以下语句执行后myTable的名称是()。 Dim myTable as DataTable myTable=New System.Data.DataTable()A、Table1B、Table2C、TableND、Nothing

以下语句执行后myTable的名称是()。 Dim myTable as DataTable myTable=New System.Data.DataTable()

  • A、Table1
  • B、Table2
  • C、TableN
  • D、Nothing


考虑如下数据表和查询,如何添加索引功能提高查询速度?( )Create table mytable(Id int,Name char(100),Address1 varchar(100),Address2 varchar(100),Zipcode varshar(10),Sity varchar(50),Province varchar(2))Select id, varcharFrom mytableWheA.给Zipcode添加全文的索引B.给Name添加索引C.给Id添加索引,然后给Name和Zipcode分别添加索引D.给id添加索引

以下语句获取表中第1行第1列(FirstName列)的数据,其中正确的语句是()。 A.myTable.Rows(0).Item("FirstName")B.myTable.Rows(1)("FirstName")C.myTable.Rows(0)(1)D.myTable.Rows(0).Item(0)E.myTable.Rows(0).Item(1)

设A为已定义的类名,以下声明类A的对象a的语句中正确的是( )。A.float A a;B.public A a=A();C.A a=new int()D.A a=new A();

以下关于局部变量的叙述中错误的是( )。A.在过程中用Dim语句或Static语句声明的变量是局部变量B.局部变量的作用域是它所在的过程C.在过程中用Static语句声明的变量是静态局部变量D.过程执行完毕,该过程中用Dim或Static语句声明的变量即被释放

下列声明并创建Connection对象的语句,正确的是()。 A、Dim ADOcn As ConnectionB、Dim ADOcn As New ConnectionC、Declare ADOcn As New ConnectionD、Declare ADOcn As Connection

已知ds1、ds2分别代表两个不同的DataSet对象。其中ds1已包含名为“Customer”的DataTable对象,且该DataTable对象被变量dt_Customer引用。已知dt_Customer表有300条记录,则执行下列语句后,新的数据表new_dt_Customer中包含D_条记录。 DataTablenew_dt_Customer=dt_Customer.Copy();A.0B.100C.200D.300

下列过程的功能是:将当前数据库文件中“学生表”的所有学生“年龄”加1。 Private Sub SetAgeplus2_Click( ) Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim fd As ADODB.Field Dim strConnect As String Dim strSQL As String Set cn=CurrentProject.Connection strSQL=“Select年龄from学生表” rs.Open strSQl,cn,adOpenDynamic,adlockOptimistic,adCmdText set fd=rs.Fields(“年龄”) Do While Not rs.EOF fd=__________ rs.Update rs.__________ Loop rs.Close cn.Close Set rs= Nothing Set cn=Nothing End Sub 横线处应填写的内容是( )。A.fd-1 0penB.fd+1 closeC.fd+1 MoveNextD.fd-1 Recordset

将查询学生的结果放在数组MyArray中的SQL语句是: SELECT*FROM学生表WHERE籍贯=’北京’_________ 上面空缺的短语是( )。A. INTO CURSOR MyCumorB. TO ARRAY MyArrayC. INTO ARRAY MyArrayD. INTO TABLE MyTable

执行语句Dim X,Y As Integer后( )

执行以下语句后显示结果为______。 Dim x As Integer If x Then Print x Else Printx-1A.1B.0C.-1D.不确定

以下语句执行时,从键盘上输入Zhang,执行结果是______。 Dim a As String a=InputBox("Input","","Name") Print aA.InputB.NameC.ZhangD.空字符串

执行以下语句后显示结果为______。 Dim x As Integer If X Then Print x Else Print X-1A.1B.0C.-1D.不确定

Consider the Mysql Enterprise Audit plugin. A CSV file called data.csv has 100 rows of data. The stored procedure prepare_db ( ) has 10 auditable statements. You run the following statements in the mydb database: Mysql> CALL prepare_db ( ); Mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/data.cav' INTO TABLE mytable; Mysql> SHOW TABLES; How many events are added to the audit log as a result of the preceding statements?()A、12; only top-level statements and stored procedure events are loggedB、111; top-level statements and all lower-level statements are loggedC、3; only the top-level statements are loggedD、102; top-level statements are logged, but LOAD DATA INFILE is logged as a separate event

