单选题Please refer to your personal ______ number.AidentifyBidentitiesCidentificationDidentified

Please refer to your personal ______ number.









identification number为固定搭配,意为“识别号,标识号”。选择C。identities身份。


“请出示您的身份证。”译成英文是()。 A、May I have your passportB、I will need to see your ID card,please.C、Would you please show me your ID cardD、Would you please show me the contents

This involves()the high-level reasoning behind your intentions for the event.A. identifyB. identifiedC. identifying

“请您在这签字好吗”用英语表述最恰当的是( )。A.Sign your name here.B.Put your name here.C.Would you please sign your name hereD.Would you please write your name here

The enclosed resume will tell you more about my personal information, including my references, to whom I can refer you as to my character and ability.

Please state why you chose to follow these activities and how they have contributed to your personal development. You may wish to give details of your role whether anyone else was involved and any difficulties you encountered。

please say something about your family

Personal Information1. What is your name? Your name, please? Please give me your name. May I have your name?

What is your present address? May I ask your present address? Tell me your present address, please.

Is there a table for , please? () please. Is the one near the backdoor OK?ATake your timeBThis wayCYou are welcomeDAfter you

“请把车票准备好。”翻译为:()A、Please get your tickets ready for checking.B、Please show me your tickets.C、Please let me see your tickets.D、Please get your tickets ready for showing.

请问您的电话号码?用英语最妥当的表述是()。A、Must I have your telephone number please?B、May I have your telephone number please?C、Need I have your telephone number please?D、Would I have your telephone number please?

Write down your name, boarding time and (个人物品)(),please.A、personal luggageB、personal effectsC、A or BD、A+B

Write down your name, ()(登船时间)and personal effects, please.A、leaving timeB、boarding timeC、departing timeD、arriving time

翻译:Please quote us your price for 100 units of Item 6 in your catalog.

“请把车票拿出来。”翻译为:()A、Take your tickets out.B、Show me your tickets,please.C、Let me see your tickets.D、Bring in your tickets,please.

当乘客下车后,司机应该提醒乘客带好随身物品,怎样说?()A、Please stop hereB、Do not forget to take your luggageC、Please fasten your seat-belt

请出示登机牌时可说()A、“May I have your ID card?”B、“please show me your boarding card”C、“please take back your boarding card”D、“ID card,please.”

单选题Please tell your officers()them carefully.AwatchBto watchCwatchingDwatched

单选题Please return the copies attached()your signature.AofBonCfromDwith

单选题Write down your name, ()(登船时间)and personal effects, please.Aleaving timeBboarding timeCdeparting timeDarriving time

单选题Will your show me your()Bill of Health ,Please?AlateBlatestClast

单选题“请把车票拿出来。”翻译为:()ATake your tickets out.BShow me your tickets,please.CLet me see your tickets.DBring in your tickets,please.

单选题()me your ID card, please.AShowedBShowingCShowsDShow

单选题Is there a table for , please? () please. Is the one near the backdoor OK?ATake your timeBThis wayCYou are welcomeDAfter you

单选题—Excuse me, may I come in?—Not yet. Please wait on your chair ______ your name is called.AandBuntilCafterDsince

单选题()is your maximum draught,please?AHowBWhatCWhereDThat

单选题Write down your(名字)(),boarding time and personal effects.AnameBnoticeCnewDnow