A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial characteristic.A:.markB: featureC: traceD: appearance

A peculiarly pointed chin is his most memorable facial characteristic.

B: feature
C: trace
D: appearance




共用题干G8 SummitLeaders of the Group of Eight Major Industrialized Nations(G8)will meet in Scotland in July this year. Representatives from China,India,Mexico,South Africa and Brazil have also been invited.Here's what the G8 leaders want from the meeting.British Prime Minister Tony Blair wants the G8 to cancel debt to the world's poorest' countries. He wants them to double aid to Africa to 50 billion pounds by 2010.He has also proposed reducing subsidies to Western farmers and removing restrictions on African exports.This has not got the approval of all members because it will hurt their agricultural interests.On climate change,Blair wants concerted(共同的)action by reducing carbon emissions(排放).US President George W. Bush agrees to give help to Africa. But he says he doesn't like the idea of increasing aid to countries as it will increase corruption.Bush said he would not sign an agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions at the summit,according to media. The US is the only G8 member not to have signed the Kyoto Protocol(《京都议定书》).Although the US is the world's biggest polluter,Bush so far refuses to believe there is sufficient scientific data to establish beyond a doubt that there is a problem.French President Jacques Chirac supports Blair on Africa and climate change.He is determined to get the US to sign the climate change deal.German Chancellor Gerhard Schroder remains doubtful of Blair's Africa proposals.Schroder's officials have dismissed the notion that money will solve Africa's problems as"old thinking".Berlin says that African states should only receive extra money if they can prove they've solved the corruption problem.Russian President Vladimir Putin was doubtful about the value of more aid to Africa. But he has seen a way to make this work to his advantage.Putin intends to use the aid to Africa as a springboard(跳板)next year to propose aid to the former Soviet republics of Georgia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Moldova.Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi's priorities are a seat on the UN Security Council, for which he will be lobbying(游说)at the summit. And he's concerned about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's nuclear weapons programme.The G8 countries include China,India,Mexico,South Africa and Brazil.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干A Lucky BreakActor Antonio Banderas is used to breaking bones,and it always seems to happen when he's______(51)sport .In the film Play It to the Bone he______(52)the part of a middleweight boxer alongside Woody Harrelson.______(53)the making of the film Harrelson______(54)complaining that the fight.______(55)weren't very convincing,so one day he suggested that he and Banderas should have a fight for______(56).The Spanish actor wasn't keen on the idea at first,but he was______(57)persuaded by his co-star to put on his gloves and climb into the boxing ring. However,when he realized how seriously his opponent was taking it all,he began to______(58)his decision to fight. And then in the third round,Harrelson hit Banderas______(59)hard in the face that he actually broke his nose.His wife,actress Melanie Griffith,was furious that he had been playing“silly macho games”.“She was right”, confesses Banderas,“and I was a fool to______(60)a risk like that in the middle of a movie.”He was______(61)of the time he broke his leg during a football match in his native Mal-aga. He had always______(62)of becoming a soccer star,of performing in front of a big crowd,but doctors told him his playing days were probably over.“That's when I decided to take ______(63)acting;I saw it as______(64)way of performing,and achieving recognition. What happened to me on that football______(65)was,you might say,my first lucky break.”61._________A: rememberedB: remindedC: recordedD: replayed

共用题干Waste Not,Want Not1 .Bob and Clara Darlington,who own and run a farm in the North of England,have always looked for new ways of making money out of the produce they grow.Their success be-gan when they established a shop on their farm,so that people could come and buy fresh vegetables directly from them.2 .The business was an immediate success,and soon scored top marks in a competition set up by the Farm Retail Association to find the best farm shop in the country.The Association's inspectors found the Darlingtons'shop offered excellent service and value for money as well as quality fruit and vegetable.3 .Clara Darlington is a trained chef and,in addition to a range of home-grown foods and other local produce,she began offering a variety of prepared meals which she had made her-self in the farmhouse kitchen.A small cafe alongside the farm shop was soon added,with eve-rything that visitors could taste on the menu also being for sale in the shop.4 .Clara admits that starting the business was expensive,and she has worked very hard, but maintains that if the product is good,the public recognize this and buy it.“I aim to offer the highest quality to our customers,whether they come in for a loaf of bread,or take a whole dinner-party menu.I take it as a compliment(恭维)if people take home one of my dishes to serve to their family and friends and get away with pretending they made it themselves.”5 .So it was that the couple realized that they had a surplus of misshapen or damaged vegetables grown on the farm which were unsuitable for selling in the shop.Clara,not wish-ing to see them get thrown away,decided to turn them into soup.6 .The soup met with the immediate approval of customers to the shop and Clara now produces ten different varieties.She spent much of the summer traveling up and down to London by rail,doing presentations of the soups.As a result,they are now served in first-class railway restaurant cars belonging to three companies as well as being stocked by a number of high-class London stores.Paragraph 4______A:Time Well Spent Is RewardedB:Professional Recognition Is ObtainedC:A Necessary Alternative to FarmingD:Professional Skills Are ExploitedE:Continuing Investment in High StandardsF:Ensuring that Nothing Gets Wasted

