单选题A yellow signal,floating in the air from a parachute,about 300 feet above the water,indicates that a submarine().Awill be coming to periscope depthBwill be coming to the surfaceCis on the bottom in distressDis in distress and will try to surface

A yellow signal,floating in the air from a parachute,about 300 feet above the water,indicates that a submarine().

will be coming to periscope depth


will be coming to the surface


is on the bottom in distress


is in distress and will try to surface


解析: 暂无解析


It can be inferred from the passage thatA. it is necessary to keep the air-conditioning on all the timeB. it seems possible for every household to cut emissions of CO2C. the average US household produces about 3,000 pounds of CO2 a monthD. the average European household produces about 1,000 pounds of CO2 a month

A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ______.A.all-round yellow light onlyB.all-round white light onlyC.all-round blue light onlyD.alternating red and yellow light

A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week according to the National Weather Service.According to the NWS a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week.Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s-a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and WashingtonThe cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air?Temperatures in cities including Chicago Cleveland New York and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we’re sure you rememberWhat’s the temperature when the report was written?A. About 60s and 70sB. Between 60s and 90sC. Below 60sD. About 80s and 90s

Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution,called soot,are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them. Small amounts of soot are safe,but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces. The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high,more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter,factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower.Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or,they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad. Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe.Why is the air quality tested every day?A.Just in case someone askB.Scientists like to take testC.Scientists are not very busD.To keep track of pollution level

Many people use wood stoves and fireplaces to heat their homes.Scientists have become worried about the smoke that they give off.Harmful chemicals are in the smoke.The smoke is causing air pollution.The pieces of pollution,called soot,are floating in the air.They are too tiny to see.Scientists must use a microscope to see them. Small amounts of soot are safe,but large amounts can be dangerous.The govenment wants to limit this kind of pollution.It may stop people from using their fireplaces. The air is tested every day.When soot levels are high,more than 65 micrograms of soot per cubic meter,factories must stop making smoke.The government thinks that limit should be much lower.Factories produce the most smoke and soot.But the government thinks that all types of burning should be limited.The soot levels from factories and homes could be limited.Home owners may have to install new wood stoves that they comply with the new law.Or,they may not be able to bum on days when the air quality is bad. Residents of some towns are fined if they violate the burning ban.Scientists hope these new regulations will make the air cleaner and less harmful to breathe.What happens to some residents who bum too much wood?A.They could lose their homeB.They pay for the punishmenC.They get sick from the smokD.The fire could get out of contro

The cleaner has just left,leaving an aerosol’s delightful aroma floating in the air.You ______ deeply,enjoying the sweet fragrance.A.exertB.inhaleC.exhaleD.inert

资料:We never thought we'd say this, but we'd welcome back some chilly weather.A cool mass of air heads toward the United States from the upper regions of Canada and Alaska this week, according to the National Weather Service.According to the NWS, a mass of cold air will drop from the Arctic regions to Canada and then the upper Midwest next week.Temperatures across the Midwest will drop into the 60s and 70s—a sharp difference from the 80 degree and 90 degree temperatures from recent weeks. And the relatively cooler air may be felt as far East as New York and Washington.The cool breezes may be a welcome relief this time around, but remember the last few times we got hit with Arctic air?Temperatures in cities including Chicago, Cleveland, New York, and Louisville fell into single-digit and negative territory for long stretches during the harsh winter months of early 2014. But we're sure you remember.What’s the temperature when the report was written?A.About 60s and 70s.B.Between 60s and 90s.C.Below 60s.D.About 80s and 90s.

An administrator is concerned about users utilizing the company's wireless signal with their personal laptops. Which of the following is the BEST method to use to prevent unauthorized devices from using the company's wireless network?()A、Secure VPNB、MAC filteringC、IP filteringD、Static IP addresses

Which two statements are true about broadband cable (HFC) systems?()A、Cable modems only operate at Layer 1 of the OSI model.B、Cable modems operate at Layers 1 and 2 of the OSI model.C、Cable modems operate at Layers 1, 2, and 3 of the OSI model.D、A function of the cable modem termination system (CMTS) is to convert the modulated signal from the cable modem into a digital signal.E、A function of the cable modem termination system is to convert the digital data stream from the end user host into a modulated RF signal for transmission onto the cable system.

