单选题Multiple ChoiceThe history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ()A1620B1607C1776

Multiple ChoiceThe history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ()







解析: 暂无解析


We may infer from the second paragraph that[A] DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.[B] in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.[C] historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson’s life.[D] political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history.

Harry: I hate history.Susan: I don't. (57) I'm reading about the Romans.

We may infer from the second paragraph thatA.DNA technology has been widely applied to history research.B.in its early days the U.S. was confronted with delicate situations.C.historians deliberately made up some stories of Jefferson's life.D.political compromises are easily found throughout the U.S. history.

The Romantic Period, one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of ______________ to the outbreak of ____________. A.the 17th century … the American War of IndependenceB.the 18th century … the American Civil WarC.the 17th century … the American Civil WarD.the 18th century … the U.S.– Mexican War

How did John face this complaint() A. He denied ( 否认) this problem.B. He didn’t want to give a reply.C. He agreed to look into this problem seriously.

If your business with us had been carried on to our satisfaction,we ()to renew the Agency Agreement.A、should have agreedB、had agreedC、shall agreeD、already agreed

_____, boys like footballs.A: Generally speakingB: General speakingC: Generally spokenD: Speaking generally

Generally speaking, the U.S. economy consists of three sectors: the market sector, the corporate sector and the public sector.()

Generally a hard disk drive has multiple disks, known as (). A.CartridgesB.Spindle motorsC.SectorsD.Platters

A.team is( )just a group of people who happen to work together.Teamwork takes practice and it involves special skills.Teams require common processes;they need agreed-upon goals;and they need effective guidance and leadership.The methods for guiding and leading such teams are well known,but they are not obvious.A.multiple objectivesB.different objectivesC.a single objectiveD.independent objectives



Multiple ChoiceThe history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ()A、1620B、1607C、1776

If business had been carried out to our satisfaction,we()to renew the Agency Agreement.A、had agreedB、already agreedC、shall agreeD、should have agreed

单选题Based on the passage, Lafcadio Hearn would have agreed with which of the following statements about Japanese Tea Ceremony?AIt is needlessly complex and intricate.BIt is important that students of the art spend many years mastering it.CIt is the pinnacle of Japanese taste and culture.DIt is both a simple act and one that is rich with cultural significance.EIt is an inextricable part of Japanese history and spirituality.

单选题This view, however, is generally thought to be wrong. Specialists _____ history and economics, have shown two things.AatBinCaboutDfor

单选题Many students agreed to come, but some students against because they said they don’t have time.Awere against because they said they did notBwere against because they say they don’tCwere against it because they said they did notDwere against coming because they said they don’t

单选题Multiple ChoiceThe history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in ()A1620B1607C1776

单选题If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about the future, you________ miss the excellent opportunity.AmayBneedn'tCcouldDmustn't

问答题Practice 10  The U. S. Dollar is the currency most often used in international trade. If the currency of export sales is different from the currency of the exporting country, for example a Japanese exporter sells in U.S.  Dollars, the exporter may encounter exchange risks-risks from fluctuations in exchange rates, for example between the U. S. Dollar and the Japanese Yen.  In case of the Yen appreciation at the time of converting the U.S. Dollar to the Yen, the exporter will get less Yen per U.S. Dollar. Conversely, in case of the Yen devaluation the exporter will get more Yen per U.S. Dollar. Hence, in time of currency appreciation in the exporting country, it is important that the exporter ships the goods earlier, unless an earliest date for shipment is stipulated in the L/C or has been agreed upon between exporter and importer, and present the negotiating documents to the bank immediately.  The exporter may contract with the bank to sell the U.S. Dollar forward in a so-called forward exchange, at a predetermined rate on an agreed future date, thus he/she will not be affected by the currency appreciation and will receive a fixed amount in his/her own currency at a future date.

单选题We generally take the convention of safety of life at sea adopted in 1974 as a completely new convention, the reason is()Ait included the amendments agreed up until that dateBit included none of the amendment agreed up until that dateCit required two thirds of the Parties’ acceptance for a amendment to enter into forceDit included a tacit acceptance procedure

单选题Generally a hard disk drive has multiple disks, known as ().ACartridgesBSpindle motorsCSectorsDPlatters

问答题Whose contribution shouldn’t be neglected by the educators in the teaching science history?

单选题During the Clinton presidency, the U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well being.Athe U.S. enjoyed more than any time in its history peace and economic well beingBthe U.S. enjoying more than any other time in its history peace and economic well beingCmore peace and economic well being was enjoyed by the U.S. than any other timeDeconomic peace and well being was enjoyed by the U.S. more so than any other ~ time in the country’s historyEthe U.S. enjoyed more peace and economic well being than at any other time in its history

单选题Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?AThe U.S. schools don’t want the parents know their plans for disasters.BParents should push schools to make reasonable plans for disasters.CThe U.S. schools have done too little to prepare for disasters.DMost U.S. parents do not know the disaster preparedness plan of their schools.

单选题The anthropologist was interested in studying the Maori people, particularly their history, rituals, and social relationships.Aparticularly their history, rituals, and social relationshipsBto study particularly their history, rituals, and social relationshipsCparticularly the study of their history, rituals, and social relationshipsDparticularly of their history and rituals in addition to their social relationshipsEparticularly studying their history, rituals, and social relationships


单选题The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A1620B1607C1776D1492