单选题()the captain said is reasonable.AThatBItCWhichDWhat

()the captain said is reasonable.









解析: 暂无解析


What is Captain von Trapp’s first name?() A.RalphB.HerbertC.MaxD.Georg

It was so easy and _______ so reasonable. A. in a wayB.in the wayC.in this wayD.by the way

They cheered the captain and carried him off the field on their _____. A.breastsB.armsC.backsD.shoulders

-Is it possible to find alternative payment terms for this order? -__________________________ A I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit. ;B No, I think the price is reasonable. ;C I can’t be of any help in this respect.

They elected him ( ). A、the captain of the teamB、the captain of teamC、captain of the teamD、captain of a team

Can I take your order, madam?().A. Yes. I'd like an Italian soup to start with.B. Yes, it's as quiet as we expected.C. No, the price's reasonable.

船长想见引水员。A.The pilot wants to see the captain.B.The captain wants to see the helmsman.C.The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D.The captain wants to see the pilot.

Betty’s suggestion that you () once more sounds reasonable. A、tryB、triesC、must tryD、can try

The house isn't big enough for a family of four, and ___, the price is not reasonable. A. even thoughB. furthermoreC. thereforeD. however


If during discharging the Captain for fear of vessel being frozen in deems it advisable to leave, he has liberty to do so. This sentence says that ________ .A.fearing the vessel being frozen in the Captain has liberty to discharge the cargoB.the vessel can stop discharging and leave the unloading port if the risk of being frozen in exists.C.the Captain has liberty to leave the discharging port if there is no risk of being frozen inD.the Captain deems it advisable to leave the discharging port

Is this the motel mentioned?()AIt looks comfortable.BYes, it‘s as quiet as we expected.CYou‘re so considerate.DNo, the price‘s reasonable.

Is this the motel mentioned?()A、It looks comfortable.B、Yes, it‘s as quiet as we expected.C、You‘re so considerate.D、No, the price‘s reasonable.

船长想见引水员。()A、The pilot wants to see the captain.B、The captain wants to see the helmsman.C、The chief officer wants to see the pilot.D、The captain wants to see the pilot.

(EMB145)在什么时候captain DAP上的EMER按钮被选择()A、captain只与COM1,NAV1连接B、观察员通过无线电的通讯丢失C、以上都对

单选题船长想见引水员。()AThe pilot wants to see the captain.BThe captain wants to see the helmsman.CThe chief officer wants to see the pilot.DThe captain wants to see the pilot.

单选题Captain Ahab is a character in which of the following works?AMoby DickB“O Captain, My Captain”CThe Gilded AgeDWalden

单选题()the captain said is reasonable.AThatBItCWhichDWhat

单选题Is this the motel mentioned?()AIt looks comfortable.BYes, it‘s as quiet as we expected.CYou‘re so considerate.DNo, the price‘s reasonable.

单选题The captain is in()command of the ship.AoverallBoverCallDtask

单选题The captain of the ship _____ the passengers that there was no danger.AassuredBensuredCsecuredDinsured

单选题Let’s()the captain’s cabin first.Ago onBgo toCintoDgoing

单选题The captain is not on().AaboardBboardCboardingDashore

单选题The captain wants to see the ().Achief officerBsecond officerCthird officerDcarpenter

单选题When the order given by bridge may have bad results, the duty engineer should()Ainform the captain for a further consideration, then perform itBinform the captain, and not perform itCstop the M/E immediately, and then inform the chief engineerDstop the M/E immediately, and then inform the captain

单选题Captain said that very clearly so that nobody was in any()about what was meant.AdoubtBquestionCwonderDconsideration

单选题Captain said that very clearly so that nobody was in any()about what was meant?AdoubtBquestionCwonderDconsideration

单选题我们船长现在很忙。()AOur captain is busy with his work.BOur chief officer is busy with his work.COur captain is very busy now.DOur third officer is busy with his work.