单选题One of the most extraordinary things about the First World War was the enthusiasm _____ the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country.Ain thatBfor whichCwith which Dfor that

One of the most extraordinary things about the First World War was the enthusiasm _____ the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country.

in that


for which


with which    


for that


第一次世界大战的非凡之处之一就在于士兵们去为祖国而战所怀的热情。定语从句,with取“随身携带”之意,可还原为the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country with enthusiasm。


The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be the _______ welfare of his animals.A critical about B indignant at C indifferent to D subject to

What is this report mainly about?A.Phone inquires about hotel bookings for the 2008 Olympic Games.B.Beijing Hotel is one of the most top hotels in the capital.C.Beijing will host the 2008 Olympic Games.D.Visitors from all over the world will come to China for the games.

ALIBABA SEEKS TO RAISE BILLIONS IN IPO Investors in the United States are preparing for the first public sale of stock in the Chinese company Alibaba. The company sells goods________ linking buyers and sellers in the huge Chinese online market. Alibaba is expected to ________ its initial public offering, called an IPO, in September on the New York Stock Exchange. The total value of the company, based in Hangzhou, has been estimated at about $200 billion. Reports from Bloomberg News say Alibaba is offering investors a 12 percent ________ of the company. That would mean the company could raise ________ $20 billion dollars in the public stock sale. After the IPO, Alibaba could become one of the most ________ technology companies in the world. Apple, for example, has a market value of about $600 billion. Google is valued at about $390 billion and Microsoft is worth about $370 billion.

Harvard, one of the most famous universities in the world, was founded in (). A.1636B.1635C.1634D.1639

The Great Wall in China is one of the ______ in the world.A、amazingsB、sceneriesC、wondersD、strange things

How does the writer feel about the business she runs? ( )A.It's the biggest company in the world.B.It wili possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D.It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

One of the few things you ___ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.A. need B. must C. shouldD. can

Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ______.A.HK MARDEPB.COSCOC.Lloyd's SocietyD.Liberia Shipping Registry

How does the writer feel about the business she runs?A. It's the biggest company in the world.B. It will possibly be more successful.C. It's one of the most successful businesses.D. It is the only company that is growing all around the world.

共用题干The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!The sea is 6 kilometers in depth on average.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!The land takes up 25%of the world.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

共用题干The SeaWhat do you know about the sea?We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it.We also know that it can be very rough when there is a strong wind.What other things do we know about it?The first thing to remember is that the sea is very big.When you look at the map of the world you will find there is more water than land.The sea covers three quarters of the world.The sea is also very deep in some places.It is not deep everywhere.Some parts of the sea are very shal-low.But in some places the depth of the sea is very great.There is one spot,near Japan,where the sea is nearly 11 kilometers deep!The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high.If that mountainwere put into the sea at that place,there would be 2 kilometers of water above it!What a deep place!If you have swum in the sea,you know that it is salty.You can taste the salt,Rivers,which fi0w into the sea.carry salt from the land into the sea.Some parts of the sea are saltier than other parts,There i、one sea,called the Dead Sea,which is very salty.It is so salty that swimmers cannot sink!Fish cannot live in theDead Sea!In most parts of the sea,there are plenty of fishes and plants.Some live near the top of the sca.Othurslive deep down.There are millions of tiny living things that float in the sea.These floating things are so smallthat it is hard to see them.Many fish live by eating them.The sea can be very cold.Divers,who go deep down in the sea,know this.On the top the water may bewarm.When the diver goes downwards,the sea becomnes colder and colder. Another thing happens.When the diver goes deeper,the water above presses down on him.It squeezes him.Then the diver has to wear clothesmade of metal.But he cannot go very deep.Some people who wanted to go very deep used a very strong diving ship!They went down to the deepest part of the sea in it.They went down to a depth of eleven kilometers!The deeper one goes down in the sea,the fewer fishes and plants he can find.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

This is one of the most important things () all.A、amongB、inC、of

单选题Which is NOT true about Sudoku?ASudoku wasn’t invented in Japan.BIt was The Times that first printed Sudoku in the newspaper.CEach grid has more than one number.DIt became popular around the world in 2005.

单选题One of the most extraordinary things about the First World War was the enthusiasm _____ the majority of soldiers went off to fight for their country.Ain thatBfor whichCwith whichDfor that

单选题Which of the following about The Times is not true?AThe circulation is very small.BThis is the most famous of all British papers.CThe most important British people all over the world still read it.DIt is most critical of established interests.

单选题Which of the following is TRUE about the book?AIt is the first world encyclopedic dictionaryBIt can help deaf people know about the world more easilyCIt took them sixteen years to finish the bookDIt includes medicine and art about the life of deaf people

单选题Mo Yan is one of ______ writers in the world.AfamousBmore famousCmost famousDthe most famous

单选题When I first began writing poetry, I think the poems that I had studied at school ______ my approach and the things I wrote about.Acommunicated BimpressedCinfluencedDdiscussed

单选题—It’s one of the ______ things in the world to stay with friends.—I agree. It always makes us relaxed.AworstBhappiestCbusiestDhardest

单选题This is one of the most important things () all.AamongBinCof

多选题For Question 1, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.  Which of the following statements about Edison can be inferred from the passage?AEdison was one of the world’s most esteemed and influential inventors.BConcrete furniture was the only one of Edison’s inventions to ultimately fail.CThe light bulb and the phonograph were extremely successful inventions by Edison.

单选题Please mark (out) one of the most important register of shipping in the world. ().AHK MARDEPBCOSCOCLloyd's SocietyDLiberia Shipping Registry

单选题The unmistakable figure with the moustache most probably represents______.Asomeone who died in the First World WarBsomeone who had won the warCan imaginary figureDthe most hated person in the war-Hitler

单选题Many great scientists and inventors of the past, such as Nikola Tesla, has possessed the ability of extraordinary, visualization skills that enabled them to analyze the most minute details of complex machines before the devices were even constructed.Ahas possessed the ability of extraordinary visualization skillsBhave been able to possess extraordinary visualization skillsCpossessed skills in visualization that was extraordinaryDpossessed extraordinary visualization skillsEpossessed skills of visualizing that was extraordinary

单选题—What about _____ supper that we had in that restaurant last week?—Well, _____ most worst one indeed.A/; theB/; aCthe; theDthe; a

单选题What is one of the FIRST things you would do on boarding an inflatable liferaft?()AOpen equipment packBPost a lookoutCIssue anti-seasickness medicineDPick up other survivors