单选题A signal derived from a controlled function and returned to the initiating point is called a/an ().Amonitoring signalBinverse signalCreverse signalDfeedback signal

单选题Air blowing from the intake air filter of an operating air compressor indicates ().Abroken inlet valvesBbroken discharge valvesCpulsations in the air distribution systemDoverloading of the air distribution system

单选题Your vessel is equipped with totally enclosed lifeboats. Which statement is true when the boat is enveloped in flames?().AThe ventilators will automatically close by the action of fusible linksBThe motor takes its air supply from outside the lifeboat to prevent asphyxiation of the crewCA water spray system to cool the outside of the boat is operated by a high-volume manual pumpDAn air tank will provide about ten minutes of air for the survivors and the engine

单选题A yellow signal,floating in the air from a parachute,about 300 feet above the water,indicates that a submarine().Awill be coming to periscope depthBwill be coming to the surfaceCis on the bottom in distressDis in distress and will try to surface

单选题Too much air in the furnace of an oil-fired boiler would be indicated by ().Ayellowish flameBgolden yellow flameCwhite flameDbrilliant white flame

填空题When you start running, the muscle cells bum off the ATP they have floating around in about 3 seconds.____

单选题In an air conditioning system, moisture is removed from the air by()AfilersBseparatorsCducted trapsDdehumidifiers

单选题A jar contains 4 red, 1 green, and 3 yellow marbles. If 2 marbles are drawn from the jar without replacement, what is the probability that both will be yellow?A3/8B3/28C1/4D3/56E5/56

单选题As the air passes through the charge air cooler, its temperature may be reduced and moisture condensed, with the condensate in danger of being carried into the engineSo a water separator should be mounted beneath the bottom part of the engine inlet manifoldA water separator is used in order to ().Akeep the air from being carried into the engineBkeep the moisture from being condensedCkeep the danger from being carded into the engineDtake away the condensate from the air

单选题The latest annex of MARPOL 73/78 is about()Athe Prevention of Pollution by OilBthe Prevention of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in BulkCPrevention of Pollution by Garbage from ShipsDPrevention of Air Pollution from Ships

单选题In the International Code of signals,a group of three letters indicates().Aurgency or an emergencyBthe vessel's national identity signalCa group from the general signal codeDa group from the medical signal code

单选题The purpose of an air compressor unloading device is to ()Adrain water from the air receiverBdrain water from the cylindersCdelay the compression process until the motor is up to speedDcheck pump alignment

单选题You have berthed in a area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to indicate it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo?().AA flashing yellow lightBA red light visible all around the horizonCA green light visible all around the horizonDAn illuminated red and yellow caution flag

单选题The color _____ from yellow through green to black.AconsistsBconstitutesCcomposesDranges

单选题A yellow signal floating in the air from a small parachute,about 300 feet above the water,would indicate that a submarine().Ahas fired a torpedo during a drillBis about to rise to periscope depthCis on the bottom in distressDis disabled and unable to surface

单选题You receive a call from the MSA OF CHINA addressed to all stations. The call begins with the words Pan-Pan (3 times). Which type of emergency signal would this be?().ASafety signalBUrgency signalCDistress signalDRed alert signal

单选题As for a oil-fired boiler too much air would indicated by ().Ayellowish flameBgolden yellow flameCmilky flameDbrilliant white flame

单选题A light used to signal passing intentions must be an().Aalternating red and yellow lightBalternating white and yellow lightCall-round white or yellow lightDall-round white light only

单选题A light used to signal passing intentions must be an ().Aall-round yellow light onlyBall-round white light onlyCall-round blue light onlyDalternating red and yellow light