单选题A mixture of 45%cetane and 55% alpha-methyl-naphthalene is found to have the same ignition delay as a sample of diesel oil √The sample can be described as having a/an()Acetane number of 55Bcetane number of 45Coctane number of 55Doctane number of 45
A mixture of 45%cetane and 55% alpha-methyl-naphthalene is found to have the same ignition delay as a sample of diesel oil √The sample can be described as having a/an()
cetane number of 55
cetane number of 45
octane number of 55
octane number of 45
Which of the following represents the significance the fuel oil cetane number?A.The cetane number has no affect on injection lagB.The cetane number is an indication of the fuel's viscosityC.Ignition lag is reduced with fuels having a high cetane numberD.The cetane number is of little significance in the combustion process
Voiceactivitydetection(VAD)suppressesthetransmissionofsilencepatterns.Onaverage,andassumingthatalinkcarriesatleast24calls,whatpercentageoftotalbandwidthcouldVADsave?() A.5B.15C.25D.35E.45F.55
女性,60岁,绝经后,阴道不规则流血1年,有手术禁忌证,全身淋巴结(-),子宫孕8周大小,余(-),分段取内膜,宫腔深8cm,病理:(宫颈管及子宫内膜)中分化腺癌。若选择放疗,腔内放疗A点、F点剂量范围宜为( )A、A点35~40Gy,F点40~45GyB、A点40~45Gy,F点45~50GyC、A点45~50Gy,F点45~50GyD、A点50~55Gy,F点45~50GyE、A点50~55Gy,F点60~65Gy
单选题WHO推荐的EF正常值是( )。ALⅦF>45%,RVEF>45%BLVEF>50%,RVEF>40%CLVEF>55%,RVEF>55%DLVEF>40%,RVEF>50%ELVEF>50%,RVEF>50%
单选题Which of the following statements is true concerning the cetane number of diesel fuel?()AThe cetane number affects the amount of injection lagBThe cetane number is an indication of the fuels viscosityCIgnition lag is reduced with fuels having a high cetane numberDThe cetane number is of little significance in the combustion process
单选题The cetane number rates fuels for diesel engines according to its ()Aantiknock characteristicsBignition qualitiesCrates of vaporizationDviscosity
单选题The cetane number of a diesel fuel oil indicates its()AViscosityBacid contentCheating valueDignition quality
单选题更年期是指( )。A女性50~55岁,男性50~60岁B女性45~55岁,男性50~60岁C女性45~55岁,男性45~60岁D女性45~60岁,男性45~55岁E女性45~60岁,男性50~60岁
单选题Which of the following represents the significance the fuel oil cetane number?()AThe cetane number has no affect on injection lagBThe cetane number is an indication of the fuel’s viscosityCIgnition lag is reduced with fuels having a high cetane numberDThe cetane number is of little significance in the combustion
单选题The explosive range of a mixture of flammable vapors is specified as a percentage of ().Aflammable vapor by volume in airBoxygen present to support combustionCthe temperature of the flash pointDthe lower limit of explosibility of the mixture