单选题The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.Ahad been onBwas onChas been onDwould be on

The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.

had been on


was on


has been on


would be on




Patience is a quality of heart that can be greatly enhanced with deliberate practice. An effective way that I have found to deepen my own patience is to create actual practice periods periods of time that I set up in my mind to practice the art of patience. Life itself becomes a classroom, and the curriculum is patience. You can start with as little as five minutes and build up your capacity for patience, over time. Start by saying to yourself, Okay, for the next five minutes I won’t allow myself to be bothered by anything. I'll be patient. What you’ll discover is truly amazing. Your intention to be patient, especially if you know it's only for a short while, immediately strengthens your capacity for patience. Patience is one of those special qualities where success feeds on itself.Once you reach little milestones five minutes of successful patience you’ll begin to see that you do, indeed, have the capacity to be patient, even for longer periods of time. Over time, you may even become a patient person.Being patient will help you to keep your perspective. You’ll see even a difficult situation, say your present challenge, isn't life or death but simply a minor obstacle that must be dealt with. Without patience, the same scenario can become a major emergency complete with yelling, frustration, hurt feelings, and high blood pressure. It's really not worth all that. Whether you’re needing to deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation if you don’t want to sweathe small stuff, improving your patience level isa great way to start.(1)The best title for this selection is ________.A、The Art of PatienceB、Patience and PerspectiveC、Become More PatientD、The Effective Ways to Patience(2)Which of the following is not TRUE?A、Creating actual practice periods is the only effective way to deepen patience.B、Our intention may strengthen our capacity for patience.C、Success feeds on patience.D、We can deepen our patience by practice.(3)According to the passage, if we want to be patient, ________.A、we should have 5-minute practice everydayB、we should reach little milestones—five minutes of successful patience firstC、we could create actual practice periods and practiceD、We should be perspective(4)With patience, ________.A、we will see a difficult situation as deathB、we will see a difficulty situation as a minor obstacleC、we can deal with children, your boss, or a difficult person or situation easilyD、we would never be hurt(5)Without patience, when we see the same difficult situation, _______.A、we will cryB、we regard it as a major emergencyC、we will sweatD、we will improve our patience level

The teachers??____________ the office for a few minutes when we arrived. We didn’t meet them.A. had been away from B. had leftC. have been away from D. have left

BJack is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a good student when he was young.He was often late for class and didn’t like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much, but he always thought he under-stood everything..One day the teacher asked the students a question, "When John was ten years old, his brother was twenty. John is fifteen now and how old is his brother?" Jack answered, "That's easy. His brother is twice as old as John, so he is now thirty. "Another time, the teacher in a science class asked, "When it thunders(打雷) , why do we always see the light before we hear the sound? "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "can't you .see our eyes are in front of our ears?"The third time, the teacher in a biology class asked, "Why can fish swim in the water?" "But, Miss White," said Jack quickly, "don't you know fish can-t walk on land?"( )26.Jack was not ________. when he was young.A.strongB.lazyC.cleverD.well

听力原文:W: Oh, no. It's five o'clock already, and I haven't finished my homework.M: Don't worry. That clock is fifteen minutes fast. You still have time to do it.When does this conversation take place?A.At 5:00.B.At 5:15.C.At 4:45.D.At 4:15.

None of us called the police when the two cars collided, ____?A didn’t we B don’t we C did we D do we

It ( ) for the woman to realize that she had spelled my name incorrectly. A.took five minutesB.was five minutesC.had five minutesD.take five minutes

Kate learns chemistry ______ in our class.A: more carefullyB: the most carefullyC: more carefulD: the most careful

27.If we travel by car ,we_________.A. can't travel fifty or one hundred miles a dayB. can-t stop at a hotel to spend the nightC. can make our own timetable 'D. can travel to a very far place in several minutes

He said that he __________(come) back in five minutes.

34. We________ at school at about four twenty-five in the afternoon.A. watch TVB. play gamesC. go homeD. have class

Christine was just a girl in one of my class. I never knew much aboutHer except for that she was strang . she didn’t talk many .her hair was blackand purple, and she worn black sports shoes and a black sweater ,although in thesummer .she was ,infact, rather attractively, and she never seemed ^care whatthe rest if us thought about her .like the rest of my classmate ,I didn’t reallywant to get closest to her . it was only when we did their chemistry projiecttogether that I begin to uanderstand why christine dressed the way she did .__________

Several days ago,some students from the US visited our school. When we talked,l discov-ered (41) differences in school life between the US and China. For example,each class (42) fifty minutes in the US. It is a little (43) than that in China. We usually have forty or forty-five minutes iii each class. Another difference is that they have less break time between (44) .13esides,although most schools in both countries finish their (45) classes at 120 'clock,the students in the US only have an-hour-long break,so they (46) eat lunch quickly. Their af-ternoon classes begin at l:00 pm and school is over (47) 3:00 pm. Then they take part in club activities or play sports.Many Chinese students don't work during their high school years ,while the US students.like to find a part-time job in (48) free time. They don't have a dream job in mind. They think (49) is no difference between jobs. Working is a useful experience for them and they make money at the same time. Some of them even take one-year full time jobs (50 )they leave high school and then go to college.( )41.A. noB. fewC.littleD. some

Only when we hurried to the airport __________the fight was canceled.A.we foundB.did we findC.have we foundD.we have found

If human beings didn't perspire,they would die in five minutes.A:breathe B:eatC:sweat D:drink

When we were young, we ___________ to stay out after 11 o′ clock.A.hadn't allowedB.didn't allowC.weren't allowedD.wouldn't allow

If people didn't perspire,they would die in five minutes.A:breatheB:eatC:sweatD:drink

Five minutes earlier,__.we could have caught the last train.A.andB.butC.orD.so

It( )we had stayed together for a couple of weeks( )I found we had a lot in common. A.was until;when B.was until;that C.wasn’t;when D.wasn’t until;that

单选题Sidney did best in the final chemistry exam in his class, wasn't he?AdidBbestCinDwasn't

单选题We don’t want to speak badly or ______ in front of the class.AclearlyBcarefullyCcarelesslyDproperly

单选题_____AAbout every four minutes.BAbout every five minutes.CAbout every six minutes.DAbout every seven minutes.

问答题How many minutes before midnight is it if one hour ago it was five times as many minutes past 9 pm?

单选题The chemistry class _____ for five minutes when we hurried there.Ahad been onBwas onChas been onDwould be on

单选题AA chemistry experiment.BA study that their chemistry professor did.CA class that the woman is taking.DA job opportunity.

单选题When the violinist finished his performance, the audience stood up and______for five minutes.AactedBclappedCbackedDclosed

单选题We can conclude from the passage that the first train in movie ______.Aappeared more than five minutes longBwas used by an British film makerCgenerated great panic among the first audiencesDroused great excitement

单选题We are told that in a family in about 1900_______.Aseven or eight children lived to be more than tenBfew children died before they were fiveCthe youngest child would be fifteenDfour or five children died when they were five

单选题When the violinist finished his performance, the audience stood up and _____ for five minutes.AactedBclappedCbackedDclosed