Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down.A:excitement B:anger C:calmD:disappointment

Afterwards there was just a feeling of let-down.



解析:本句意思:后来只有一种失望的感觉。let-down意思是“失望,沮丧”,与disappointment (失望)意思相近。excitement兴奋,激动;anger怒火,怒气;calm平静,宁静。


共用题干Something Men Do Not Like to DoEric Brown hates shopping."It's just not enjoyable to me,"said the 28-year-old Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the city's main street,Michigan Avenue."When I'm out_______(1),I basically know what I want to get.I rush in.Ibuy it.I_______(2)."Common wisdom says that guys hate to shop.You can ask generations of men.But people who study shopping say that a number of social,cultural and economic factors are now_______(3)this "men-hate-to-shop" notion."_________(4)social class and age,men say they hate to shop,"says Sharon Zukin,a City University of New York sociology professor."Yet when you ask them deeperquestions,it turns out that they__________(5)to shop.Men generally like to shop for _________(6),music and hardware(硬件).But if you ask them about the shopping they do for books or music,they'll say,'Well,that's not shopping.That's________(7)."' In other words,what men and women call"buying things"and how they approach thattask are________(8).Women will__________(9)through several 1,000-square-metre stores in search of the perfect party dress.Men will wander through 100 Internet sites in search of the ________(10)digital camcorder(摄像放像机).Women see shopping as a social event.Men see it as a mission or a________(11) to be won."Men are frequently shopping to win,"says Mary Ann McGrath,a marketing professor at Loyola University of Chicago."They want to get the best deal.They want to get the best one,the last one and if they do that it________(12)them happy."When women shop,"they're doing it in a way where they want_________(13)to be very happy,"says McGrath."They're kind of shopping for love."In fact,it is in clothing where we see a male-female________(14)most clearly. Why,complain some men,are all male clothes navy,black or brown?But would theywear light green and pink(粉红色的)?These days,many guys wear a sort of"uniform",says Paco Underhill,author of "Why We Buy"."It's been hard for them to understand what it means to be fashion-conscious(时尚意识)in a business way. It becomes much, much easier _________ (15)you narrow your range of choices."_________(13) A:everybody B:nobody C:anybody D:no one

共用题干School LunchResearch has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat______(1) in the middle of the day.In Britain schools have to ______(2) meals atlunchtime.Children can______(3) to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.One shocking______(4) of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents.There are strict______(5) for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one______(6) of fruit and one of vegetables,as well as meat,a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta.Lunchboxes______(7) by researchers contained sweet drinks,crisps and chocolate bars.Children______(8) twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.The research will provide a better______(9) of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has______(10) in the last decade.Unfortunately,the government cannot ______(11) parents, but it can remind them of the______(12) value of milk,fruit and vegetables.Small changes in their children's diet can______(13) their future health.Children can easily develop bad eating______(14) at this age,and parents are the only ones who can______(15) it.8._________A:takeB:containC:consumeD:consist

