- A、甲醇与乙醇的混合物
- B、乙醇
- C、变性乙醇
- D、甲醇
下面程序段的运行结果是【 】。Option Base 1Private Sub swap(a()As InteSer)For I=1 to 10\2t=a(i)a(i)=a(10-1+1)a(10-1+1)=tNext1End SubPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim x(10)As IntegerFor I=1 to 10x(i)=I*2Next1Swap x()For1=1 to 10Print x (i)Next IEnd Sub
有以下程序:int sub(int n) { return(n/10+n%10); }void main(){ int x,y; scanf("%d",x); y=sub(sub(sub(x))); printf("%d\n",y);}若运行时输入:4321回车,程序的输出结果是。
在窗体上画一个命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Sub S1(ByVal x As Integer,ByVal y As Integer) Dim t As Integer t=x x=y y=t End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer a=10 b=30 S1 a,b Print"a=";a;"b=";b End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出结果是 ______。A.a=30 b=10B.a=30 b=30C.a=10 b=30D.a=10 b=10
设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句: Dim a(10)As Integer … Call D(a) 如下过程定义巾,正确的是( )。A.Private Sub p(a As Integer)B.Private Sub p(a( )As Integer)C.Private Sub p(a(10)As Integer)D.Private Sub p(a(n)As Integer)
下面程序段的运行结果是【 】。Option Base 1Private Sub Swap (a() As IntegFor I=1 to 10\2t=a(I)a(I)=a(10-I+1)a(10-I+1)=tNext IEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Click()Dim x(10) As IntegerFor I=1 to 10x(I)=I*2Next ISwap x()For I=1 to 10Print x(I)Next IEnd Sub
Command1_Click()事件代码如下: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer, Y As Integer x = 6 : Y : 8 Call ABC(X, Y) Print X; Y End Sub Private Sub ABC(ByVal X As Integer,Y As Integer) X = X + 4 Y = Y = 2 End Sub 事件发生后,X和Y的值分别为 ______。A.6, 8B.10, 10C.10, 8D.6, 10
有以下程序:int sub(int n) { return(n/10+n%10); }main(){ int x, y;scanf("% d", x);y=sub(sub(sub(x)));printf("% d\n", y);}若运行时输入:1234<回车>,程序的输出结果是【 】。
以下程序的运行结果是( ) #define MAX 10 int a[MAX],i; main() { printf("\n");sub1();sub3(A) ,sub2(),sub3(A) ; } sub2() { int a[MAX],i,max; max=5; for(i=0;i<max;i++)a[i]=i; } sub1() {for(i=0;i<MAX;i++)a[i]=i+i; } sub3(int a[]) { int i; for(i=0;i<MAX,i++)printf("%d",a[i]); printf("\n"); }A.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 1 2 3 4B.0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18C.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4D.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
在代码中定义了—个子过程; Sub P(a,B)… End Sub 下面______调用该过程的格式是正大确的。A.Call PB.Call P 10,20C.Call P(10,20)D.P(10,20)
有以下程序int sub(int n){ return(n%10+n/10); }main(){ int x,y; scanf("%d",x); y=sub(sub(x)); printf("%d\n",y);}若运行时输入:248回车,程序的输出结果是
执行下面程序,第一行输出结果是【 】,第二行输出结果是47。Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Form_Click( )Dim A As IntegerA=2Call Sub1 (A) End SubPrivate Sub1 (x As Integer)x=x*2+1If x<10 ThenCall Sub1 (x)End Ifx=x*2+1Print xEnd Sub
单击一次命令按钮之后,窗体中的输出结果为______。 Private Sub Command1_ Click() Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a = 10 b = 20 Call Num(a,B)Print a, b End Sub Sub Num(a,B)t = a a = b / t b = t End SubA.20 10B.10 20C.2 10D.10 10
设程序中有如下数组定义和过程调用语句:Dim a(10) as integer……Call p(a)如下过程定义中,正确的是A)Private Sub p(a as integer)B)Private Sub p(a() as integer)C)Private Sub p(a(10) as integer)D)Private Sub p(a(n) as integer)
在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序:Public X As Integer Private Sub Commandl Click( )x=10 Call slCall s2MsgBox x End Sub Private Sub sl( )x=x+20 End Sub Private Sub s2( )Dim x As Integer x=x+20End Sub窗体打开运行后,单击命令按钮,则消息框的输出结果为( )。A.10B.30C.40D.50
在窗体中添加一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下程序: Public x As Integer Private Sub Commandl_click() x=10 Call s 1 Call s 2 MsgBOx x End Sub Pfivate Sub s1() x=x+20 End Sub Private SubA.10B.30C.40D.50
下列程序的输出结果是( )。Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim arr(1 To 10)For i=1 To 10Next iFor Each i In arr()Next iEnd Sub
在代码中定义了一个子过程: Sub P(a,B)... End Sub 下面 ______调用该过程的格式是正确的。... End Sub 下面 ______调用该过程的格式是正确的。A.Call PB.Call P 10,20C.CallP(10,20)D.P(10,20)
有如下程序: Private Sub Commandl_Cick() a=10:b=50 Rem Print a;b Print bla Print a;b End Sub 运行后,单击命令按钮后的输出结果是 ( )A.10 50 50 10 10 50B.10 50C.10 50 50 10D.50 10
下列关于SuperVLAN的配置,正确的是()。 A.设置VLAN 10的类型为Super VLAN:[Quidway]supervlan 10B.创建Sub VLAN 20:[Quidway]vlan 20C.配置Super VLAN 10和Sub VLAN 20间的映射关系:[Quidway-vlan10]subvlan 20D.显示Super VLAN和Sub VLAN之间的映射关系:[Quidway]display supervlan 10
在窗体上画一个名称为Commandl的命令按钮,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer,y As Integer x = 41: y = 54 Call sub1(x,y) x = x + 1 Print x; y End Sub Private Sub sub1(n As Integer, ByVal m As Integer) n=n Mod 10 m=m\10 End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,则窗体上显示的内容是A.41 54B.2 54C.1 3D.42 3
单选题下列测量结果的表示中,错误的是()。ApIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usubrel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,k=2 /pBpIsubS/sub=10.0413(1±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pCpIsubS/sub=(10.0413±5×10sup-5/sup)A,k=2 /pDpIsubS/sub=10.0413A,Usub95rel/sub=5×10sup-5/sup,Vsubeff/sub=9 /p
单选题标称值为10kΩ的标准电阻在23℃时的校准值Rs为9.9999315kΩ,合成标准不确定度为52mΩ。在被测量服从正态分布的情况下,当包含概率为95%时,测量结果可表示为( )。ApRsubs/sub=9.99993kΩ,Usub95/sub=0.10Ω,ksub95/sub=1.96/pBpRsubs/sub=9.999931kΩ,Usub95/sub=0.10Ω,ksub95/sub=1.96/pCpRsubs/sub=9.99993kΩ,Usub95/sub=102mΩ,ksub95/sub=1.96/pDpRsubs/sub=9.999931kΩ,Usub95/sub=102mΩ,ksub95/sub=1.96/p
单选题根据《环境影响评价技术导则大气环境》,以下评价等级正确的是( )A pPsubmax/sub≥10%为一级评价/pB pPsubmax/sub≥80%为一级评价/pC pPsubmax/sub≤10%为三级评价/pD p 10%≤Psubmax/sub≤80%为二级评价/p