单选题The patient's recovery was very encouraging as he could _____ get out of bed without help.AonlyBalmostCmerelyDhardly

The patient's recovery was very encouraging as he could _____ get out of bed without help.











单选题Which of the following is not mentioned as tolerant of drug abuse?AThe spreading of pop music.BThe media.CPolitical campaigns run by powerful pressure groups.DThe low price of some drugs.

单选题60 A trained B designed C planed D studiedAABBCCDD

单选题What is the main idea of the passage?AEntrepreneurship courses in business schools.BQualities of an entrepreneur.CEntrepreneurship education in colleges.DKids in the information age.

单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements about the cell phone service at Yellowstone is TRUE?AIt is limited to certain areas in the park.BIt is available everywhere in the park.CIt is not available in the park.DIt is available to visitors at a fee.

单选题As a gardener, Jim has to water the flowers and ______ the grass in the garden every morning.AtrimBimproveCrefineDrepair

单选题The more learned a man is, and more modest he usually is.AThe moreBisCand more modestDis

单选题It was not until the accident happened_______.Awhen I became aware of my foolishnessBwhen my foolishness became obviousCthat did I realize my foolishnessDthat I became aware of my foolishness

单选题Passage1 Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. It's interesting that the arrival of snow has the effect on people in different countries.(76) For some countries it is an important happening to celebrate each year, while for others a catastrophe (灾害) or even a wonder. But there are countries between these two kinds that normally expect snow some time over the winter months, but never receive snow regularly or in the same quantities every year.Britain is one of them, for which the arrival of snow quite simply creates problems.Within hours of the first snowfalls, however light, roads are blocked; trains and buses have to stop in the middle of the way.Normal communications are affected as well: telephone calls become difficult and the post immediately takes more time than usual.And almost within hours there are also certain shortages-bread, vegetables and other things-not because all these things can no longer be produced or sent to shops,but mainly because people are frightened and go out and store up with food and so on...just for fear that something bad should happen. But why does snow have this effect? After all, the Swiss, the Austrians and the Canadians don't have such problems.It is simply because there is not enough planning and preparation.We need money to buy equipment to deal with snow and ice.To keep the roads clear, for example,requires snow-ploughs (扫雪机) and machines to spread salt.(77) The reason why a country like Britain does not buy snow-ploughs is that they are only used for a few days in any one year, and the money could be more useful in other things such as hospitals, education, helping the old, and so on.3 After a few hours' snowing there are often some shortages of food because______.Ashops have closed downBpeople buy as much as they canCfarmers can produce no moreDpeople eat more vegetables

单选题Have you ever seen a_______bag on the table?Aplastic small blackBblack small plasticCplastic black smallDsmall black plastic

单选题61 A encouraged B ordered C used D drivenAABBCCDD

单选题The expression under fire in the first paragraph means _____ .Ain an urgent situationBfacing some problemsCbeing criticizedDin trouble

单选题65. A Apart from that B As a result C Except that D On the other handAABBCCDD

单选题 When I was young, I spent my summer vacations on my grandparents' farm. The summer that I graduated from college, I 56 my grandparents once again. When I arrived,I discovered that there was a family 57 in progress. Grandpa's dog and hunting partner, Rusty, had taken on a very bad 58 in his old age. He had begun 59 into the chicken coop (鸡笼) and eating eggs. In the eyes of the local farmers, 60 dogs started stealing eggs, there was no 61 to cure them. They knew there was only one thing to be done 62 such a dog-you had to shoot it and the sooner the 63 . Rusty and Grandpa were old friends. Grandpa certainly didn't 64 to shoot Rusty,but he knew it needed to be done. The 66egg money was Grandma's private income, so you can imagine 65 she felt about the problem. 66 the inexperienced confidence of youth, I told Grandpa that I thought I couldcurethe egg-stealing dog. I wanted to at least have a 67 to save Rusty's life, and save Grandpa from the sadness of 68 Rusty. The next morning, I broke open six fiesh eggs and put them in Rusty's bowl 69 at the door to the chicken coop. Rusty came 70 and noticed the eggs. He quickly 71 the eggs and happily walked off for his nap (打盹). The following morning I did the 72 thing.I put the eggs a few feet away from the chicken coop, toward the back door of the farmhouse 73 Grandma usually fed Rusty. The next day I again moved the bowl closer to the house, and added some dog food to the eggs. Every day I moved the bowl closer to the back door, mixing more dog food and 74 eggs. By the time the bowl reached the door, it was all dog food and no eggs. Rusty had again become 75 to looking for his food at the back door of the house, and never again went into the chicken coop.71.A.saw B.found C.left D.ateAABBCCDD

单选题From here people can see the bridge____construction.AbelowBbyCunderDon

单选题—Where did you have your supper? —_____.AWith my uncleBAt my uncle homeCAt my uncleDAt my uncle's

单选题The goals _____ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.Aafter whichBwith whichCfor whichDat which

单选题Seeing her father come back,_______.Atears ran clown her cheeksBher tears ran outCshe burst into tearsDtears burst into her

单选题According to the writer, if a person finds getting up early a problem, most probably _____.Ahe refuses to follow his own energy cycleBhe is a lazy personChe is not sure when his energy is lowDhe is at his peak in the afternoon or evening

单选题He decide to go for a sailing holiday ______ the fact that he was usually seasick (晕船).Abecause ofBin spite ofCin case ofDas a result of

单选题67 A while B because C in case D so thatAABBCCDD

单选题______ Pacific Ocean is ______ very large sea to the west of North and South America, and to the east of Asia and Australia.AThe; aBA; theCThe; theDA; a

单选题Now that the stress of examinations and interviews are over, we can all relax for a while.ANow thatBareCallDrelax

单选题Today Mrs Smith ______ herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.AworeBputCsentDdressed

单选题You should be_____of yourself, telling lies at your age.AashamedBaccurateCadequateDattractive

单选题I couldn't understand why he pretended _____ in the bookstore.Ato see me notBnot to see meCnot see meDto see not me

单选题1 don't know what was happened to him when he went home alone.Adon't knowBwas happenedCto himDalone

单选题60. A from time to time B in time C sooner or later D on occasionAABBCCDD

单选题Although Jim has lived in Beijing for five years, but he doesn't speak Chinese well.Ahas livedBforCbutDspeak