共用题干Scotland:A Land of WisdomIn the 1740s,the famous French philosopher Voltaire said,"We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization."That's not a bad advertisement for any country when it comes to attracting people to search for a first-class education.According to the American author Arthur Herman,the Scots invented the modern world itself.He argues that Scottish thinkers and intellectuals worked out many of the most important ideas on which modern life depends一everything from the scientific method to market economics.Their ideas did not just spread among intellectuals,but to those people in business,government and the sciences who actually shaped the Western world.It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment(启蒙运动),which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800.Before that, philosophy was mainly concerned with religion. For the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment,the proper study of humanity was mankind itself.Their reasoning was practical.For the philosopher David Hume,humanity was the right subject for philosophy because we can examine human behavior and so find real evidence of how people think and feel.And from that we can make judgments about the societies we live in and make concrete suggestions about how they can be improved for universal benefit.Hume's enquiry into the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for the scientific method一the pursuit of truth through experiment. His friend and fellow resident of Edinburgh,Adam Smith,famously applied the study of mankind to the ways in which mankind does business.Trade,he argued,was a form of information.In pursuing our own interests through trading in markets,we all come to benefit each other.Smith's idea has dominated modern views of economics.It also has wide applications. He was one of the philosophers to point out that nations can become rich,free and powerful through peace,trade and invention.Although the Scottish Enlightenment ended a long time ago,the ideas which evolved at that time still underpin(构成······的基础)our theories of human exchange and enquiry. Italso exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combines academic excellence with orientation(方向). Scotland is the right place to receive a first-class education.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干第三篇Gross National HappinessIn the last century,new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries. However,one country resisted these changes. High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia,the kingdom of Bhutan remained separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan, however,was a poor country.People died at a young age.Most of its people could not read,and they did not know much about the outside world.Then, in 1972,a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to become modern,but without losing its traditions.King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas.He saw that most countries measured their progress by their Gross National Product(GNP).The GNP measures products and money.When the number of products sold increases,people say the country is making progress.King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan.He wanted to measure his country's progress by people's happiness.If the people's happiness increased,the king could say that Bhutan was making progress.To decide if people were happier,he created a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness.People are happier if they have health care, education,and jobs.They are happier when they live in a healthy,protected environment.They are happier when they can keep their traditional culture and customs.Finally,people are happier when they have a good,stable government.Now there is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan.People are healthier and are living longer.More people are educated and employed.Twenty-five percent of the land has become national parks,and the country has almost no pollution.The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow theirancient Buddhist customs.Bhutan has also become a democracy.In 2008,King Wangchuck gave his power to his son.Although the country still had a king,it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had political parties and political candidates for the first time.Finally,Bhutan has connected to the rest of the world through television and internet.Bhutan is a symbol for social progress.Many countries are now interested in Bhutan's GNH.These countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness.They want to create new policies that take care of their people,cultures,and land.Brazil may be the nest country to use the principles of GNH.Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH as a source of inspiration.Brazil is a large country with a diverse population.If happiness works as a measure of progress in Brazil,perhaps the rest of the world will follow.Who was Jigme Singye Wangchuck?A:A president.B:A Buddhist priest.C:A general.D:A king.

共用题干A Lucky BreakActor Antonio Banderas is used to breaking bones,and it always seems to happen when he's______(1) sport.In the film Play It to the Bone he______(2) the part of a middleweight boxer alongside Woody Harrelson.______(3)the making of the film Harrelson______(4) complaining that the fight______(5)weren't very convincing,so one day he suggested that he and Banderas should have a fight for real.The Spanish actor wasn't______(6)on the idea at first,but he was______(7) persuaded by his co-star to put on his gloves and climb into the boxing ring.However,when he realized how seriously his______(8) was taking it all,he began to regret his decision to fight.And then in the third round,Harrelson hit Banderas______(9)hard in the face that he actually broke his nose.His wife,actress Melanie Griffith,was furious that he had been playing“silly macho games”.“She was right,”confesses Banderas,“and I was a fool to______(10)a risk like that in the middle of a movie.”He was______(11)of the time he broke his leg during a football match in his native Malaga.He had always______(12)of becoming a soccer star,of performing in front of a big crowd,but doctors told him his playing days were probably over.“That's when I decided to take______(13) acting;I saw it as______(14)way of performing,and achieving recognition.What happened to me on that football______(15)was,you might say,my first lucky break.”11._________A:rememberedB:remindedC:recordedD:replayed

