




单选题为了节约木材资源、保护生态环境,我国将实木地板纳入消费税的征收范围。从价格机制看,上述做法之所以能够节约木材资源,是因为征收消费税会导致(  )。A实木地板销售价格提高,使生产企业增加实木地板的供给量B实木地板销售价格提高,使消费者减少对实木地板的需求量C实木地板销售价格降低,使生产企业减少实木地板的供给量D实木地板销售价格降低,使消费者减少对实木地板的需求量

问答题The students are supposed to be quiet before the papers are given out.

单选题Travelers Corner is most probably ______.Aa sports club newsletterBa science documentaryCa travel magazineDa news website

单选题According to the first rule, the user should _____.Akeep the cooker under close watchBalways keep the cooker half fullCnever leave the cooker emptyDnever turn off the stove

单选题_____ music is the music that is considered to be serious and of lasting value as opposed to jazz, folk, etc.ADomesticBForeignCNationalDClassical

单选题What Michael Dell said is to urge us to _____.Alisten to our heartBpursue our dreamsCfollow others’ exampleDlearn from our mistakes

单选题Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna’s letter?AThe best time to study is from 10 pm to 1 am.BWalking outside can make you remember more.CIt’s good to tell a study partner about your feeling.DIt’s necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.


单选题There ______ some milk and apples in the fridge.AhasBhaveCisDare

单选题You look tired these days. I think you need a ______ sleep.AshorterBshortestCbetterDbest

单选题The old _____ taken good care of in our country.AisBhasCareDhave

单选题Do you think this shirt is too tight ______ the shoulders?AatBonCtoDacross

单选题关于安全用电,下列说法中正确的是(  ).A用湿抹布擦正在发光的灯泡B发现有人触电时立即用手把触电者拉离电源C洗衣机的金属外壳必须接地D家庭电路中,控制灯泡的开关可以随意安装

单选题How much should four college students pay for a visit to Startford Butterfly Farm?A£ 16.B£ 32.C£ 18.D£ 22.

单选题—Dad, must we wait until the light becomes green?—Yes, I’m afraid we ______. That’s the traffic rule.AcanBmayChave toDneed

单选题The word “eyesore” in the third paragraph probably means _____.Asomething unpleasant to look atBsomething harmful to healthCbeautiful sceneDserious threat

多选题我国对外工作能够取得举世瞩目的重大成就,最重要的原因是我国(  )。A坚持与多个国家和地区开展经贸、科技、文化交流与合作B坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策C巩固和发展同广大发展中国家的团结合作

单选题We must find a way to cut prices _____ reducing our profits too much.AwithoutBdespiteCwithDfor

单选题—What languages ______ in that country?—German and English.Aare speakingBare spokenCspeakDis spoken

单选题The Chinese writer has got lots of fans in France. His new book ______ into French as soon as it came out,Awas translatedBtranslatedCis translatedDtranslates

单选题According to the author, a born naturalist should first of all be _____.Afull of enthusiasmBself-disciplinedCfull of ambitionDknowledgeable

单选题—This problem is far ______ me. I‘m afraid I can’t work it out.—Don’t worry, we will help you.AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween

填空题将0.5mol某饱和一元醇完全燃烧,生成一定量的二氧化碳和36g H2O,此饱和一元醇的分子式为____.


单选题Mr. Smith feels greatly _____ with his son’s performance in school as he is always the top of his class.AdisturbedBworriedCdistressedDsatisfied

单选题The plants would have grown all right if she _____ them properly.Ahad wateredBwateredChas wateredDwaters

单选题All morning as she waited for the medical report from the doctor, her nervousness _____.Ahas grownBis growingCgrewDhad grown

单选题关于电磁波,下列说法错误的是(  ).A收音机、电视机和移动电话都是靠电磁波来传递信息B跟水波类似,电磁波也有自己的频率、波长和波速C真空中电磁波的波速约为30万千米每秒D微波炉内的微波是一种波长很长、频率很低的电磁波