His motive in coming was to find out the truth.A:reason B:argumentC:target D:stimuli

His motive in coming was to find out the truth.





Could you _________the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat? A.find throughB.findC.find overD.find out

How did the host find out there was a thief in the house?A. He heard someone breathing.B. He heard footsteps in the hall.C. He noticed a shadow on the floor.D. He noticed that his gifts were gone.

Vingo wrote his life again when he was sure the parole was coming _____.A. upB. throughC. offD. out

( ) parents are coming to our school next week. A、The both of hisB、The both hisC、His bothD、Both of his

The teacher informed his students ________ the coming final exam. A.forB.toC.aboutD.of

We look forward to()to his wedding ceremony.A. have comeB. comeC. coming

One can never find out what the other people think about from his facial expression. A、It means "wearing the mask"B、It means "keeping ideas to herself"C、It means "telling everyone her bright ideas"D、It means "agreeing with others’ ideas"

Once the press find out his secret,he' 11 never live it__________A. upB.onC.downD.off

请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。Passage 2NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for SportsIllustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent.According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians.""Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officiallyintroduced to society.The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men.It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.What can we learn from the last paragraph?查看材料A.The phrase "coming out" is only used in the gay community.B.The meaning of "coming out" is becoming wider and wider.C.The phrase "coming out" only stands for a shocking secret in hidingD.The meaning of "coming out" has not changed until now.

请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。Passage 2NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for SportsIllustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent.According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians.""Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officiallyintroduced to society.The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men.It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.What is the main idea of this passage?查看材料A.The phrase "coming out" is used in gay community.B.The phrase "coming out" means revealing of homosexuality.C.The meaning of the phrase "coming out" has not changed.D.The development of the use of "coming out".

请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。Passage 2NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for SportsIllustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent.According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians.""Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officiallyintroduced to society.The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men.It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.Why did "come out of the closet" seem natural when refers to revealing one'shomosexuality?查看材料A.Because homosexual couples live in a place named Closet.B.Because both the closet and homosexuality mean privacy.C.Because Jason Collins has refrained from NBA.D.Because people always use "closet" to refer to homosexuality.

请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。Passage 2NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for SportsIllustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent.According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians.""Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officiallyintroduced to society.The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men.It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.Which of the following statement about "coming out" is True?查看材料A.Closet is always the metaphor of homosexuality.B.The original meaning of the phrase is the revealing of homosexuality.C.The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls.D.The phrase "coming out" only refers to coming out of hiding.

请阅读Passage 2,完成第小题。Passage 2NBA centre Jason Collins recently announced he was gay in a cover story for SportsIllustrated. In other words, he"came out of the closet." This expression for revealing one's homosexuality may seem natural. Being in the closet implies hiding from the outside world, and the act of coming out of it implies the will to stop hiding. But though the closet has long been a metaphor for privacy or secrecy, its use with reference to homosexuality is relatively recent.According to George Chauncey's comprehensive history of modern gay culture, Gay New York, the closet metaphor was not used by gay people until the 1960s. Before then, it doesn't appear anywhere"in the records of the gay movement or in the novels, diaries, or letters of gay men and lesbians.""Coming out," however, has long been used in the gay community, but it first meant something different than it does now."A gay man's coming out originally referred to his being formally presented to the largest collective manifestation of prewar gay society, the enormous drag balls that were patterned on the debutante and masquerade balls of the dominant culture and were regularly held in New York, Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, and other cities." The phrase"coming out" did not refer to coming out of hiding, but to joining into a society of peers. The phrase was borrowed from the world of debutante balls, where young women"came out" in being officiallyintroduced to society.The gay debutante balls were a matter of public record and often covered in the newspaper, so"coming out" within gay society often meant revealing your sexual orientation in the wider society as well, but the phrase didn't necessarily carry the implication that if you hadn't yet come out, you were keeping it a secret. There were other metaphors for the act of hiding or revealing homosexuality. Gay people could "wear a mask" or "take off the mask". A man could "wear his hair up" or "let his hair down", or "drop hairpins" that would only be recognized by other gay men.It is unclear exactly when gay people started using the closet metaphor, but "it may have been used initially because many men who remained 'covert' thought of their homosexuality as a sort of'skeleton in the closet'." It may also have come from outsiders who viewed it that way. It seems that"coming out of the closet" was born as a mixture of two metaphors: a debutante proudly stepping into the arms of a community and a shocking secret being kept in hiding. Now. the community is the wider community, and the secret is no longer shocking,"Coming out" is a useful phrase, but it need not imply a closet.What does "take off the mask" mean among gay people?查看材料A.To show he is homosexual.B.To hide his homosexuality.C.It means that he wants to change his sexual orientation.D.It means that he doesn't want to be homosexual.

His sole motive was to make her happy.A: aimB: argumentC: capabilityD: pursuit

What is his motive for lying to us?A:reason B:thought C:answer D:reply

Tom loves his English teacher but dare not tell her the truth. He is a() admirer of her.A.sacredB.rubbishC.secretD.satisfied

He is an enthusiastic person, but too much enthusiasm from him made me () of his motive.A.swelteringB.suspiciousC.sympatheticD.swollen

The writer thinks that for a student to have a part-time job is probably___________.A.a waste of time that could have been spent on studyB.useful for his future workC.a good way to earn extra moneyD.a good way to find out his weak points

His motive in coming was to find out the truth.A:reasons B:argumentsC:targets D:stimuli

Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the murder.A: stimuliB: targetC: monotonousD: lengthy

It was______he saw the doctor coming out of the emergeney room with an expression as grave as a judge_______he realized the seriousness of his wife’s illness.A.not until…thatB.after…whenC.until…thenD.before…that

机车出入段线 track for going out and coming into the depot

单选题ATo find out if he can change one of his class.BTo ask her for a letter of recommendation.CTo check the time of his registration appointment.DTo learn if he still has required courses to take.

单选题What is mentioned as a reason for visiting Mr. Fraser's blog?ATo give him feedback on his ideasBTo contribute to his political campaignCTo find out about his policiesDTo learn more about his political party

单选题For a child the first element in his learning by imitation is______.Athe need to find an authorityBthe need to find a way to achieve the desired resultCthe need for more affection from his parentsDthe desire to meet the standards of his social group

单选题You detect oil around your tank vessel while discharging. The first thing to do is().Atry to find out where the oil is coming fromBcall the masterChave the pumpman check the discharge pipingDshut down operations

单选题The latch of a safety hook().Aincreases the strength of the hookBprevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if the strain is abruptly easedCprevents the sling ring from coming out of the hook if there is a strain on the sling ringDAll of the above

单选题By taking this test, a student is supposed to find out ______Ahow to solve teenage problemsBhow to make good friendsCwhat his lifestyle is likeDwhat kind of person he is