()是指用于限制瞬态过电压和泄放电涌电流的器件。它至少含有一个非线性元件。A、电涌保护器(SPD)surge protective deviceB、电压开关型SPD voltage switching type SPDC、限压型SPD voltage limiting type SPDD、组合型SPD combination type SPD
单选题The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the ().AAC voltage to the armatureBAC voltage to the fieldCDC voltage to the armatureDDC voltage to the field
单选题Which of the listed items will stop a motor due to a reduction in voltage and restart it when the voltage is restored to normal?()ALow voltage protection circuitBNon-renewable link fuseCRenewable link fuseDLow voltage release circuit
单选题The instantaneous reduction in voltage of an AC generator, resulting from an increase in load, and prior to the automatic voltage regulator correcting the situation, is called voltage ().AdroopBdropCdipDregulation
单选题A fuse that blows often should be replaced only with a fuse of ().Athe recommended current and voltage ratingBhigher current and voltage ratingChigher current and lower voltage ratingDlower current and higher voltage rating