单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the correct operation is ()Anavigating with a low diesel engine speedBnavigating with a stable diesel engine speedCincreasing the efficiency of propellerDincreasing fuel injection

When ship navigating in rough sea, the correct operation is ()

navigating with a low diesel engine speed


navigating with a stable diesel engine speed


increasing the efficiency of propeller


increasing fuel injection


解析: 暂无解析


Which statement regarding garbage disposal is correct?A.Records for ground garbage disposal are not required when disposal into the sea occurs more than 25 miles offshoreB.Discharging or transfer of garbage while in port to a shore facility must be recordedC.Maintaining records for the incineration of garbage aboard ship is not requiredD.The recording of garbage disposal should include the approximate weight

When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be______.A.disengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineB.stopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchC.stopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineD.stopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation, which one of the following factors would’t be considered?______.A.selection of landmarksB.character of sea bottomC.strength of current and wind forceD.radius of ship swing to wind or tide

共用题干The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!Divers have to use a very strong diving ship when they want to go down to the deepest part of the seamainly because it is extremely cold there.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

—The sea is very rough today.—Yes,I‘ve never seen_______before.A.such rough seaB.such a rough seaC.so rough seaD.that rough sea

从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并把它前面的大写字母填入左边的括弧里。—The sea is very rough today.—Yes,I‘ve never seen_______before.A.such rough seaB.such a rough seaC.so rough seaD.that rough sea

Never operate hatch covers when the ship is().A、in portB、anchoringC、rolling or pitchingD、at sea

高速和野蛮操作舱盖均是危险的。()A、High-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.B、Low-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.C、Low-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.D、High-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.

有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。()A、A ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf.B、Sometimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf.C、The wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide.D、A ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf.

单选题For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation,which one of the following factors wouldn’t be considered?().Aselection of landmarksBcharacter of sea bottomCstrength of current and wind forceDradius of ship swing to wind or tide

单选题The SART should provide a()indication of its correct operation and should also inform survivors when it is interrogated by radar.Asight or soundBseeing or soundingCvisual or audibleDseeing or hearing

单选题When arranging cargo for()in the holds,we should give first consideration to ship’s seaworthiness and her being in a good sea-going trim after loading.AdunnageBseparationCstowageDoperation

单选题When taking a Pilot from a pilot vessel in a seaway,which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side().ABow to the sea and no way on your vesselBSea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowlyCSea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowlyDSea on the quarter with sternway on the ship

单选题高速和野蛮操作舱盖均是危险的。()AHigh-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.BLow-speed operation and rough handling of hatches are dangerous.CLow-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.DHigh-speed operation and rough handling of hatch covers are dangerous.

单选题The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can immediately be placed in the () of operation when notified that the ship is in congested waters.Amanual modeBautomatic modeCremote modeDfollow-up mode

单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the first measure taken by the chief engineer to prevent the overload should be()Acleaning fuel oil, lubricating oil and seawater filterBreducing fuel feeding of the main engine appropriately or reducing the pitch angle of propellerCusing low sea chestDclosing the skylight and the ventilation opening, which doesn’t affect the normal work of equipments

单选题Whether a ship is sailing before the wind or sailing in the rough sea, we must reduce the fuel injection of the main engine.For the former one, it aims to prevent the main engine being(), while for the later one, it aims to prevent the main engine being().Aoverspeed;overloadBoverload;overspeedCover torque;overspeedDlow mechanical efficiency;overload

单选题The load limitation of governor should be reduced when ship navigating at sea, the main reason is to()Aprevent the diesel engine surgingBprevent governor from being damaged because of swingCreduce the probability of the crank shaft being torsional vibrated and resonatedDprevent the main engine being overload or overspeed

单选题Never operate hatch covers when the ship is().Ain portBanchoringCrolling or pitchingDat sea

单选题In rough weather,when a ship is able to maneuver,it is best to launch a lifeboat().Aon the lee sideBon the windward sideCwith the wind dead aheadDwith the wind from astern

单选题Small floes of rough,hummocky sea ice capable of damaging a vessel().Acan usually be detected by radar in a smooth sea at a range of 4 to 6 kilometersBare indistinguishable from sea return on the PPICare invisible to radar when covered with a thick layer of snowDare usually seen at night before they are close enough to provide a radar echo

单选题Which statement regarding garbage disposal is correct?()ARecords for ground garbage disposal are not required when disposal into the sea occurs more than 25 miles offshoreBDischarging or transfer of garbage while in port to a shore facility must he recordedCMaintaining records for the incineration of garbage aboard ship is not requiredDThe recording of garbage disposal should include the approximate weight

单选题The officer in charge of the engineering watch shall ensure that all machinery involved with the maneuvering of the ship can be immediately be placed in the manual mode of operation when notified that the ship is ()Aat anchorBat unsheltered anchorageCin congested watersDin an open road-stead

单选题When the ship, its main propulsion device equipped with clutch, arrived at the port and finished with the engine, the correct operation should be()Adisengaging the clutch firstly, then stopping the main engineBstopping the main engine firstly, then disengaging the clutchCstopping the cooling water pump firstly, then stopping the main engineDstopping the main engine and disengaging the clutch at the same time

单选题When launching a lifeboat in the rough sea, the davit gears should be released().Abefore the boat is lowered from the stowed positionBas the boat fall blocks break clear of the davit headCbefore the boat is lowered from the embarkation levelDafter the boat is released into the water

单选题Concerning the incinerator’s operation, which of the following is not correct?()AScavenging time should be more 30 seconds before ignitingBThe temperature of sludge tank is 80~100℃CFirst igniting the incinerator with diesel oil, when the temperature of health is about 600℃, the sludge oil drawn inDThe ash can be dumped into sea when the distance is more than 3 miles from land

单选题Particular care is needed when navigating in the vicinity of()as very few of these features have been fully surveyed to modern standards to determine their correct position,full extent,or the least depth over them.ASW of Cocos IslandsBoceanic dangers or seamountsCundiscovered dangersDthe continental shelf

单选题When ship navigating in rough sea, the correct operation is ()Anavigating with a low diesel engine speedBnavigating with a stable diesel engine speedCincreasing the efficiency of propellerDincreasing fuel injection