单选题The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()Areceiving spaceBshipping spaceCreceive areaDcollecting area

The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()

receiving  space 


shipping space  


receive area 


collecting area


解析: 暂无解析


20 IAS 2 Inventories defines the extent to which overheads are included in the cost of inventories of finished goods.Which of the following statements about the IAS 2 requirements in this area are correct?1 Finished goods inventories may be valued on the basis of labour and materials cost only, without including overheads.2 Carriage inwards, but not carriage outwards, should be included in overheads when valuing inventories of finished goods.3 Factory management costs should be included in fixed overheads allocated to inventories of finished goods.A All three statements are correctB 1 and 2 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD 2 and 3 only

-Can we discuss the question of commodity inspection? - ________ A OK. As an integral part of the contract, the inspection of goods is particularly important. ;B We would prefer to re-inspect goods at the unloading port. ;C But there might be some dispute over the results of inspection.

We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area()moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned. A、onB、withC、forD、in

At common law,the master,as agent of ______,has the right to land or warehouse unclaimed goods.A.ChartererB.ShipownerC.cargo ownerD.shipper

Door-to-door services refer to carriers()goods in the shippers'and consignees' warehouse.A、sendingB、deliveringC、pickingupanddeliveringD、shipping


翻译:Warehouse to Warehouse Clause()

装卸线 loading-unloading track

()is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods. A、CraneB、pallet truckC、Fork liftD、Fork lift truck

卸车站 unloading station

A forwarder can perform routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, etc.on behalf of ().A、the importerB、the exporterC、the consignorD、the pilot

下列哪些术语与仓库有关()A、Automatic Warehouse(自动化仓库)B、Stereoscopic Warehouse(立体仓库)C、Boned Warehouse(保税仓库)D、Chill space(冷藏区)

The area for unloading goods in warehouse is()A、receiving spaceB、shipping spaceC、receive areaD、collecting area

()is the place to store the goods imported without paying duty and under customs’ supervision.A、boned warehouseB、Exported warehouseC、Imported warehouseD、Customs warehouse

he area for unloading goods in warehouse is()A、receiving spaceB、shipping spaceC、receive areaD、collecting area

英译中:Loading and unloading

Your customer has deployed a cisco wireless location appliance within its warehouse  environment. however, employees there have been experiencing problems when tracking objects using active rfid tags. you use an access point scan to determine if the location appliance has been deployed correctly. Making which change to warehouse deployment location services will most likely correct the problem?()A、ensure channels are deployed such that they do not overlapB、allow for the automatic containment of rogue access pointsC、ensure each area is covered by a minimum of three access pointsD、ensure a minimum rssi value of -50

仓库 warehouse

填空题翻译:Warehouse to Warehouse Clause()

单选题Which of the following most closely parallels the situation described in the first sentence of the text?AAlthough a town reduces its public services in order to avoid a tax increase, the town’s tax rate exceeds that of other towns in the surrounding area.BAlthough a state.passes strict laws to limit the type of toxic material that can be disposed of in public landfills, illegal dumping continues to increase.CAlthough a town’s citizens reduce their individual use of water, the town’s water supplies continue to dwindle, because of a steady increase in the total populating of the town.DAlthough a country attempts to increase the sale of domestic goods by adding a tax to the price of imported goods, the sate of imported goods within the country continues to increase.

单选题A ship is responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded().Aonly when the cargo is within its railBafter the cargo is checked by tallymenCas soon as the cargo loading or unloading beginsDduring the time when loading or unloading is going on

单选题() is the place to store the goods imported or in transit, without paying under custom’s supervisionABoned warehouseBExported warehouseCImported warehouseDCustoms warehouse

单选题()is the place to store the goods in ported or in transit without paying duty under custom’s supervision .ABoned warehouseBExported warehouseCImported warehouseDcustomer warehouse

名词解释题装卸(Loading and Unloading)

名词解释题卸车站 unloading station

多选题A forwarder can perform routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, etc.on behalf of ().Athe importerBthe exporterCthe consignorDthe pilot

单选题At common law,the master,as agent of(),has the right to land or warehouse unclaimed goods.AChartererBShipownerCcargo ownerDshipper

多选题下列哪些术语与仓库有关()AAutomatic Warehouse(自动化仓库)BStereoscopic Warehouse(立体仓库)CBoned Warehouse(保税仓库)DChill space(冷藏区)