共用题干Schools and Education1. Life in the twenty-first century demands preparation.Today,all individuals in a country must have adequate schooling to prepare them for their work as well as for their responsibilities as citizens.With this in mind,national leaders everywhere are placing more emphasis on the education of the young.In the United States,government officials,parents,and teachers are working hard to give their children一tomorrow's decision makers一the best preparation available.2. There is no national school policy in the United States.Each of the fifty states makes its own rules and regulations for its school,but there are many similarities among the fifty school systems.Public schools in all states are supported by taxes paid by the citizens of the individual state. In most states the children are required to attend school until they reach the age of sixteen.3. When they become six years old,children begin elementary school.After six years in elementary school,they go into junior high school and remain there for three years.The last three years of their public school education are spent in senior high school,from which they graduate at the age of eighteen.4. A great number of high school graduates continue their education in one of the many colleges or universities in the country.After four years,they receive a bachelor's degree.Some continue studying for a master's degree and perhaps a doctor's degree.Paragraph 3________A:Higher Education in the USB:Primary and Secondary SchoolingC:The Importance of EducationD:The Similar School System Throughout the USE:The Process of EducationF: Pre-school Education in the US

The decoration of the palace amazes the visitors with its gorgeous furniture.A:ridiculous B:lovely C:peculiar D:magnificent

共用题干Why would They Falsely Confess?Why on earth would an innocent person falsely confess to committing a crime?To most people,it just doesn't seem logical.But it is logical,say experts,if you understand what can happen in a police interrogation(审讯)room.Under the right conditions,people's minds are susceptible(易受影响的)to influence, and the pressure put on suspects during police grillings(盘问)is enormous.______(1) “The pressure is important to understand.because otherwise it's impossible to understand why someone would say he did something he didn't do.The answer is:to put an end to an uncomfortable situation that will continue until he does confess.”Developmental psychologist Allison Redlich recently conducted a laboratory determine how likely people are to confess to things they didn't do.______(2)The researchers then intentionally crashed the computers and accused the participants of hitting the“alt”key to see if they would sign a statement falsely taking responsibility.Redlich's findings clearly demonstrate how easy it can be to get people to falsely confess:59% percent of the young adults in the experiment immediately confessed.______(3)Of the 15-to 16year-olds,72 percent signed confessions,as did 78 percent of the 12-to 13-year-olds.“There's no question that young people are more at risk,”says Saul Kassin,Professor at Williams College,who has done similar studies with similar results.______(4)Both Kassin and Redlich note that the entire“interrogation”in their experiments consis-ted of a simple accusation一not hours of aggressive questioning一and still,most participants falsely confessed.Because of the stress of a police interrogation,they conclude,suspects can become con-vinced that falsely confessing is the easiest way out of a bad situation.______(5)______(4)A:In her experiment,participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the“alt” key,because doing so would crash the systems.B:“In some ways,”says Kassin,“false confession becomes a rational decision.”C:“It's a little like somebody's working on them with a dental(牙的)drill, ”says Frank-lin Zimring,a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley.D:“But adults are highly vulnerable too.”E:How could an innocent person admit to doing something he didn't do?F:Redlich also found that the younger the participant,the more likely a false confession

Several windows had been smashed.A:cleaned B:replaced C:broken D:fixed

共用题干Some Things We Know About LanguageMany things about language are a mystery,and many will always remain so.But some things we do know.First,we know that all human beings have a language of some sort. There is no race of men anywhere on earth so backward that it has no language,no set of speech sounds by which the people communicate with one another. Furthermore,in historical times,there has never been a race of men without a language.Second,there is no such thing as a primitive language.There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped,who are,as we say,uncivilized,but the languages they speak are not primitive .In all known languages we can see complexities that must have been tens of thousands of years in developing.This has not always been well understood;indeed,the direct contrary has often been stated.Popular ideas of the language of the American Indians will illustrate.Many people have supposed that the Indians communicated in a very primitive system of noises.Study has proved this to be nonsense .There are,or were,hundreds of American Indian languages,and all of them turn out to be very complicated and very old.They are certainly different from the languages that most of us are familiar with,but they are no more primitive than English and Greek.A third thing we know about language is that all languages are perfectly adequate. That is, each one is a perfect means of expressing the culture of the people who speak the language.Finally,we know that language changes.It is natural and normal for language to change;the only languages which do not change are the dead ones.This is easy to understand if we look backward in time.Change goes on in all aspects of language.Grammatical teatures change as do speech sounds,and changes in vocabulary are sometimes very extensive and may occur very rap-idly. Vocabulary is the least stable part of any language. In the second paragraph the passage tells us that______.A: some backward race doesn't have a language of its ownB: some race in history didn't possess a language of its ownC: any human race,whether backward or not,has a languageD: some races on earth can communicate without language

