单选题The force resulting from the earth’s rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called().Apressure gradientBCoriolis effectCaurora borealisDballistic deflection

The force resulting from the earth’s rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called().

pressure gradient


Coriolis effect


aurora borealis


ballistic deflection


解析: 暂无解析


What do we know about golf from the passage?A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain.B. It causes water shortages around the world.C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.D. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

What do we know about golf from the passage?A. It is popular in Portugal and SpainB. It causes water shortages around the worldC. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastesD. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green

High-speed rotation in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force ______the force of gravity.A.many thousand times larger thanB.the same asC.many thousand times smaller thanD.which has nothing to do with

While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel's stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?A.Notify the engineroom of the need for propulsionB.Shut down any cargo transfer that's in progressC.Let go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chainD.Obtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out

The carrier shall not be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods occurred during the period of carrier's responsibility arising or resulting from any of the following causes except ______.A.Fire,unless caused by the actual fault of the carrierB.Force majeure and perils,dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable watersC.War or armed conflictD.Intentional misconducts by the crew members on board the ship against the carrier

Neither the carrier nor the ship be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from following causes except ______.A.Act of public enemiesB.Arrest or restraint of princes,rulers or people,or seizure under legal processC.Quarantine restrictionsD.any personal misconduct with or without carrier's privity

共用题干Where Did the Earth's Water Come From?Earth is located within the"snow line"of the solar system,the region closest to the Sun where H2 0 is primarily in liquid or gaseous form,if at all.______(46)The snow line phenomena is reflected in the water content of planets like Mercury,Venus,and Mars. Water is absent on Mercury.On Venus,H2O only exists as a trace element in the atmosphere.Mars only has a thin veneer of ice in its polar regions.In general,water is rare within the snow line.Why does Earth have so much water relative to the other inner planets?71%of the surface is covered in the oceans,more than half of which is deeper than 3,000 meters,with an approximate total volume of 1.3 billion cu km.______(47)There are various theories as to where all the Earth's water came from,but several theories have fared better than the others.______(48)When the Earth was in the process of forming,with a radius just 40%smaller than at present,it would have had enough gravity to hold on to a tenuous atmosphere with water vapor. The first water vapor on the planet would have come from the planet's internals,where volatile(low weight)chemicals would have a tendency to float to the top,and heavy chemicals(iron and nickel)would sink.Though the first of Earth's water came about through volcanism,this alone probably didn't produce enough to form stable pools on the surface.______(49)Comparing the isotope ratios of water on Earth and water from comets and asteroids has revealed that the majority of the Earth's water comes from asteroids.Throughout its history,Earth's water has increased in volume due to biological processes. In the early seas of Earth,hydrogen sulfide would have been in great supply,which,when reacted with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis in sulfide-reducing bacteria,would have produced hydrogen,sulfur,and water.______(50)________(49)A: More water was added to the planet during several hypothesized large impacts from asteroids from the outer asteroid belt.B:We know that the oceans existed as early as 100 million years after the formation of the Earth.C:Still,the oceans only make up 0.023%of the Earth's total mass.D:Astronomers say Earth s water may have come from space.E:The snow line is located in the outerasteroid belt,between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. F: Many geologists believe that the majority of Earth's water generated through this process.

单选题While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s bow lines to part.The bow begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available.Which measure(s)should you take FIRST().ACall the Master and the deck gangBSlip the stern lines,let the vessel drift into the river,and then anchorCLet go the starboard anchorDObtain assistance and attempt to put some new bow lines out

单选题Deviation is caused by().Achanges in the earth's magnetic fieldBnearby magnetic land masses or mineral depositsCmagnetic influence inherent to that particular vesselDthe magnetic lines of force not coinciding with the lines of longitude

单选题Compass deviation is caused by().Amagnetism from the earth's magnetic fieldBmisalignment of the compassCmagnetism within the vesselDa dirty compass housing