共用题干The Fat Problem That Men FaceIt is a pleasure to see men of a certain age worrying about their weight.Listening to them is not such a pleasure.Because the men are new at the game,they don't hesitate to discuss the fat problem incessantly.However,women of the same age do not discuss the fat problem,especially not in mixed company.They prefer to face the problem with quiet dignity.Discussing the problem might only draw attention to some stray body part that may be successfully tucked away under an article of clothing.The age at which a man begins to explore the fat problem can vary.The actual problem can manifest itself in the early 30's,but broad-range discussion usually starts later.There are early nonverbal symptoms. I've watched the rugged journalist who shares my apartment sneak by with a Diet Coke.His shirts are no longer neatly tucked in to display a trim waist.Recently he has begun to verbalize his anxiety.He tells me, with a sheepish grin,that he is taking his suits to Chinatown to have them"tailored".Still older men have lost their dignity and rattle on unabashedly.Often wives and children play important roles in their fat-inspection rituals.Take my oldest brother,a former college football player,as an example.His daughter says that several tinies a day he will stand at attention and call out,"Fat,medium or thin?" She knows the correct answer:medium.Thin would be an obvious stretch,and fat may not get her that new video.According to his wife,he stands in front of the mirror in the morning(before the day's meals take their toll),puts his hands behind his head and lurches into a side bend,then clutches the roll that has developed arid says,"Am I getting fatter?" His wife is expected to answer,"You look like you may have lost a few pounds."And then there are the ex-husbands a pitiful group.They are extremely vocal.When I go to the movies with one,he confides that he is suffering from great hunger because he is dieting.He hasn't eaten since the pancakes and sausages he wolfed down that morning.He pauses in his monologue while he buys his popcorn.After the movie,we sprint to a restaurant,where he again pauses to devour a basket of bread.Before he orders his chaste salad and soup,he grows plaintive.Do I think he's fat?The journalist used to drink Diet Coke and tuck his shirts in order to keep trim.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

共用题干A Trainee WaiterI was to be a trainee waiter(实习侍应生)at the restaurant. There are 50 waiters. Trainee waiters and waiters work as a team. The waiter is the front man,taking orders,chatting to the customers;the trainee,rather less glamorously,runs to the kitchen to bring up the orders and assist in serving them at the table.Although the trainee will actually do more physical work,they share the tips equally.All in all this is fair,as it must be pointed out that the senior waiter is actually responsible for keeping a running account of the bills and if he makes a mistake,or undercharges,the fine will be taken from his earnings.I reported for work at 1 1 a. m. That may sound like a relaxed time to start the day,but the hours,I was soon to learn,are hell.The last client at lunchtime may not leave until 4 p.m.,or later,and the evening shift starts at 6 p.m. What can you do in the 2 hours,especially if you don't happen to live in central London?I used to live a bit far,so once or twice,I didn't get home until 5 p.m.The trainee takes orders from the table down to the kitchen.He places the order for hot food under the nose of the chef who is shouting out orders to the cooks,while orders for cold dishes and salad go to a separate counter,and desserts are from yet another area. The kitchen is two flights of stairs away from the restaurant. The trainee then comes up to see if any more orders have been taken while the previous one is being prepared.At the same time,dishes have to be cleared or put on the table, glasses refilled,and somehow there always seems to be a new table with six or eight new orders to be filled.Hell,I rather imagine,is like the kitchen of that restraint. Yelling chefs,endless banging of pots,men with red shinning faces,and trays with loads heavy enough to break your wrists.And running. Always running. Up and down,down and up.And since everyone is running,and always with loaded trays,you need to go to the gym to keep physically strong. However,the problem is still about time.I'm totally exhausted after work,and all I want at that time is to go to bed immediately and sleep for more than 8 hours continuously.I tried to budget my time wisely,but my plan always ended with failure.Now,I become more rational.Instead of going to gym,and being worried for wasting my membership fee if I happen to have no time to go to the gym for a whole week,I walk home every day from work.It is cheap,and,what is more important,flexible.My home is only two blocks away from the restaurant,which makes it possible. Thank Goodness,the security of that district is always good, so I'm not running any risk of being robbed on my way home at night.Orders for hot food,cold dishes and dessert go to different counters.A:Right B:Wrong C:Not mentioned

Mark Ellingham has never hesitated to encourage people to travel by air.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned