执行以下代码后的输出结果是哪一个选项? my_list = [s.lower() for s in 'Life is short, you need Python.'.split(' ')] print('short' in my_list) print(my_list[5])A.True python.B.False python.C.True PythonD.False Python

执行以下代码后的输出结果是哪一个选项? my_list = [s.lower() for s in 'Life is short, you need Python.'.split(' ')] print('short' in my_list) print(my_list[5])

A.True python.

B.False python.

C.True Python

D.False Python



以下代码段的输出结果是()Strings=Java World;System.out.print(s.index Of(a,4));A.-1B.OC.1D.4

以下语句输出结果是______。Print Int(12345.6789 * 100 + 0.5) / 100

如果在立即窗口中执行以下操作(是回车键):a=8b=9print a>b则输出结果是 ______。 如果在立即窗口中执行以下操作(<CR>是回车键): a=8 <CR> b=9 <CR> print a>b<CR> 则输出结果是 ______。A.-1B.0C.假D.真

(8)设当前日期为2007年12月27日,星期四,则执行下列语句后的输出结果是。 Print Day(Now) Print Month(Now) Print Year(Now) Print Weekday(Now)

(7)执行下列语句后,输出结果是。 s$="ABCDEFG" Print InStr(s$,"efg") Print LCase$(s$)

哪个选项是下面代码的执行结果()s='PYTHON'print("{0:3}".format(s)) A、PYTHONB、PYTC、PYTHD、PYTHON

以下语句的输出结果【 】。S$= "China"S$= "Shanghai"。Print S$

若有以下变量定义和函数调用语句: int a=25; print_value(a); 则执行下面函数后正确的输出结果是( )。 void print_value(int*x) { cout<<++*x<<endl; }A.23B.24C.25D.26

下列语句执行后的输出结果是______。 Wage=26 Print"工资"; Print WageA.工资□26B.工资□□26C.工资□26D.工资□□26

以下程序的执行结果是______ include include void print(int n) { if(n 以下程序的执行结果是______include<iostream.h>include<iomanip.h>void print(int n){if(n!=0){print(n-1);for(int i=1;i<=n;i++=cout<<setw(3)<<i;cout<<endl;}}void main(){print (4);}

执行下面程序后输出的正确结果是( )。 public class Test{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.print(100%3); System.out.print(","); System.out.print(100%0); } }A.1,1B.1,1.0C.1.0, lD.1.0,1.0

编译和执行以下代码,输出结果是( )。 int i=1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.print("zero,"); break; case 1: System.out.print("one,"); case 2: System.out.print("two,"); default: System.out.println("default"); }A.one,B.one,two,C.one,two,defaultD.default

假设X的值是5,则执行以下语句时,可得到的输出结果是ABCDEF的Select Case语句是 ( )A.Select Case X Case 10 To 1 Print“ABCDEF” End SelectB.Select Case X Case Is>15,Is<5 Print"ABCDEF" End SelectC.Selecl Case K Case Is>5,1,3,To 10 Print"ABCDEF" End SelectD.Select Case X Case 1,3,Is>5 Print"ABCDEF" End Select

执行语句Print”25+32=”,25+32的输出结果是 【 】。

以下程序的输出结果是______。 include define FUDGE(y)2.84+y define PR(a)printf(" 以下程序的输出结果是______。 #include<stdio.h> #define FUDGE(y) 2.84+y #define PR(a) printf("%d",(int)(a)) #define PRINT() PR(s) ;putchar('\n') main() { intx=2; PRINT1 (FUDGE(5)*x); }A.11B.12C.13D.15

执行以下语句后,输出的结果是 s$=“ABCDEFGHI” Print Mid$(s$,3,4) Print Len(s$)A.ABCD 11B.CDEF 11C.EFGH 11D.HIJK 11

执行下列语句后,输出结果是______。s$="ABCDEFG"Print lnStr(s$,"efg")Print LCase$(s$)

以下程序运行后,输出结果是______。includess(char*s){char *p=s; while(*.p)p++; retu 以下程序运行后,输出结果是______。#include<stdio.h>ss (char *s){ char *p=s; while(*.p)p++; return(p-s);}main(){ char *a="abded"; int i; i=ss((A); print ("%d\n",i);}A.8B.7C.6D.5

若有以下程序段: int r=8; print("%d\n",r1): 输出结果是( )。 A.16B.8S 若有以下程序段: int r=8; print("%d\n",r1): 输出结果是( )。A.16B.8C.4D.2

●某处理器按照大端方式工作,以下C语言代码执行后的输出是(63) 。char iArr[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};short tVal; short *pVal= NULL;pVal= (short *)(iArr+2);tVal= *pVal;printf(“tVal= %#x\n”,tVal);(63)A.tVal=0x203B.tVal=0x302C.tVal=515D.tVal= 770

执行以下语句后,输出的结果是 a$="Good" b$="Afternoon" Print a$+b$ Print a$b $A.Goodaftenoon GoodAfternoonB.Good+ GoodAfternoonC.Good+ GoodAfternoonD.Good Good

以下语句的输出结果是 a=Sqr(3) Print Format(a, "$$ # # # # . # # #")A.$1.732B.$S1.732C.1732D.$$0001.732

给定以下JAVA代码,这段代码编译运行后输出的结果是( )publicclassTest{publicstaticintaMethod(inti)throwsException{try{returni/10;}catch(Exceptionex){thrownewException("exceptioninaaMothod");}finally{System.out.print("finally");}}publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){try{aMethod(0);}catch(Exceptionex){System.out.print("exceptioninmain");}System.out.print("finished");}}A、finallyexceptioninmainfinishedB、exceptioninmainfinallyC、finallyfinishedD、finallyexceptioninmainfinished

执行下列语句后,输出结果为______。s$="ABCDEFG"Print InStr(s$,"efg")Print LCase$(s$)

以下代码中变量result的可能类型有哪些?byte b = 11;short s = 13;result = b * ++s; A.byte, short, int, long, float, doubleB.boolean, byte, short, char, int, long, float, doubleC.byte, short, char, int, long, float, doubleD.byte, short, charE.int, long, float, double

单选题有以下程序:#include #define F(x) 2.84+x#define PR(a) printf(%d,(int)(a))#define PRINT(a) PR(a);putchar('')main(){ PRINT(F(5)*2);}程序运行后的输出结果是(  )。A12B13C15D11

单选题You are the administrator of the company network. The network consists of a single active directory domain. The network includes 10 servers running Windows Server 2003 and 200 client computers running Windows XP Professional. You install and configure a server named TestKingSrv as a print server. The name of the print queue is //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You assign the Everyone group the Allow - Print permissions. A user named Lisa in the Finance department reports that she is unable to print to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. Several other users report that they are unable to print to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You log on to Lisa's computer and submit several print jobs, but none of them print and no error message is displayed. In Printers and Faxes on Lisa's computer, you open //TestKingSrv/laserprinter. You see the following status of the print queue: "laserprinter on TestKingSrv is unable to connect". You are able to ping TestKingSrv. You need to ensure that print jobs submitted to //TestKingSrv/laserprinter will be printed. What should you do?()AOn a domain controller, create a shared printer object in Active Directory for //TestKingSrv /laserprinter.BFrom a command prompt on Lisa's computer, run the Net Print //TestKingSrv /lasterprinter command.COn Lisa's computer, open the Services console and restart the Print Spooler service.DOn Lisa's computer, open the Services console and connect to TestKingSrv. Restart the Print Spooler service.
