When the anchor reaches the bottom ,hoist the anchor ()by day.A、ballB、flagC、lightD、lamp

When the anchor reaches the bottom ,hoist the anchor ()by day.

  • A、ball
  • B、flag
  • C、light
  • D、lamp


“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means ________A.“The anchor was let go”B.“The anchor was foul”C.“The anchor was clear of the bottom”D.“The anchor leading abeam”

MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______.A.Dredging ( of anchor )B.Dragging ( of anchor )C.Weighing anchorD.Walking out anchor

MOVING OF AN ANCHOR OVER THE SEA BOTTOM INVOLUNTARILY BECAUSE IT IS NO LONGER PREVENTING THE MOVEMENT OF THE VESSEL defines ______.A.Dredging ( of anchor )B.Dragging ( of anchor )C.Weighing anchorD.Walking out anchor

The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to ______.A.reduce the length of the cableB.pay out more anchor cableC.back the enginesD.swing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom

THE ANCHOR WAS HEAVED AWEIGH means ______.A.The anchor was weightedB.The anchor was let goC.The anchor was lostD.The anchor was clear of the bottom

LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called ______.A.broaching the anchorB.shifting the anchorC.walking the anchorD.weighing the anchor

When the anchor()(到底),hoist the anchor ball by day.A、to the bottomB、reaches the bottomC、get the bottomD、bottom

“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”.A、The anchor was clear of the waterB、The anchor was let goC、The anchor was foulD、The anchor was clear of the bottom

()(绞)port anchor!A、Let goB、Heave awayC、Pay outD、Hoist

When the ship is alongside a wharf, we put the ()on the moorings.A、rat guardsB、anchor ballC、deck lightD、bollard

锚灯()A、anchor ballB、anchorageC、anchor shapeD、anchor light

锚已离底。()A、Stand by for heaving up!B、Hoist the anchor ball .C、The anchor is clear of the bottom.D、The cable is clear .

After the anchor reaches the bottom,()the engine room that power and water are finished with.A、noteB、noticeC、askD、inform

When the order “Let go the anchor” is received ,you should ().A、release the brakeB、hoist the anchor ballC、turn the windlass over slowlyD、A and B

单选题The best method to stop a vessel from dragging anchor in a sand bottom is to().Areduce the length of the cableBpay out more anchor cableCback the enginesDswing the rudder several times to work the anchor into the bottom

单选题The tension on an anchor cable increases so that the angle of the catenary to the seabed at the anchor reaches 10°. How will this affect the anchor in sandy soil?()AIt will have no effectBIt will increase the holding powerCIt will reduce the holding powerDIt will cause the anchor to snag

单选题Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel defines().Adredging ( of anchor )Bdragging ( of anchor )Cweighing anchorDwalking out anchor

单选题The holding power of an anchor increases when the().Aamount of chain lying along the bottom increasesBlength of the catenary is reducedCmooring line tension is increasedDamount of chain lying along the bottom decreases

单选题When the anchor()(到底),hoist the anchor ball by day.Ato the bottomBreaches the bottomCget the bottomDbottom

单选题The holding power of an anchor at a given scope of cable increases when the().Aamount of chain lying along the bottom increasesBlength of the catenary is reducedCmooring line tension is increasedDamount of chain lying along the bottom decreases

单选题The easiest way to anchor a vessel in a current is to().Astem the current and make very slow headway when the anchor is droppedBstem the current and be falling aft very slowly when the anchor is droppedCstem the current and endeavor to make neither headway nor sternway when the anchor is droppedDstop all headway through the water and keep the current astern when the anchor is dropped

单选题Lifting the anchor from the bottom is called().Abroaching the anchorBshifting the anchorCwalking the anchorDweighing the anchor

单选题Moving of an anchor over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel defines().Adredging ( of anchor )Bdragging ( of anchor )Cweighing anchorDwalking out anchor

单选题“The anchor was heaved aweigh” means“()”.AThe anchor was clear of the waterBThe anchor was let goCThe anchor was foulDThe anchor was clear of the bottom

单选题The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by().Ausing a small scope ratioBreplacing that portion with a short length of chainCusing a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottomDusing a synthetic line

单选题锚已离底。()AStand by for heaving up!BHoist the anchor ball .CThe anchor is clear of the bottom.DThe cable is clear .

单选题When the anchor reaches the bottom ,hoist the anchor ()by day.AballBflagClightDlamp