共用题干The FamilyThe structure of a family takes different forms around the world and even in the same society.The family's form changes as it adapts to changing social and economic influences.Until recently,the most common form in North America was the nuclear family,consisting of a married couple with their minor children.The nuclear family is an independent unit,It must be prepared to fend for itself.Individual family members strongly depend on one another.There is little help from outside the family in emergencies.Elderly relatives of a nuclear family are cared for only if it is possible for the family to do so.In North America,the elderly often do not live with the family;they live in retirement communities and nursing homes.There are many parallels between the nuclear family in industrial societies,such asNorth America,and of families in societies such as that of the Inuits,who live in harsh environments.The nuclear family structure is well adapted to a life of mobility.In harsh conditions,mobility allows the family to hunt for food.For North Americans,the hunt for jobs and improved social status also requires mobility.The nuclear family was not always the North American standard.In a more agrarian time,the small nuclear family was usually part of a larger extended family.This might have included grandparents,mother and father,brothers and sisters,uncles,aunts,and cousins.In North America today,there is a dramatic rise in the number of single-parent households.Twice as many households in the United States are headed by divorced,separated,or nevermarried individuals as are comprised of nuclear families.The structure of the family,not just in North America,but throughout the world,continues to change as it adapts to changing conditions.A nuclear family is defined as______.A:a married couple with their minor childrenB:a single father with minor childrenC:parents,grandparents,and childrenD:parents,children,and aunts and uncles

共用题干Hitchhiking(搭车旅游)When I was in my teens(十几岁)and 20s, hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport.The kindness or curiosity of strangers_________(1)me all over Europe,North America,Asia and southern Africa.Some of the lift-givers became friends, many provided hospitality_________(2)the road.Not only did you find out much more about a country than__________(3)traveling by train or plane,but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night.Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture.It has books and songs about it.So what has happened to_________(4)?A few years ago,I asked the same question about hitchhiking in a column on a newspaper.___________(5)of people from all over the world responded with their view on the state of hitchhiking,"If there is a hitchhiker's_______(6)it must be Iran,"came one reply.RuralIreland was recommended as a friendly place for hitchhiking,_________(7)was Quebec, Canada一 "if you don't mind being berated(严厉指责)for not speaking French." But while hitchhiking was clearly still alive and well in many parts of the world, the _________(8) feeling was that throughout much of the west it was doomed(消亡).With so much news about crime in the media,people assumed that anyone on the open road without the money for even a bus ticket must present a danger. But do we________(9) to be so wary both to hitchhike and to give a lift? In Poland in the 1960s,____________.(10)a Polish woman who e-mailed me,"the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet.The booklet contained coupons for drivers, so each time a driver_________(11)somebody,he or she received a coupon.At the end of the season,_________(12)who had picked up the most hikers were rewarded with various prizes.Everybody was hitchhiking then."Surely this is a good idea for society.Hitchhiking would increase respect by breaking down_________(13)between strangers.It would help fight_________(14)warming by cutting down on fuel consumption as hitchhikers would be using existing fuels.It would also improve educational standards by delivering instant_________(15)in geography, history,politics and sociology._________(11)A:sent B:picked up C:selected D:brought

共用题干第三篇Saving MoneyWhere you save your money often depends on what you are saving for. If you are saving to buy a dictionary or to go to a concert,then probably keep your money somewhere in your room.If you are saving for a big purchase like a mountain bike or a school trip,where would you save your money?One place to save money is the bank.Putting your money in a savings account will help your money earn more money. If you put your money in a piggy bank(猪形储蓄罐), one year later you'll still have the same amount of money you put in?If you put your money in a savings account,one year later,you'll have more money than you put in.Why?When you keep your money in a bank,your money earns interest.Interest is the amount of money a bank pays you to use your money.The bank uses your money(and the money of other people,too)to loan money to people and businesses.The bank will send you a statement several times a year. A bank statement tells you how much money there is in your account. It also tells you how much interest you have earned.If you leave your money in the bank,you can watch it grow!Another way you can save money is to buy a certificate of deposit or CD.If you have some money that you don't need to use for a long time,this is a good way to make your money grow. You can buy a CD at a bank.You agree not to use the money for a certain period of time.That period might be from six months to five years.You can't touch your money during that time.If you do,you must pay a penalty,or fee.Since the bank is using your money for that time period,it will pay you interest.You will earn more interest with a CD than in a savings account. Can you guess why?It's because you promise to leave your money in the bank for a certain period of time.Banks pay different rates of interest.So, you may want to compare rates in newspaper ads before buying a CD.Which way will help your money earn more money?A:Putting your money in your room.B:Putting your money in a piggy bank.C:Putting your money in your pocket.D:Putting your money in a savings account.