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炭疽是由炭疽杆菌引起的人畜共患性传染病。( )此题为判断题(对,错)。

人类常见的炭疽病是( )A、皮肤炭疽B、肺炭疽C、肠炭疽D、肝炭疽E、脑膜炎炭疽

死于炭疽或疑似炭疽的动物尸体严禁解剖。( )此题为判断题(对,错)。

炭疽 名词解释

烟草炭疽病 名词解释

人感染炭疽有皮肤炭疽、肺炭疽、肠炭疽三种类型。( )此题为判断题(对,错)。

共用题干What Is Anthrax(炭疽)?There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately.Some people are worried that anthrax may be connected to terrorist attacks or that terrorists may spread the germ that _______(1)the disease.Federal officials and police are investigating this and taking________(2)to protect us.In the meantime,it's important not to panic over anthrax.The chances that you and your family________(3)at risk are very tiny.One of the ways you can feel better is to learn about anthrax.When you know what it is and________(4)you can get it,it doesn't seem quite as scary.So,what _______(5)is anthrax?Here are the facts on anthrax:Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by a germ.Although it's most common in farm _______(6),like sheep,cows,pigs,horses,and goats,there's a very small chance that people can get it,too.Anthrax spores(抱子)(a version of the germ in a protective shell that can live in the soil for years)cause the disease.People may get anthrax if they are exposed to anthrax_______(7).But here's the important part:just being exposed to these spores doesn't mean that a person will get ________(8).For a person to get sick,he would have to breathe in thousands of these spores all the way into his________(9).Or he'd have to eat meat contaminated with anthrax orhandle_______(10)that has anthrax spores.This may sound scary,but even whena person comes______(11)contact with the spores,it's unlikely that he'll get sick._________(12)the bacteria do not get into the skin,digestive tract,or lung,thedisease won't develop.Anthrax is not spread from person to person the way the flu can spread from familymember to_________(13)member or classmate to classmate.Anthrax can almost always be successfully treated with antibiotics(抗生素).Anthrax is very rare.Until recently,anthrax wasn't even talked about because it was so rare一and it still________(14)!Even with all of the anthrax cases you are hearing about right now,a person's chances of getting anthrax are about the______(15)as they were before you heard about anthrax on the news一very,very low._________(15) A:case B: same C:rate D: score

共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. It is not easy to tell anthrax from flu in the early days of the infection.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned

共用题干Flu Shots Or Not?It sounded like a good idea when New York City's mayor,Rudollph Giuliani,advised New Yorkers recently to get a flu shot.After all,20,000 Americans each year die of influenza. And this year in particular,the mayor suggested,getting a flu shot might be an especially good idea, since it could help doctors distinguish between flu and the deadly inhalational(吸入的)form of anthrax(炭疽).How? Both anthrax and flu exhibit strikingly similar symptoms-fever, chills and muscle aches-in the early days of the infection.Physicians would be quick to suspect anthrax in anyone who was vaccinated(接种疫苗)against flu and still developed fever and chills. That would give them a better chance to identify any new victims of terror while their infection was still in its earliest,most treatable stages.Or so the mayor's reasoning went. Unfortunately,there are a couple of problems with his log-ic .For one thing,getting vaccinated against influenza doesn't guarantee you won't get sick .Al-though highly effective,the flu vaccine(疫苗)protects against only the dominant types of the dis-ease and even then does not provide 100% protection.It takes a couple of weeks for your body to respond to the vaccine with a sufficient number of antibodies(抗体).Each year thousands ofAmericans who get the vaccine nevertheless still get the flu.There are also plenty of reasons you might develop fever,chills and muscle aches that have nothing to do with either anthrax or flu .Indeed,doctors estimate that more than 80%of all flu-like illnesses each winter are caused by other groups of viruses.Getting vaccinated against flu can't protect you against suffering from these other illnesses.In the worst case,asking all healthy adults to get vaccinated could actually have the opposite effect to the one intended,leading to even more deaths if it means we run out of shots for those who are most vulnerable to the infection.Already there have been delays in getting this year's shipment of vaccine to clinics and doctor's offices.Those who should be at the front of the line in-clude folks who are 65 or older,nursing-home residents and adults and children with chronic health problems as well as anyone who cares for or lives with such people .Flu shots are also im- portant for men and women whose immune system is weakened by HIV(艾滋病病毒)or other conditions.The best reason to get the flu vaccine is that it proteets against most flus-not that you're worried about getting anthrax.While inhalational anthrax has killed only five people so far,many more could be at risk from flu-related complications.There's no need to worsen the tragedy by making this year's influenza epidemic any worse. People who care for those most vulnerable to the influenza infection needn't get flu shots.A: RightB: WrongC: Not mentioned








名词解释题炭疽杆菌tàn jū gǎn jūn


名词解释题炭疽杆菌 tàn jū ɡǎn jūn







