单选题That’s a highly ______ point, not many would agree with your opinion.AexcellentBconspicuousCspectacularDcontroversial

That’s a highly ______ point, not many would agree with your opinion.











单选题Paul: I’m afraid I spilled some coffee on the tablecloth.  Roger: Oh, don’t worry about it.  Paul: I’m really sorry. Is there anything I can do?  Roger: ______ I never did like it anyway.AJust forget about it.BI’m afraid there is not.CDon’t be silly.DIt’s absolutely out of the question.

单选题Under the circumstances it ______ be best to wait for a few weeks.AseemedBoughtCshouldDmight

单选题What does the speaker suggest buying?ASome beautiful clothes.BSome colored photographs.CThe guide book to the museum.

单选题There’s no point ______ her—she never comes to parties.AinviteBto inviteCinvitingDwith inviting

问答题Marco Polo was born in Italy in 1254. He was the most (1) f____ westerner to visit China during the Middle Ages. He wrote a (2)____about his travels. He described all the things he saw and heard. Many people read the book, but (3)believed what he said. He spoke of places and people that he knew about at that time. His father, Nicolo Polo, and his uncle were (4)____(wealth) traders, who regularly traveled to parts of the East. They visited China and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol (5) em____ It was only when they (6)____(return) to Italy from China that Marco, who was now 15 years old, first saw his father. Marco decided to accompany them for their next trip. It took them more than three years to travel the 9,000 miles to Shangtu, (7) cap____ of the Mongol Empire. Kublai Khan had many palaces and Shangtu was the one he used in the summer. It was (8) si____ in the mountains south of the Gobi desert. Every year when (9)____was over, he and his friends moved down from Shangtu to Dadu in the lowlands. This was his winter (10) p____ and it is now called Beijing.

单选题A: I’m granted a full scholarship for this semester.  B: ______ACongratulations. That’s something.BIt’s very nice of you to say so.CActually, you owe it all to your friends.DI’m flattered.

问答题Look at the topic headings below, marked A, B, C, D E, and F, and match them with the paragraphs in the text below. There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use.  Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.  A.Gaining attention  B.Making sense of information   C.Trade secrets  D.Academic approval   E.A change of focus   F.An ancient skill  1 ______  The Greek philosophers knew about it and it could still dramatically improve children’s school results today, except that no one teaches it. It is a very old technique for making your memory better. Try memorizing this series of random numbers: 3, 6, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4. About as meaningful as dates in history, aren’t they? It is likely that you won’t remember them in five minutes, let alone in five hours. However, had you been at a lecture given at a school in the south of England last month, you would now be able to fix them in your head for five days, five weeks, in fact for ever.  2______  “I am going to give you five techniques that will enable you to remember anything you need to know at school,” promised lecturer Ian Robinson to a hundred schoolchildren. “When I’ve finished in two hours’ time, your work will be far more effective and productive. Anyone not interested, leave now.” The entire room sat still, glued to their seats.  3______  Robinson specializes in doing magic tricks that look totally impossible, and then he shows that they involve nothing more mysterious than good old-fashioned trickery. “I have always been interested in tricks involving memory,” he explains.  4 ______  What Robinson’s schoolchildren get are methods that will be familiar to anyone who has dipped into any one of a dozen books on memory. The difference is that Robinson’s approach is aimed at schoolchildren. The basic idea is to take material that is random and meaningless and give them a structure. That series of numbers at the beginning of the article fits in here. Once you think of it as the number of days in the year—365—and the number of weeks—52—and so on, it suddenly becomes permanently memorable.  5 ______  The reaction of schools has been uniformly enthusiastic. “The pupils benefited a lot from Ian’s talk,” says Dr Johnston, head of the school where Robinson was speaking. “Ideally we should run a regular class in memory techniques so pupils can pick it up gradually.”

问答题Did you ever have an  21 or an idea that you knew was important, but you couldn’t put it into words? Poetry is one kind of writing that can capture such emotions and ideas and give them form.  A poet’s  22 is different from that of other kind of writers. Imagine a scientist writing about ice cream. The scientist might discuss the  21 of milk fat in the ice cream or its  21 . A historian might write about how Marco Polo brought the idea for the frozen  21 to Europe from China. A business person might write about the numbers of  21 of ice cream that people buy every month. But the poet will try to create an “ice cream  21 .”Poetry has been called “the best words in the best order.” Poets choose words carefully and put them in  21 relationships to each other. Every word in a poem is an important part of the whole  21 .  A poem is not just the work and joy of the poet. You, the reader, must  21 . Your ear must hear the poem’s “music”. Your eye must see how the poem looks on the page. Your mind must find images and meaning in the poem.

单选题What happened to Pam?AShe got kicked when riding a horse.BShe fell off her bicycle on her way to the boat club.CShe fell into the water while sailing a boat.

单选题A: Would you like to have some ice-cream?  B: ______AI’ll say.BI wish I could, but I’m on a diet.CI don’t feel like eating.DMy goodness!