A lingua franca

A lingua franca



Xiaoyan:So, I' d like to come and see the flat.Franca: Yes, when is convenient? How about during the day? I usually work in theevening.Xiaoyan; Well,I work during the day, but perhaps in the afternoon?Franca:Well, why don't you come at about 5 o'clock?Xiaoyan:That's a good idea.Franca; Are you free on Thursday?Xiaoyan: No, I'm afraid I'm not. We always have a meeting on Thursday. What aboutWednesday?Franca:No, I' m sorry. I' m busy on Wednesday. I’m in Cambridge. Are you free onFriday?Xaaoyan:Yes,Friday is fine.Franca: Okay. See you on Friday at 5 o'clock at the flat.Xiaoyan;Thanks very much. Goodbye.Franca:Goodbye.1. Franca usually works during the day.A. RightB. Wrong2. It is convenient for both of them to meet in the afternoon.A. RightB. Wrong3.Xiaoyan is free on Wednesday.A. RightB. Wrong4. Franca is not free on Wednesday because he has a meeting.A. RightB. Wrong5. They are going to meet on Friday at the flat.A. RightB. Wrong

Interviewer-------- Why is English so important?David------- Well, English is so important primarily because so many people speak it and use it, so it has now become the lingua franca in the world in a way that we’ve never seen before. We’ve never had a world language of this kind before. So people are learning it not just to be able tocommunicate with native speakers, but also with speakers of other language around world.Interviewer-------And why has it become that dominant language?David------I think the reason for that is actually very complicated, although in the twentieth century, we can just see that it’s the rise of the US military and consumer power. I mean the technology, all the big developments in technology largely came from the US. So all of these developments actually were produced within the English language, and people had to learn English in order to understand them, or to benefit from them. The Internet is only one example of that kind. Once a language has got into that position of dominance, it’s actually very different to shift it. So we could be seeing the emergence of other big languages in the world becoming more important than they have been, like Spanish, but it’s unlikely that they’re going to shift the English from its position of dominance.36. English is important, according to David, __________________________. A). because it has become a world language B). because so many people speak and use it C). because a lot of people are learning it D). because it is the lingua franca37. English has become the dominant language in the world________________________. A). because it has always been the way B). for a reason that is very complicated C). only in the 20th century D). for no reasons38. English became the dominant language in the 20th century_________________________. A). in the USAB). because of the increase in American consumer powerC). because developments in technology came mainly from USA. D). all over the world.39. People had to learn English______________________.A). because developments in technology were made by English speakers B). because they needed to understand the new developments in technology C). to use the InternetD). to speak with native Americans40. David thinks that__________________________.A). it will be easy for another language to become dominant B). English will not always be the dominant languageC). it will not be easy for another language to become dominant D). English will be the dominant language

Text 3 Even in traditional offices,“the lingua franca of corporate America has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago,”said Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn.She started spinning off examples.“If you and I parachuted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990,we would see much less frequent use of terms like journey,mission,passion.There were goals,there were strategies,there were objectives,but we didn’t talk about energy;we didn’t talk about passion.”Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very“team”-oriented—and not by coincidence.“Let’s not forget sports—in male-dominated corporate America,it’s still a big deal.It’s not explicitly conscious;it’s the idea that I’m a coach,and you’re my team,and we’re in this together.There are lots and lots of CEOs in very different companies,but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.”These terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and,as Khurana,another professor,points out,increase allegiance to the firm.“You have the importation of terminology that historically used to be associated with non-profit organizations and religious organizations:terms likevision,values,passion,and purpose,”said Khurana.This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance.The“mommy wars”of the 1990s are still going on today,prompting arguments about why women still can’t have it all and books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In,whose title has become a buzzword in its own right.Terms like unplug,offline,life-hack,bandwidth,and capacity are all about setting boundaries between the office and the home.But if your work is your“passion,”you’ll be more likely to devote yourself to it,even if that means going home for dinner and then working long after the kids are in bed.But this seems to be the irony of office speak:Everyone makes fun of it,but managers love it,companies depend on it,and regular people willingly absorb it.As linguist once said,“You can get people to think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buy into it.”In a workplace that’s fundamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning,office speak can help you figure out how you relate to your work—and how your work defines who you are.“Team”oriented corporate vocabulary is closely related to_____A.historical incidentsB.gender differenceC.sports cultureD.athletic executives

Text 3 Even in traditional offices,“the lingua franca of corporate America has gotten much more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago,”said Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn.She started spinning off examples.“If you and I parachuted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990,we would see much less frequent use of terms like journey,mission,passion.There were goals,there were strategies,there were objectives,but we didn’t talk about energy;we didn’t talk about passion.”Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very“team”-oriented—and not by coincidence.“Let’s not forget sports—in male-dominated corporate America,it’s still a big deal.It’s not explicitly conscious;it’s the idea that I’m a coach,and you’re my team,and we’re in this together.There are lots and lots of CEOs in very different companies,but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.”These terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and,as Khurana,another professor,points out,increase allegiance to the firm.“You have the importation of terminology that historically used to be associated with non-profit organizations and religious organizations:terms likevision,values,passion,and purpose,”said Khurana.This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance.The“mommy wars”of the 1990s are still going on today,prompting arguments about why women still can’t have it all and books like Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In,whose title has become a buzzword in its own right.Terms like unplug,offline,life-hack,bandwidth,and capacity are all about setting boundaries between the office and the home.But if your work is your“passion,”you’ll be more likely to devote yourself to it,even if that means going home for dinner and then working long after the kids are in bed.But this seems to be the irony of office speak:Everyone makes fun of it,but managers love it,companies depend on it,and regular people willingly absorb it.As linguist once said,“You can get people to think it’s nonsense at the same time that you buy into it.”In a workplace that’s fundamentally indifferent to your life and its meaning,office speak can help you figure out how you relate to your work—and how your work defines who you are.Which of the following statements is true about office speak?A.Managers admire it but avoid it.B.Linguists believe it to be nonsense.C.Companies find it to be fundamental.D.Regular people mock it but accept it.

Lingua francas(通用语;共同语)

名词解释题Lingua francas(通用语;共同语)

名词解释题A lingua franca