单选题______ rooms are both large and comfortable.AJack’s and Jane’sBJack and Jane’sCJack’s and JaneDJack and Jane

______ rooms are both large and comfortable.

Jack’s and Jane’s


Jack and Jane’s


Jack’s and Jane


Jack and Jane




Jack: Say, Jane, let's go and get a bite to eat.Jane: _________?Jack: How about McDonald's?Jane: Great.A. Where toB. What forC. How toD. Why so

According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex t.__________[A]demonstrates the author’s own view of life[B]shows the popular view of Jack Lindsay[C]offers the author’s opinion of Jack Lindsay[D]indicates Jack Lindsay’s change of attitude

Peter’s jacket looked just the same as Jack’s,but it cost his. A as much twice as B twice as much asC much as twice as D as twice much as

—Someone took my book.—Well, I didn't and ( ). A.nor did JackB.nor Jack didC.Jack did norD.Jack nor did

Jack Ma welcomes competition as it would be helpful to explore one’s full potential.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He told me _____ would come to his birthday party. Amany Jack friendsBmany Jack’s friendCJack’s many friendsDmany friends of Jack’s

Nobody but Jack and Jane ____ made great progress in the class recently. AhaveBhasChadDhas been

It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack ( )be there at any moment.A. mustB. needC. should

Nobody but Jack and Jane () made great progress in the history examination this time. A、haveB、hasC、hadD、has been

Tom: Hey, Jack, what's up?Jack: ____________A、Yes,definitely!B、Oh,not much.C、What is happening in your life?D、You are lucky.

下列语句中,不正确的是______。A.static char a[]={"Jack"};B.static char a[]="Jack";C.printf("%s",a[0]);D.scanf("%s",a);

AIn a small village, there is a teacher, a nurse(护士) ,a driver(司机) and a worker.They are good friends. What are their names? One is Mike, one is Jack, one is Tom and the other is John. Mike's, Jack’s and Tom-s children are classmates. John doesn’t have any children He teaches his friends' children at school. Mike has many hens. He gives the driver and the nurse eggs. Jack's child goes to the nurse- s house. The nurse-s house is beside Jack's.( )21. Are the four people good friends?A. Yes.B. No.C. Not.D. They are brothers.

25. Where is the nurse-s house?A. Behind Mike's.B. Beside Jack's.C. Beside Mike's.D. Under Jack's.

Which of the following is TRUE?A.The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple gotB.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experienceC.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the coupleD.From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture

Which of the following actions contradict what is stated in the ad?A.Jack asking if it's okay to make a follow-up callB.Jack sending his resume by e-mailC.Jack requesting to meet in personD.Jack revealing sensitive information about the food industry

Some people do not like anything to be out of place;they are never late for work;they return their books on time to the library;they remember people's birthdays;and they pay their bills as soon as they arrive.Mr.Hill is such a man.Mr.Hill works in a bank,and lives alone.The only family he has is in the next town:his sister lives there with her husband,and her son,Jack.Mr.Hill does not see his sister,or her family,from one year to the next,but he sends them Christmas cards,and he has not forgotten one of Jack's seventeen birthdays.Last week Mr.Hill had quite a surprise.He drove home from the bank at the usual time,driving neither too slowly nor too fast;he parked his car where he always parked it,out of the way of other cars,and he went inside to make his evening meal.Just then,there was a knock at the door.He opened the door,to find a policeman standing on the door-step."What have I done wrong?"Mr.Hill asked himself."Have I driven on the wrong side of the road?Has there been some trouble at the bank?Have I forgotten to pay an important bill?""Hello,Uncle,"said the policeman,"My name is Jack."Mr.Hill__.A.only remembers one of Jack's seventeenth birthdaysB.always sends Jack something on his birthdayC.has forgotten all of Jack's birthdaysD.has forgotten Jack's seventeenth birthday

Joan is () sister.A、Mary and JackB、Mary’s and Jack’sC、Mary’s and JackD、Mary and Jack’s

如果要把一个用户名jack保存在session对象里,则下列语句正确的是()。A、 session.setAttribute( name, jack );B、 session.setAttribute(“ name” , “jack”);C、 session.setAttribute( “jack”, “ name” );D、 session.setAttribute(“jack”, name );


单选题如果要把一个用户名jack保存在session对象里,则下列语句正确的是()。A session.setAttribute( name, jack );B session.setAttribute(“ name” , “jack”);C session.setAttribute( “jack”, “ name” );D session.setAttribute(“jack”, name );

单选题_____ALook for Jack.BBuy some medicine.CCall for a doctor.DSend Jack to school.

填空题It has been found that the adventurer “Swiftwater” Bill Gates had greatly influenced Jack London’s books.____

单选题What’s the weather like during Jack’s holiday?AIt is snowing.BIt is sunny.CIt is raining.

单选题Joan is () sister.AMary and JackBMary’s and Jack’sCMary’s and JackDMary and Jack’s

单选题— Is Jack on duty today?— It ______ be him, it’s his turn tomorrow.Amustn’tBwon’tCcan’tDneedn’t

单选题_____AThank you.BSorry, he’s not here.CI’m sorry.DMy name is Jack.

问答题Four years ago, Jane was twice as old as Sam. Four years on from now, Sam will be 3/4 of Jane's age. How old is Jane now?