- A、统一品牌策略
- B、多品牌策略
- C、签注式品牌策略
- D、联合品牌策略
Whatisthefunctionofthecommandswitchporttrunknativevlan999onaswitch?() A.ItdesignatesVLAN999foruntaggedtraffic.B.ItblocksVLAN999trafficfrompassingonthetrunk.C.ItcreatesaVLAN999interface.D.ItdesignatesVLAN999asthedefaultforallunkowntaggedtraffic.
What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a?()A、It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.B、It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.C、It createsa VLAN 999 interface.D、It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.
What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a switch?()A、It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.B、It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.C、It creates a VLAN 999 interface.D、It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.
What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a Cisco Catalyst switch()。A、It creates a VLAN 999 interface.B、It designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.C、It blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.D、It designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unknown tagged traffic.
switchport trunk native vlan 999 这个命令起什么作用?()A、它指定VLAN999转发未做标记的流量。B、它阻止VLAN999转发主干的流量。C、它创建了一个VLAN999接口。D、它指定VLAN999作为默认为所有未知标记的流量。
单选题What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a Cisco Catalyst switch()。AIt creates a VLAN 999 interface.BIt designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.CIt blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.DIt designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unknown tagged traffic.
单选题What is the function of the command switchport trunk native vlan 999 on a switch?()AIt designates VLAN 999 for untagged traffic.BIt blocks VLAN 999 traffic from passing on the trunk.CIt creates a VLAN 999 interface.DIt designates VLAN 999 as the default for all unkown tagged traffic.