?()AAdd Hildegard’s user accounts to the Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group. BAdd Hildegard’s user account to the local Power Users group. CAllow Hildegard’s user account Full Control permission to the Program Files folder. Propagate the permissions to all the subdirectories and files in that directory. DAllow Hildegard’s user account Write permissions to the Program Files folder. Propagate the permissions to all the subdirectories and files in that directory.
单选题有关抗感染药物合理应用原则不正确的是( )。A密切观察患者体内正常菌群,避免抗感染药物相关性肠炎发生B严格掌握抗感染药物的适应证和禁忌证C适宜的药物、剂量、疗程和给药方法D预防和减少抗感染药物的毒副反应E病毒性感染时,为预防细菌感染的发生,给予常用的抗生素
单选题下列有关臭氧消毒的说法,错误的是( )。A主要依靠强大的氧化作用杀菌B臭氧发生器将空气中的氧气转换为臭氧C要求臭氧浓度≤20cfu/m3D消毒时间应≥30minE温度、湿度、pH值等影响臭氧的杀菌作用
单选题下列情况哪项属于医院感染?( )A原有的感染在医院内发作B入院后出现的新脓毒血症迁徙灶C本次感染的发生与上次住院有关D创伤产生的炎症表现E新生儿经胎盘获得的感染(出生后48小时内发病)
单选题对“人类行为适应形式”的描述哪项正确?( )A“应对”是个体对外界刺激的非特异性反应B“自我控制”是人类适应行为的基础C“应激”是个体对紧张刺激的非特异性反应D“顺应”多用于协调矛盾、解决冲突E“调适”指个体改变自身行为以达到社会适应
单选题护患沟通时候除了要注意家属和病人的需求之外,还应该关注相关因素对沟通与交流的影响。下列说法错误的是( )。A护患沟通中应合理运用各种沟通距离,既给病人私人空间,又不显得疏远B真诚、关注和尊重是对护士沟通态度最基本的要求C空间效应包括个人空间、私人领域和距离D根据霍尔的理论,公众距离是指4米以外E在护患交流中,病人的沟通态度占有主导地位
单选题As a junior network administrator of your company, you have been asked to move the printer spool off the system partition and onto another hard disk to solve disk space issues. How will you move the printer spool to another drive?()AFrom the command prompt run the command 'move c:/winnt/system32/spool printers [desired location]'. BFrom the command prompt run the command 'move c:/winnt/spool printers [desired location]'. CFrom the Advanced tab of printer server properties. DConfigure the print$ share on your computer to point to the desired location.