单选题Eric: Hello, I’m home!  Julie: Hello! ______  Eric: Busy! I didn’t even have time for lunch.  Julie: Oh, dear, you must be starving. I’m cooking pasta—with my special tomato garlic sauce._______  Eric: Thanks, Julie. It smells really good. You’re a lifesaver.AWhat happened? ; Help yourself.BWhere have you been? ; Enjoy it.CHow was your day? ; Do you want some?DAnything wrong? ; Why not take some?

Eric: Hello, I’m home!  Julie: Hello! ______  Eric: Busy! I didn’t even have time for lunch.  Julie: Oh, dear, you must be starving. I’m cooking pasta—with my special tomato garlic sauce._______  Eric: Thanks, Julie. It smells really good. You’re a lifesaver.

What happened? ; Help yourself.


Where have you been? ; Enjoy it.


How was your day? ; Do you want some?


Anything wrong? ; Why not take some?




― Hello.How is everything? ― _________________. A.Nothing muchB.Fine, thanks.How about you?C.I’m pleased to meet youD.I’m fine, thanks

–May I have your name, please?–(). A、Yes.B、Thank you.C、Hello.D、I’m Nancy Brook.

-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster please?-( ). A. Sorry, he is busy at the momentB. No, you can'tC. Sorry, you can'tD. I don't know

-How are things with you, Bill?-( ). A. Hello, SueB. I'm terribly busy these daysC. Mind your own businessD. See you later

下面程序创建了一个线程并运行,请填空,使程序完整。public class ThreadTest {public static void main (String[] args) {Hello h=Hew Hello ();【 】t.start ();}}class Hello implements Runnable {int i;public void run () {while(true) {System.out.println("Hello" +i++);if(i==5) break;}}}

( 28 )请阅读下面程序public class ThreadTest {public static void main ( String args[ ]) throws Exception {int i=0;Hello t = new Hello ();___________;whlle ( true ){System.out.println ( "Good Morning"+i++ ) ;if ( i=2 && t.isAlive ()){System.out.println ( "Main waiting for Hello ! ” );tjoin () ; // 等待 t 运行结束}if ( i==5 ) break :}}}class Hello extends Thread {int i ;public void run ()笼while ( true ){System.out.println ( "Hello"+i++ ) ;if ( i=5 ) break ;}}}为使该程序正确执行,下划线处的语句应是A ) t.sleep ()B ) t.yieldn ()C ) t.interrupt ()D ) t.start ()

请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ int i=0; Hello t=new Hello(); while(true) { System.out.println("Good Moming"+i++); if (i==2 t.isAlive()) { System. out.println("Main waiting for Hello!"); t.join(); //等待t运行结束 } if(i==5) break;} } } class Hello extends Thread { int i; public void run() { while(true){ System.out.println("Hello"+i++); if (i==5) break;}}} 为使该程序正确执行,下划线处的语句应是A.t.sleep()B.t.yield()C.t.interrupt()D.t.start()

—Hello, May I speak to Zhang Hua —___________________I'm afraid he isn't in at the moment. A、OK, please wait .B、Yes, I will ask him to answer the phone.C、One moment, please.

--Hello,I'm John Taylor,the General Manager.And you must be...... --() A、Nice to meet you.B、I'm a secretary.C、Daniel Anderson.

A: Hello, I'm David. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. I'm Lee.()

Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black?Secretary:_______A: Speaking, pleaseB: I ’m sorry. He ’s at a meeting right now.C: Hello. Who ’re you, please?D: Hello. Thank you for calling.

A: Hello, I'm Harry Potter.B: Hello, my name is Charles Green, but ________A、call my CharlesB、call me at CharlesC、call me CharlesD、call Charles me

3. —Hello !—________A.I'm AliceB.Thank youC.FineD.Hello

John: Hello, Maria!______.Maria: Yes, I'm pretty busy lately. How about your studies?

—Hello. Blue Sky Company. Can I help you —Hello. This is Jack Smith. May I speak to the sales manager, please —Yes, this is __________.A.IB.meC.sheD.her

Hello, may I talk to the director now?()ASorry, he is busy at the moment.BNo, you can't.CSorry, you can't.DI don't know.

-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()ASorry, you can’tBNo, you can’tCsorry, he is busy at the moment

-Hello! Are you John Smith? -()A、Yes, I am.B、I do.C、I'm fine.D、Oh, good.

Hello, may I speak to Liu Mei?()A、I'm Liu MeiB、Liu Mei is meC、My name is Liu MeiD、This is Liu Mei speaking

Hello, may I talk to the director now?()A、Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B、No, you can't.C、Sorry, you can't.D、I don't know.

-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()A、Sorry, you can’tB、No, you can’tC、sorry, he is busy at the moment

Hello! Can I get a seat on the 8 pm flight Detroit?()A、Hello! International Airline.B、You‘d better look up the schedule first.C、I‘m sorry, but it‘s completely booked.D、I‘m afraid you have to change.

以下用语中表示道歉的用语是()。A、See you tomorrow!B、Don`t mention itC、Hello,I`m Wang LinD、I`m awfully sorry

单选题Roger: Come in. Oh, hello Charles, it’s you. How are you?  Charles: I’m fine, thanks.______  Roger: Sure, yes. What can I do for you?AAre you busy now, Roger?BWould you like to go for a picnic tomorrow?CHave you got a minute, Roger?DHave you got time to go to the pub tonight?

单选题Eric: Hello, I’m home!  Julie: Hello! ______  Eric: Busy! I didn’t even have time for lunch.  Julie: Oh, dear, you must be starving. I’m cooking pasta—with my special tomato garlic sauce._______  Eric: Thanks, Julie. It smells really good. You’re a lifesaver.AWhat happened? ; Help yourself.BWhere have you been? ; Enjoy it.CHow was your day? ; Do you want some?DAnything wrong? ; Why not take some?

单选题Hello, may I talk to the director now?()ASorry, he is busy at the moment.BNo, you can't.CSorry, you can't.DI don't know.

单选题-Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-()ASorry, you can’tBNo, you can’tCsorry, he is busy at the moment

单选题Hello, I’m Harry Potter. Hello, my name is Charles Green, but().Acall my Charles.Bcall meat Charles.Ccall me Charles.Dcall Charles me.