单选题The magnetic compass magnets are acted on by the horizontal component of the Earth’s total magnetic force. This magnetic force is GREATEST at the().Anorth magnetic poleBsouth magnetic poleCmagnetic prime vertical meridianDmagnetic equator

单选题The intensity of an earthquake depends on _____.Athe movements of the earth's shellBwhere it takes placeCthe injuries it causesDhow far away it is from a city

单选题Sidewise force of the propeller tends to throw a vessel’s stern to the right or left,depending on rotation. This force is caused by().Aback current from the rudderBgreater pressure on the right or left side of the propeller,depending on rotationClower pressure on the right or left side of the propeller,depending on rotationDtorque from the velocity and angle at which the surrounding water impinges upon the propeller blades

单选题As observed from the Earth,the angle between lines from the Earth to the Sun and the Earth to an inferior planet is known as().AelongationBconjunctionCoppositionDquadrature

单选题What is the role the T5 plays?AThrottles up and down to counteract the buffeting from air molecules.BFeels the subtle variations in Earth’s tug.CHelps accelerometers surive the launchDProvides powerful force to counteract the drag on Goce.

单选题The force resulting from the earth’s rotation that causes winds to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere is called().APressure gradientBCoriolis effectCAurora borealisDBallistic deflection

单选题The direction of the surface wind is().Adirectly from high pressure toward low pressureBdirectly from low pressure toward high pressureCfrom high pressure toward low pressure deflected by the earth's rotationDfrom low pressure toward high pressure deflected by the earth's rotation

单选题To absorb the wear resulting from impeller rotation and abrasives in the liquid, a centrifugal pump is usually fitted with ().Alantern ringsBbearingsCeasing volutesDwearing rings

单选题High-speed rotation in a centrifugal purifier can produce a force () the force of gravity.Amany thousand times larger thanBthe same asCmany thousand times smallerDnone of the above

单选题On the pole side of the high pressure belt in each hemisphere,the pressure diminishes. The winds along these gradients are diverted by the Earth’s rotation toward the east and are known as the().Ageostrophic windsBdoldrumsChorse latitudesDprevailing westerlies

单选题What is the basic principle of the magnetic compass().AMagnetic materials of the same polarity repel each other and those of opposite polarity attractBThe Earth's magnetic lines of force are parallel to the surface of the EarthCMagnetic meridians connect points of equal magnetic variationDThe compass needle(s)will,when properly compensated,lie parallel to the isogonic lines of the Earth

单选题The gyrocompass error resulting from your vessel’s movement in OTHER than an east-west direction is called().Adamping errorBballistic deflectionCquadrantal errorDspeed error

单选题We learn from the passage that ______.Aall living things on the earth depend on the sun for their foodBa forest looks dark in winter because it absorbs solar energyConly 0.023 of the energy from the sun is made use of on the earthDgreenhouse gases allow heat energy to escape from the earth’ s surface

单选题The approximate positions of the stars are based on sidereal time,which is based upon rotation of the Earth relative to().Awinter solsticeBautumnal equinoxCsummer solsticeDvernal equinox

单选题The directive force of a gyrocompass().Aincreases with latitude,being maximum at the geographic polesBdecreases with latitude,being maximum at the geographic equatorCis greatest when a vessel is near the Earth's magnetic equatorDremains the same at all latitudes

单选题While your vessel is docked port side to a wharf,a sudden gale force wind causes the vessel’s stern lines to part. The stern begins to fall away from the dock,and no tugs are immediately available. Which measure(s) should you take FIRST?()ANotify the engineroom of the need for propulsionBShut down any cargo transfer that's in progressCLet go the port anchor and veer to a short scope of chainDObtain assistance from the terminal to put new stern lines out

单选题From the text we learn that the laser can ______.Acut a structure from a right positionBdesign parts of a complex structureCmeasure the distance between planetsDpredict the movement of earth’s plates

单选题The transition of the Earth’s magnetic field is possibly caused by _____.Athe flows of melted iron inside the EarthBthe periodical movement of the EarthCthe mechanical energy of the solar systemDthe force coming from outer space