单选题These are points that describe the contents of different memory components:  1: Descriptive information or metadata about schema objects that are queried by using SQL statements  2: The run-time area for data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) statements  3: Results of SQL queries and PL/SQL functions  4: Executable forms of SQL cursors, PL/SQL programs, and Java classes  5: The information necessary to reconstruct changes made to the database by a transaction  Which of these will be stored in theShared Poolif the necessary configurations are done()A1 and 2B2 and 5C1,3,and 4D3,4,and 5E1,2,3,and 4

These are points that describe the contents of different memory components:  1: Descriptive information or metadata about schema objects that are queried by using SQL statements  2: The run-time area for data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) statements  3: Results of SQL queries and PL/SQL functions  4: Executable forms of SQL cursors, PL/SQL programs, and Java classes  5: The information necessary to reconstruct changes made to the database by a transaction  Which of these will be stored in theShared Poolif the necessary configurations are done()

1 and 2


2 and 5


1,3,and 4


3,4,and 5


1,2,3,and 4


解析: 暂无解析


() is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, disorientation, confusion, etc.) felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a different country or a different state than where they live.A、Cultural shockB、Culture surpriseC、AcculturationD、Unsuccessful communication

●Different quality factors of software can be reflected upon user's different points of view,through product running,product modification and product transformation.Of the following properties,which one is connected with product running? (67) .Ⅰ.CorrectnessⅡ.RobustnessⅢ.re-use(67) A.ⅠB.ⅡC.Ⅰ,ⅡD.以上都是

Now more people are buying lottery tickets. Study the following charts carefully and write an article on the topic of lottery. In your article, you should cover the following points: 1) describe the phenomenon; 2) analyze the phenomenon, and give your comments on it. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

(b) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act contains provisions for the attestation (verification) and reporting to shareholders ofinternal controls over financial reporting.Required:Describe the typical contents of an external report on internal controls. (8 marks)

Part BDirections:In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

Different quality factors of software can be reflected upon user's different points of view, through product running, product modification and product transformation. Of the following properties, which one is connected with product running?(67).Ⅰ. correctnessⅡ. robustnessⅢ. re-useA.ⅠB.ⅡC.Ⅰ, ⅡD.以上都是

Assuming we had a continuous feed of data that was being piped intosite, and it needed to distributed to up to 10 different machines inreal time. Describe at least one method you would use?

What are the contents of a scheduler?() A.A scheduler contains parameters that describe how a queue should be serviced.B.A scheduler contains traffic that is ready to be transmitted.C.A scheduler contains forwarding classes that allow traffic to be forwarded.D.A scheduler contains a map between the classification of a packet and its forwarding class.

Directions:In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

Which of the following materials is not appropriate for a teacher to use in listening practice?A.Materials with different dialects.B.Comprehensible authentic materials.C.Materials with comprehensible new words for students.D.Materials with contents beyond students’ comprehension capacity.

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and(3)give your comments You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and h(3)give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANS WER SHEET.(20 points)

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following picture.In your essay,you should(1)describe the picture briefly(2)interpret the meaning,and(3)give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)

One of the factors that tend to promote social change is__________.A.joint interestB.different points of viewC.less emotional peopleD.advanced technology

二、考题解析【教案】Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: Students will master the words “long, small,short, ears, eyes mouth,tail...”Ability aim: Students can get the key information about rabbit and use the words to describe other animals.Emotional aim: Students will improve their interest in English.Teaching Key Points:Students can understand the meaning of the words“long, small short” and use them to describe other animals.Teaching Difficult Points:Cultivate students awareness of loving animals and protecting animals.Teaching Methods:TPR teaching method, Communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method.Teaching Aids:Pictures, Blackboard and so on.Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Warming up1.Greetings2.Let students guess a riddle about rabbits. (Teacher need to make some actions to help students guess the answer- rabbit) and then lead in the topic “A rabbit”.Step 2: Pre-reading1. Show Students different pictures of rabbits to let students discover the common points.2. Invite two students to try to describe rabbits in their own words.3. Teach students these words “ tail, mouth ,ears,eyes”Step 3: While-reading1.Let students read the sentences and circle the words that are used to describe rabbits and invite one student to share.2.Read them again and find out what part of the rabbits do they describe? After that,invite two students to write and draw a picture on the blackboard.Step 4: Post-readingMake a survey: Let students work in group of four. They’ll be given 15 minutes to ask each other about what are they favorite animals and fill in the survey table. After that, invite some students to share their survey result by intimating the animals in front of the blackboard.Step 5: Summary & HomeworkSummary: Invite a student to be a small teacher, to make a summary about what we have learned today.Homework: Draw a picture of your favorite animals and share it to your friends.

What term is used to describe the process where one frame is placed into a different type of frame?()A、FramingB、De-encapsulationC、EncapsulationD、De-framingE、None of the above


The price of Cisco Small Business Pro Service is based on the complexity of the device that is being covered. How many different price points for these devices are available?()A、3B、4C、5D、6

What are the contents of a scheduler?()A、A scheduler contains parameters that describe how a queue should be serviced.B、A scheduler contains traffic that is ready to be transmitted.C、A scheduler contains forwarding classes that allow traffic to be forwarded.D、A scheduler contains a map between the classification of a packet and its forwarding class.

单选题What are the contents of a scheduler?()AA scheduler contains parameters that describe how a queue should be serviced.BA scheduler contains traffic that is ready to be transmitted.CA scheduler contains forwarding classes that allow traffic to be forwarded.DA scheduler contains a map between the classification of a packet and its forwarding class.

单选题“lover-leafing”is a term used to describe corrosive wear at several separate points around liner circumference- iein some cases the liner bore may assume a “clover-leaf”shape()AtransverseBlongitudinalCcircumferentialDradial

单选题The author of the passage is primarily concerned with _____.Asummarizing a thesisBrecommending a different approachCcomparing points of viewDmaking a series of predictions

单选题These are points that describe the contents of different memory components:  1: Descriptive information or metadata about schema objects that are queried by using SQL statements  2: The run-time area for data manipulation language (DML) or data definition language (DDL) statements  3: Results of SQL queries and PL/SQL functions  4: Executable forms of SQL cursors, PL/SQL programs, and Java classes  5: The information necessary to reconstruct changes made to the database by a transaction  Which of these will be stored in theShared Poolif the necessary configurations are done()A1 and 2B2 and 5C1,3,and 4D3,4,and 5E1,2,3,and 4

单选题What term is used to describe the process where one frame is placed into a different type of frame?()AFramingBDe-encapsulationCEncapsulationDDe-framingENone of the above

单选题RFC 3270 describes Differentiated Services (Diff-Serv) over Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)networks. Which model alters Differentiated Services (Diff-Serv) code points set in different DifferentiatedServices (Diff-Serv) domain?()AUniform modelBPipe ModelCShort PipeDNone of the above will alter Differentiated Services(Diff-Serv)code points set in different DifferentiatedServices(Diff-Serv)domain

单选题In which voyage, between two points, is the rhumb line distance not approximately the same as the great circle distance?().AThe two points are in low latitudes in the same hemisphereBThe two points are in high latitudes in the same hemisphereCThe two points are near the equator, but in different hemispheresDOne point is near the equator, one point is in a high latitude, and both are near the 180th meridian

单选题The price of Cisco Small Business Pro Service is based on the complexity of the device that is being covered. How many different price points for these devices are available?()A3B4C5D6

单选题A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due to().Airregularities in the daily rotational rate of the SunBthe space motion of the solar systemCthe precession of the equinoxesDthe use of different reference points