要删除mytable表中的myindex索引,可以使用()语句。A、DROP myindexB、DROP mytable.myindexC、DROP INDEX myindexD、DROP INDEX mytable.myindex

以下语句执行后,myDataSet中增加的表的名称是()。 dim myDataSet as new DataSet() myDataSet.Tables.Add()A、Table1B、Table2C、TableND、Nothing

myTable=New System.Data.DataTable(),myTable的名称是Table1。


下列命令不能执行的是()。A、SELECT * FROM [select]B、SELECT * FROM @MyTableC、SELECT * FROM [MyTable]D、SELECT * FROM MyTable

在SQL Server中,下列标识符可以作为本地临时表名的是()。A、##MyTableB、@@MyTableC、@MyTableD、#MyTable

You issued the following command:        SQL DROP TABLE MYTABLE;        SQL SHOW RECYCLEBIN  The following output is returned:        ORIGINAL NAME RECYCLEBIN NAME               OBJECT TYPE      DROP TIME        ------------- ------------------------------ --------------- --------------------        MYTABLE BIN$04LhcpndanfgMAAAAAANPw==$0     TABLE           2005-01-13:20:11:31  You want to drop the table, MYTABLE, from the Recycle Bin. Which two commands can you issue to accomplish the desired task?()A、 DROP TABLE MYTABLE PURGE;B、 PURGE RECYCLEBIN;C、 PURGE TABLE MYTABLE;D、 PURGE TABLE BIN$04LhcpndanfgMAAAAAANPw==$0;

You are creating a DataTable. You use the following code segment to create the DataTable. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 Dim dt As New DataTable("Products") 02 dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Price", _ GetType(Decimal))) 03 dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Quantity", _ GetType(Int32))) 04 Dim dc As DataColumn = New DataColumn("Total", _ GetType(Decimal)) 05 dt.Columns.Add(dc) You need to ensure that the Total column is set to the value of the Price column multiplied by the Quantity column when new rows are added or changed. What should you do? ()A、Add the following code segment after line 05. dc.ExtendedProperties("Total") = "Price * Quantity"B、Add the following code segment after line 05. dc.Expression = "Price * Quantity"C、Write an event handler for the DataTable's TableNewRow event that updates the row's Total.D、Write an event handler for the DataTable's ColumnChanged event that updates the row's Total.

判断题myTable=New System.Data.DataTable(),myTable的名称是Table1。A对B错

单选题下列命令不能执行的是()。ASELECT * FROM [select]BSELECT * FROM @MyTableCSELECT * FROM [MyTable]DSELECT * FROM MyTable

单选题You are creating a DataTable. You use the following code segment to create the DataTable. (Line numbers are included for reference only.) 01 Dim dt As New DataTable("Products") 02 dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Price", _ GetType(Decimal))) 03 dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Quantity", _ GetType(Int32))) 04 Dim dc As DataColumn = New DataColumn("Total", _ GetType(Decimal)) 05 dt.Columns.Add(dc) You need to ensure that the Total column is set to the value of the Price column multiplied by the Quantity column when new rows are added or changed. What should you do? ()AAdd the following code segment after line 05. dc.ExtendedProperties(Total) = Price * QuantityBAdd the following code segment after line 05. dc.Expression = Price * QuantityCWrite an event handler for the DataTable's TableNewRow event that updates the row's Total.DWrite an event handler for the DataTable's ColumnChanged event that updates the row's Total.

单选题在SQL Server中,下列标识符可以作为本地临时表名的是()。A##MyTableB@@MyTableC@MyTableD#MyTable

单选题以下语句执行后,myDataSet中增加的表的名称是()。 dim myDataSet as new DataSet() myDataSet.Tables.Add()ATable1BTable2CTableNDNothing

单选题以下语句执行后myTable的名称是()。 Dim myTable as DataTable myTable=New System.Data.DataTable()ATable1BTable2CTableNDNothing