单选题根据1976年商船最低标准公约规定,船东应对海员按协议服务期间发生的疾病、受伤、死亡负责,其除外情况包括() Ⅰ.船上非值班时间的受伤; Ⅱ.海员自身故意; Ⅲ.海员违章; Ⅳ.海员受雇时拒绝进行体检; Ⅴ.签约时海员未告知船东的疾病。AⅠ、ⅢBⅡ、ⅢCⅠ~ⅣDⅡ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ
根据1976年商船最低标准公约规定,船东应对海员按协议服务期间发生的疾病、受伤、死亡负责,其除外情况包括() Ⅰ.船上非值班时间的受伤; Ⅱ.海员自身故意; Ⅲ.海员违章; Ⅳ.海员受雇时拒绝进行体检; Ⅴ.签约时海员未告知船东的疾病。
单选题()can be used to prevent hydraulic system overloaded or keep the pressure of oil outlet from pump constant.AOverflow valveBReducing valveCBalancing valveDReducing valve or balancing valve
单选题During an annual FCC inspection().AAll required documents and publications may have to be producedBLicensed GMDSS radio operators may be required to demonstrate equipment competenciesCAll required equipment must be fully operationalDAll of the above
单选题我国《防止船舶污染海域管理条例》规定,船舶发生油污事故后应()。 Ⅰ.立即采取措施控制污染; Ⅱ.尽快向就近的海事局报告; Ⅲ.需要使用化学消油剂时应事先申请海事局批准。AⅠ、ⅡBⅡ、ⅢCⅠ、ⅢDⅠ~Ⅲ
单选题While on watch in the engine room, you hear a continuous sounding of the general alarmWhich of the following actions should you take?()AMake an entry in the official logbookBOpen the master control valves on the fixed CO2 systemCStart the fire pump and check discharge pressureDSecure auxiliary condenser overboard discharge
单选题“Any leaks in piping, propeller shaft, machinery, tanks, will have to be repaired, or at least patched up temporarily until the next stop” This sentence means that ().AAny leaks in piping, propeller shaft, machinery, tanks, will have to be repaired on the spotBAny leaks in piping, propeller shaft, machinery, tanks, will have to be repaired on the next port of callCAny leaks in piping, propeller shaft, machinery, tanks, will have to be repaired until the next stopDAny leaks in piping, propeller shaft, machinery, tanks, will have to be at least patched up
单选题After receiving the stores you should sign on the ()Aengine logbookBdelivery docketCstore listDmaintenance book
单选题The additional mark () in the Classification Certificate for Machinery means propulsion apparatus is remotely controlled on the navigating bridge control station, and engine assembly control station is unmanned periodically.ABRCBMCCCAUT-0DAUT-1
单选题Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a().Awooden plugBsoft rubber plugCtwo-piece soft patchDmechanical means of closing
单选题Engines for lifeboats are required to have sufficient fuel to operate for how many hours?()A6 hoursB12 hoursC18 hoursD24 hours