单选题What is the most useful advice for new investors?Athe best time to invest in sharesBthe most suitable type of investmentCthe cheapest way to buy sharesDthe safest companies to invest in

What is the most useful advice for new investors?

the best time to invest in shares


the most suitable type of investment


the cheapest way to buy shares


the safest companies to invest in


题干中的关键信息new investors,与第四段首句提到的first-time investor指代相同。第四段指出对于第一次做投资的人来说,咨询专家意见,选择合适的股票和公司很重要。故选B。


What you need is just a computer, because you can_____easily get on Internet. A.many useful informationsB.much useful informationC.some useful informationsD.a lot of useful informations

() useful book it is! A、What anB、WhatC、What a

What does the phrase “the wake-up call” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A. a new disease B. a clear warningC. a dangerous animal D. a morning call

What does the phrase “the wake-up call”in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A.a new diseaseB.a clear warningC.a dangerous animalD.a morning call

If one ___ by pride, one will reject useful advice and friendly assistance.A、overcomesB、is overcomeC、has been overcomeD、overcame

What the old lady asked for was a(an) ( ). A、drinkB、newsC、informationD、advice

_______ useful book it is! A.What anB.How aC.What aD.What

Based on what you know of the job market,which of your courses were the most useful?The least?

What does the writer dislike most about dinner parties in New YorkersA. There is a strange mix of people.B. The restaurants are expensive.C. The bill is not fairly shared.D. People have to pay cash

What is the most helpful invention? Do you think?(合并为一句)What__________ __________ __________ __________the most useful invention?

根据以下内容,回答233-236题。The Hidden Price TagFor many small or recently established businesses, finding sources of capital can be difficult.Companies are often in need of funds before they can build a stable customer base, so they are forced to turn to investors. Many such businesses soon discover, however, that this borrowed money can come at a high price. If entrepreneurs are not careful about which investors they do business with, their companies can suffer the consequences.The most common problem, according to financial experts, are investment deals that allow the investor to take control of key operations away from the company's management. Struggling firms and new businesses facing mounting start-up costs can be easily tempted to take the offer that provides them with the most money, regardless of the deal's conditions.Unfortunately, the biggest investment usually comes with the most strings attached. For example, some deals give the venture capital finn seats on the board of the company it invests in.From this position, the investor has the ability to control all aspects of a company's operations,including decisions concerning mergers or sales. This situation may remain tolerable as long as the investor and the management share the same goals. Yet, the investor will inevitably choose to protect its own interests over those of the company, creating a conflict that the company is then helpless to prevent.The best advice analysts have for businesses seeking investment capital is to thoroughly analyze any deal before agreeing to it. Sometimes, the control that must be given up is worth much more than the money being offered.Who would be most interested in this article?A.An analyst working for an investment finnB.A member on the board of a successful companyC.A representative of a large venture capital groupD.An entrepreneur in need of funds for a new business

On which of the following would the author most probably agree? (  ).A.Foreign investors should move their manufacturing capability closer to the consumerB.China's wage inflation will wreak a pohtical havoc in the futureC.Foreign investors should flee to neighboring countries, such as VietnamD.There's plenty of room to improve efficiency at Chinese plants

A new business, a startup company, is usually considered too ________ for average investors.A.riskB.riskyC.risksD.risking

In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A、 logical configurationB、 all configurationC、 full stateD、 system configuration

A customer is looking to build a virtual desktop infrastructure on an IBM platform. What metric willbe most useful in determining the storage platform recommendation?()A、 type of applications to be usedB、 number of users C、 storage capacity per user D、 number of IOPS to the disk system

A customer has a new p5-550 running AIX 5.2 that is SAN-attached to a FAStT900.  They have encountered hangs lasting over a minute on their new system during application load testing.  They called the pSeries technical specialist for advice.  Which of the following would be the most appropriate questions to determine their next step in resolving the problem?()A、Are there any errors in the error log? Do they indicate any hardware or software errors?B、Has performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of I/O statistics?C、Has performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of CPU utilization? D、What type of SAN switch is the customer using? What are the microcode levels on the switch?

单选题A customer has a new p5-550 running AIX 5.2 that is SAN-attached to a FAStT900.  They have encountered hangs lasting over a minute on their new system during application load testing.  They called the pSeries technical specialist for advice.  Which of the following would be the most appropriate questions to determine their next step in resolving the problem?()AAre there any errors in the error log? Do they indicate any hardware or software errors?BHas performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of I/O statistics?CHas performance data been collected? What do the results show in terms of CPU utilization? DWhat type of SAN switch is the customer using? What are the microcode levels on the switch?

单选题What is the text about?AAdvertisements are the most important part in newspapers.BIt introduces newspapers past and today and its contents.CThere is a lot of useful information on newspapers.DPeople like newspapers very much.

单选题To reduce mild fever the MOST useful drug is().Abicarbonate of sodaBparegoricCaspirinDaromatic spirits of ammonia

单选题Which of the following statements will the author most probably agree with?AForeign students are a new source of financial capital.BPh. D. graduates should automatically be given green cards.CForeign Ph.D. graduates may function as a kind of capital.DForeign investors ought to immigrate to high unemployment areas.

单选题—I think science is more useful than art.—I disagree. I think art is _____ science.Anot so useful asBless useful thanCthe most useful ofDas useful as

单选题What is the most useful advice for new investors?Athe best time to invest in sharesBthe most suitable type of investmentCthe cheapest way to buy sharesDthe safest companies to invest in

单选题In the event of a catastrophic disaster, after which you need to replace the entire UCS blade system (that is, new fabric interconnects, new IOMs, new chassis, and new blades), what type of backup would provide the most complete set of information?()A logical configurationB all configurationC full stateD system configuration

单选题A customer is looking to build a virtual desktop infrastructure on an IBM platform. What metric willbe most useful in determining the storage platform recommendation?()A type of applications to be usedB number of users C storage capacity per user D number of IOPS to the disk system

问答题What’s the attitude of the writer towards the advice experts give?

单选题What is the most useful advice for new investors?AThe best time to invest in shares.BThe most suitable type of investment.CThe cheapest way to buy shares.DThe safest companies to invest in.

问答题Discuss, and decide together:  ● What measures are most effective for identifying new export markets?  ● How to maintain sales in export markets?

填空题What does the speaker think of following a doctor’s advice?Following a doctor’s advice is not always ____.