公共物品(Public good)

公共物品(Public good)


吉芬物品(Giffen Good)

Public choice公共选择

Public good 公共品

Fair and (73) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy.Competitive pricing,product (74) and performance improvements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authorities get the best (75) for the public they serv(73)A.openB.continueC.dependentD.reliable

Of course, our()relationship is very good.But business is business. A、personnelB、personalC、privateD、public



指出下列程序运行的结果public class Example{ String str=newString("good"); char[]ch={'a','b','c'}; public static voidmain(String args[]){ Example ex=new Example();ex.change(ex.str,ex.ch); System.out.print(ex.str+" and ");Sytem.out.print(ex.ch); } public void change(String str,charch[]){ str="test ok"; ch[0]='g'; } } ( )AA good and abcBgood and gbcCtest ok and abcDtest ok and gbc

指出下列程序运行的结果 ( ) public class Example{ String str=new String("good"); char[]ch={'a','b','c'}; public static void main(String args[]){ Example ex=new Example(); ex.change(ex.otr,ex.ch); System.out.print(ex.str+"and"); System.out.print(ex.ch); } public void change(String str,char ch[])} str="test ok"; ch[0]≈'g'; } }A.good and abcB.good and gbcC.test ok and abcD.test ok and gbc

以下程序的运行结果为:public class Test{public static void main(String argv[ ]){System.out.println("good"+"morning");}} A. goodmorningB. "good"+"morning"C. good morningD. good+morning

If the 10% rule is applied, ______.[A]the best white high school students can get into colleges[B]public universities can get excellent students[C]students from poor rural families can go to colleges[D]good minority students can get into public universities


Fair and ( ) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. A.open B.continue C.dependent D.reliable


公共关系的英文是()。A、public relations B、public relationC、publication relationsD、publication relation

行政管理是英文()一词的汉译,传统上亦称公共行政或公共行政管理。A、public managementB、public administratorC、public administrationD、administrative management

自由物品(free good)就是不要钱随便拿的物品。

公共关系的英文是()A、Public RelationsB、Public RelationC、Publication Relations

“公共关系”这个词是由英文()翻译过来的,简称“PR”。A、 Public RelationB、 Public RelationsC、 Public RelativeD、 Public Relational

公共关系的英文是()。A、Public RelationsB、Public RelationC、Publication RelationsD、Publication Relation

Fair and(1)competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product (2)and performance improvements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authorities get the best (3)for the public they serve.A、helpB、serverC、valueD、policy

只能由政府提供的公共物品是( )。A、社会公共物品B、纯公共物品C、准公共物品D、公益性公共物品

名词解释题公共物品(Public good)

单选题An increasing number of students are coming to realize that an education at a public university can be as good, if not better, than an elite private college.Aas good, if not better, than an elite private collegeBas good, if not better, as one at an elite private collegeCas good as, if not better, than an elite private college educationDas good an education as, if not better, than one at an elite private collegeEas good as, if not better than, one at an elite private college


单选题Fair and(1) competition in government procurement around the world is good business and good public policy. Competitive pricing, product(2)and performanceimprovements result from competitive practices and help ensure that government authoritiesget the best (3)for the public they serve.空白(1)处填()AopenBcontinueCdependentDreliable

单选题只能由政府提供的公共物品是( )。A社会公共物品B纯公共物品C准公共物品D公益性公共物品