单选题Is this your shoe? Yes, but where is()?Athe other oneBother oneCanother oneDthe others

Is this your shoe? Yes, but where is()?

the other one


other one


another one


the others


解析: 暂无解析


单选题()I understand what you say, I can't agree with youAWhileBWhenCAsDIf

单选题Some experts fear that these regulations will be so strict as to paralyze economic activities.Amake ... ineffectiveBrender ... necessaryCkeep ... strongDleave ... alone

单选题This sign warns()ahead.Apeople the dangerBpeople of the dangerCpeople about the dangerDthe danger

单选题____Aon her ownBin personCto her benefitDon foot


单选题David's younger brother is()engineer.AaBanCthe

单选题____Ainsists onBsums upCturns outDputs forward

单选题____Anot any longerBno moreCno longerDnot any more

单选题Look! Here()the famous playerAcomesBcomeChad comeDcoming

单选题I never()to bed so late.Agot used to goingBused to goingCgot used to goDused going

单选题Can you tell me how much a radio like this costs?()AI‘d like to buy it.BIt‘s of very good quality.CAbout eighty-five dollars.DIt depends on how you like it

单选题According to Maslow, what are “arranged in a hierarchy”?APhysiological drives.BAn individual’s motives.CAn individual’s needs.DAbstract desires.

单选题The biologist needed more proof before her theory could be accepted.AfinancingBpublicationsCevidenceDrecognition

单选题On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several()a day.AcustomersBsupportersCguestsDclients

单选题Hurry up. The lecture begins at 2:00.()ADon‘t worry. We‘ve got 20 minutes.BThank you. No hurry.CNever mind. You go if you like.DThe lecture is useful.

单选题His wife,()you met at my house, has gone to Australia.AthatBwhichCwhomDwhose

单选题The public transports system in many cities in the world()by the local authority.Ais still ranBare still runCare still ranDis still run

单选题I can’t understand how he can feel that his colleagues are always ready to denounce him.AcomplimentBcriticizeCflatterDchallenge


单选题Hello. Is that Mr.White or Mr.Smith speaking? Sorry,()Awho are you?Bdon't ask me.CI don't know.Dwould you please ring them up this afternoon?

单选题The author thinks that _____.Amany people have labored to be leadersBleaders are beyond our understandingCthe essence of leadership has not been graspedDthe definitions of leadership should vary

单选题According to the passage, notions of male superiority are _____.Anot maintained by most American womenBdifficult to maintain in a home where the woman does most of the workCcompletely alien to American mothers and fathersDdifficult to maintain in a home where household tasks are shared by the mother and father

单选题Jenny is learning Japanese.()her brother.ASo isBSo doesCNor isDNor does

单选题A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you()You can do it tomorrow.Aneedn'tBshouldn'tCmustn'tDcan't


单选题A national authority is to conduct on-site inspections of these laboratories and _____ legal penalties for violations.AcomposeBexposeCimposeDsuppose

单选题It is high time that we()working to take a break.Ashould stopBwould stopCstoppedDstop

单选题If the doctor had been available, the child ()Awould not dieBcould not have diedCmight not dieDshould not have died