单选题______Avariety Bamusement Csundries Dfun












Disney is an amusement park _____you can find all the normal attractions and Disney movies and characters.A. which B. where C. that D. when

[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight

下列程序中画线处应填入的语句是class Base{public:void fun(){cout ”Base of fun”};class Derived:public Base{void fun(){//显示基类的成员函数funcout ”Derived of fun”};A.fun();B.Base. fun();C.Base::fun();D.Base- fun-:

下列程序段中包含4个函数,其中具有隐含this指针的是( )。 int funl(); class Test{ public: int fun2(); friend int fun3(); static int fun4(); };A.fun1B.fun2C.fun3D.fun4

They recommended that the amusement park()A. was extendedB. will be extendedC. be extended

有如下程序 include using namespace std;int i=1;class Fun {public:static int i;i 有如下程序 #include <iostream>using namespace std;int i=1;class Fun {public:static int i;int value(){ return i-1;}int value()const{ return i+1;}};int Fun:: i=2;int main() {int i=3;Fun fun1;const Fun fun2;______________________return ();}若程序的输出结果是:123A.cout<<fun1.value()<<Fun:: i<<fun2.value();B.cout<<Fun::i<<fun1.value()<<fun2.value();C.cout<<fun1. value()<<fun2.value()<<Fun:: i;D.cout<<fun2.value()<<Fun:: i<<fun 1.value();

设函数fun的定义形式为: vold fun (char ch, float x){……} 则以下对函数fun的调用语句中,正确的是( )。A.fun("abc",3.0);B.t=fun('D',16.5);C.fun('65',2.8);D.fun(32,32);

有以下函数定义: int fun(double a,doubleB){return a*b;} 若以下选项中所用变量都已正确定义并赋值,错误的函数调用是( )。A.if(fun(x,y)){……}B.z=fun(fun(x,y),fun(x,y));C.z=fun(fun(x,y)x,y);D.fun(x,y);

下列程序中画线处应填入的语句是 class Base { public: void fun(){cout<<"Base of fun"<<end1:} }; class Derived:public Base { void fun() { _______//显示基类的成员函数fun cout<<"Derived of fun"<<end1; } };A.fun();B.Base.fun();C.Base∷fun();D.Base- >fun();

下列程序中横线处应填入的语句是( )。 Class Base { public: roid fun(){cout<<“Base of fun”<<endl;) }; class Derived:public Base { void fun() { //显示基类的成员函数fun cout<<“Derived Of fun”<<endl; } };A.fun();B.Base.fun();C.Base::fun();D.Base->fun();

下列重载函数中,正确的是( )。A.void fun(int a,float b);void fun(int C,float d)B.void fun(int a,float b);void fun(float a,int b)C.float fun(int a,float b);int fun(int b,float a)D.int fun(int a,int b);float fun(int a,int b)

有如下程序: #includeiostream using namespace std; classBase{ public: void fun{ __________________ cout”Base::fun”endl;} }; class Derived:public Base{ public: voidfun{ cout”Derived::fun”endl: } }; int main{ Derived d; A fun; return 0; } 已知其执行后的输出结果为: Base::fun Derived::fun 则程序中下画线处应填入的语句是( )。A. Base.fun;B.Base::fun;C.Base—fun;D.fun;

下面的方法重载,正确的是()。A、int fun(int a, float b) { } float fun(int a, float b) { }B、float fun(int a, float b) { } float fun(int x, float y) { }C、float fun(float a) { }  float fun(float a, float b) { }D、float fun1(int a, float b) { } float fun2(int a, float b) { }

下面函数原型中,()声明了fun为纯虚函数。A、void fun()=0;B、virtual void fun()=0;C、virtual void fun();D、virtual void fun(){};

有说明语句int a[10];void fun(int*,int n);调用函数的正确语句是()A、fun(a,10);B、fun(a[0],10);C、fun(*a,10);D、fun(a,10);

设函数fun的定义形式为void fun(char ch,float x){……}则以下对函数fun的调用语句中,正确的是()A、fun("abc",3.0);B、t=fun(’D’,16.5);C、fun(’65’,2.8);D、fun(32,32);

单选题下列重载函数中,正确的是(  )。Avoid fun(int a,float b);void fun(int C,float d)Bvoid fun(int a,float b);void fun(float a,int b)Cfloat fun(int a,float b);int fun(int b,float a)Dint fun(int a,int b);float fun(int a,int b)

单选题若有函数定义:double fun(int a[10]){...},则在对该函数进行原型声明时,错误的声明语句是()Adouble fun(int[])Bdouble fun(intb[10])Cdouble fun(inta)Ddouble fun(int*a)

单选题在应用程序中用Private Function fun(x As Integer,y AsInteger)定义了函数fun,调用函数fun的过程中的变量I,J均定义为Integer型,能正确引用函数fun的是()。 ①fun(I,J) ②Callfun(I,3.65) ③fun(3.14,234) ④fun(245,231.5)A①③B②③④C①②③D①②③④

单选题Contrary to popular belief, not every snake with reddish or brownish scales is a copperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistaken for copperheads.Acopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistakenBcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that are frequently mistookCcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistookDcopperhead; there is a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistakeEcopperhead; a wide variety of perfectly harmless snakes that people frequently mistake


单选题已知函数fun的原型为int fun(int,int,int);下列重载函数原型中错误的是(  )。Achar fun(int,int);Bdouble fun(int,int,double);Cint fun(int,char*);Dfloat fun(int,int,int);

单选题It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park. It was _____ journey.Athree hourBa three-hoursCa three-hourDthree hours

单选题下面函数原型中,()声明了fun为纯虚函数。Avoid fun()=0;Bvirtual void fun()=0;Cvirtual void fun();Dvirtual void fun(){};

单选题下面的方法重载,正确的是()。Aint fun(int a, float b) { } float fun(int a, float b) { }Bfloat fun(int a, float b) { } float fun(int x, float y) { }Cfloat fun(float a) { }  float fun(float a, float b) { }Dfloat fun1(int a, float b) { } float fun2(int a, float b) { }

单选题以下程序的主函数中调用了在其前面定义的函数fun:#include…main(){ doublea[15],k; k=fun(a); …}则以下选项中错误的fun函数首部是(  )。Adouble fun(double a[15])Bdouble fun(double*a)Cdouble fun(double a[])Ddouble fun(double a)

单选题有语句typedef double funt(double);funt fun13,fun14,*pfun;则以下不正确的赋值语句是()Apfun=fun13;Bpfun=fun14;Cpfun=*fun13;Dfun13=fun14;

单选题I took my daughter to the amusement park last Sunday. ______! We had together there.AWhat good timeBWhat a good timeCHow good timeDHow a good