单选题At this time tomorrow, _____over the Atlantic.Awe’re going to flyBwe’ll be flyingCwe’ll flyDwe’re to fly

At this time tomorrow, _____over the Atlantic.

we’re going to fly


we’ll be flying


we’ll fly


we’re to fly


句意:明天这个时候,我们将正飞行在大西洋上空。本题考查动词时态。时间状语at this time tomorrow表明“明天的这个时间”,强调明天正在发生的事,故应使用将来进行时。因此B项正确。


我们从特供商场购买食品,并加强对所购食品的检查A.We’ll buy all the food from supermarket and check all the food we buy carefullyB.We’ll buy all the food from foreign countries and check all the food we buy carefullyC.We’ll import all the food and check all the food we buy carefullyD.We’ll buy all the food from exclusive shops and check all the food we buy carefully

“Wilbur, we're born, we live, and, when our time comes, we die. It's just the natural cycle of life. ”is said by(). A、CharlotteB、the ratC、MomD、the host

We ________ for 13 hours by the time we get to New York. A、will flyB、will be flownC、will have flown

By the time the course ends_________, a lot about the culture of this country.A. we'll learnB. we are learningC. we have learntD. we'll have learnt

Hi Dora! How are you? We are having a good time here. Yesterday ,we w______ (31) to Disney World. We had so much_ f________ (32).1 met Mickey Mouse. My parents took a _p____(33) of us together. And ,we went on all these cool rides.It-s 1__________ (34)a dream world here! I _b________ (35)a few things from a store.I bought you a T-shirt.I think you'll like it.Tomorrow ,we'll go down south ,to a famous park_ c__________(36) the Everglades. After _t______(37) ,we are going to drive to the beach.I -hope I can _f______ (38) some shells. Well, time to go. I'll see you when I _g_________ (39) home.Susan.(By the way ,thanks for_ t_______(40) care of my cat!)31._________

Michael: The Johnsons are moving next week. We are going to have a going-away party for them Saturday. Tracy: I didn't realize they were moving so soon. ______ Michael: Yes, but we'll have one last chance to get together. We're planning a barbecue.A.Wish them a happy journey.B.May they have a more comfortable home.C.They are really going to be missed.D.We can't stay together forever, can we?

Henry: Do you think we'll get to the airport on time?Nancy: ______.

We’re going _____holiday in the autumn this year.A.upB.toC.on

We're going to _____ with _____ today, aren't we?A. the tea…the SmithsB. tea…those SmithsC. a tea…a SmithD. tea…the Smiths

- We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we -() A、Yes. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.B、It’s said the meeting is important.C、No. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.

() we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to get over the difficulty. A、OnceB、BecauseC、WhenD、As long as

By the time the course ends, ________a lot about market economy.A. we’ll learnB. we’ll have learntC. we are learningD. we have learnt

We'll have a new hospital () over there. AbuildBto buildCbuiltDbuilding

By the end of this term,() a lot about Britain.A we'll learnB.we are learningC.we have learntD.we'll have learnt

It is fixed ________ at seven tomorrow morning.A、if we’ll start outB、that we’ll start outC、when we’ll start outD、are we going to start out

—_______ are you going on a visit to Beijing? 学科网 —We’ll drive there.学科网A. Whe —_______ are you going on a visit to Beijing?—We’ll drive there.A. When B.How C.Why

We'll()our discussion tomorrow.A、carry outB、carry onC、carry thoughD、carry forward

单选题We’ll never get to the station on time ______ we run as fast as we can.Ain caseBeven if Cprovided thatDif only

单选题—A lot of old people feel lonely. We should try our best to care for them.—______. I mean, we’re all going to be old one day, too.ATake it easyBNot at allCYou’re right

单选题Weather permit, we'll have the match tomorrow.AWeatherBpermitChaveDtomorrow

单选题Environment makes ____ we are. If we damage the enviromnent,we'll endanger ourselves.AhowBwhoCwhatDbefore

单选题If it ______ rain tomorrow, we’ll go hiking.Awon’tBdoesn’tCdon’tDdidn’t

单选题Bill: What's the time?  Blanche: 8 o'clock, so we'd better get a move on if we're going to meet your sister at the airport.  Bill: That's alright. Her flight doesn't arrive until 8:30.  Blanche: Yeah, but it'll take us an hour to get there—you know what the traffic is like.  Bill: OK. ______.  Blanche: What's wrong with those shorts?  Bill: I don't like driving in shorts. I'm going to put some jeans on.AI'll just go and get changed.BI'll wash my hands.CPlease wait me a moment.DI'll be back soon.

单选题We'll do what we can to get the goods____on time, said the manager of the company.AreachedBdeliveredCreturnedDcome

单选题We'll()our discussion tomorrow.Acarry outBcarry onCcarry thoughDcarry forward

单选题We’re going to _____ the task that we haven’t finished.Atake awayBcarry onCget ontoDkeep off

单选题If we’re going to repaint the school walls, we need to ______.Adraw pictures wellBwear some old clothesCbring some tools with us

单选题At this time tomorrow, _____over the Atlantic.Awe’re going to flyBwe’ll be flyingCwe’ll flyDwe’re to fly