单选题() into the cylinder because no fuel can burn () it.AAir must be admitted;withoutBOil must be injected;withoutCAir must be admitted;withDOil must be injected;with

() into the cylinder because no fuel can burn () it.

Air must be admitted;without


Oil must be injected;without


Air must be admitted;with


Oil must be injected;with


解析: 暂无解析


25. Why do we call the sun"a life-giving star"?A. Because it gives us warmth.B. Because there are some living things on it.C. Because plants and animals can't live without it.D. Because people have to live in the dark without it.

Because the timing of injection is crucial, _____ mounted on the camshaft, which is driven by the crankshaft are used to operate the fuel pumps, one of which is provided for each cylinder.A.gearsB.ramsC.barrelsD.cams

High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from ___.A.improper fuel rack positingB.lengthy exhaust valve durationC.extend operation at light loadD.excessively early injection timing

If fuel injection to a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine begins earlier than designed, ignition may be delayed because theA.cylinder compression pressure may not be high enoughB.cylinder compression temperature may be too highC.fuel oil injection pressure may not be high enoughD.scavenge and purge process is incomplete

第一组Older loop scavenged engines may have a single injector mounted centrally in the cylinder head. Because the exhaust valve is in the center of the cylinder head on modern uniflow scavenged engines the fuel valves (2 or 3) are arranged around the periphery of the head. The pressure at which the injector operates can be adjusted by adjusting the loading on the spring. The pressures at which the injectors operate vary depending on the engine, but can be as high as 540 bar. Some injectors have internal cooling passages in them extending into the nozzle through which cooling water is circulated. This is to prevent overheating and burning of the nozzle tip. Injectors on modern engines do not have internal cooling passages. They are cooled by a combination of the intensive bore cooling in the cylinder head being close to the valve pockets and by the fuel which is re-circulated through the injector when the follower is on the base of the cam or when the engine is stopped. As well as cooling the injector, re-circulating the fuel when the engine is stopped keeps the fuel at the correct viscosity for injection by preventing it from cooling down. Fuel injectors must be kept in good condition to maintain optimum efficiency, and to prevent conditions arising which could lead to damage within the cylinder. Injectors should be changed in line with manufacturers recommendations, overhauled and tested. Springs can weaken with repeated operation leading to the injector opening at a lower pressure than designed. The needle valve and seat can wear which together with worn nozzle holes will lead to incorrect atomization and dribbling.Modern uniflow scavenged engines have______.A.a single injector mounted in the center of the cylinder headB.several injectors mounted around the external boundary of the cylinder headC.a single injector mounted at the external boundary of the cylinder headD.several injectors mounted in the center of the cylinder head

单选题The adverse effects of burning high sulfur fuel can be compensated for by using a cylinder oil having sufficient()Adispersant additivesBfloc pointCalkalinity additivesDignition quality

单选题Low compression in a diesel engine can be caused by ()Aclogged coolant passagesBa leaking cylinder head gasketClow fuel oil pressureDworn or broken cylinder liner sealing rings

单选题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles on small high-speed diesel engines, can be prevented by()Aemploying fuel oil as a cooling mediumBpreventing hard carbon deposit on nozzle tipsCavoiding fuel oil temperature exceeding builder’s specificationDensuring good metallic contact between nozzles and cylinder heads

单选题Fix the fuel injector into () after repair.Athe cylinder linerBthe cylinder coverCthe cylinder jacketDthe piston

单选题A sudden drop in diesel engine cylinder compression pressure can be caused by()Aa leaking fuel injector nozzleBa clogged air filterCexcessively early fuel injectionDmalfunctioning valves

单选题A practical way of checking for excessive fuel injection in one cylinder of an operating diesel engine is to ()Afeel the high pressure fuel lineBcheck the cylinder exhausts for white smoke frequentlyCcheck the cylinder exhaust temperatureDisolate each cylinder and inspect the injector

单选题Heat damage to fuel injection nozzles can be prevented by avoiding ()Aexcessive fuel oil temperatureBlong periods of engine overloadCmetallic contact between nozzles and cylinder headsDhard carbon deposit and varnish on the nozzles

单选题A fuel leak occurs in the high pressure fuel piping between the injection pump and fuel nozzleThis requires immediate repair because of the ()Ahigh cost of fuelBserious fire hazardCpossibility of pollutionDpoor combustion which will occur in that cylinder

单选题A drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()Aa leaking fuel injection nozzleBa clogged air filterCearly fuel injectionDburned valves

单选题High exhaust temperatures from all of cylinder of a turbocharged, four-stroke/cycle diesel engine can be caused by an()Ainoperative turbochargerBinadequate fuel supplyCoverload on one cylinderDunequal load distribution

单选题The term “proper metering”, as applied to a diesel fuel injection system, can be best defined as ().Adelivering the same quantity of fuel to each cylinder for each power stroke according to engine loadBmaintaining the metering adjustment for a reasonable period under all load conditionsCtiming fuel injection to obtain maximum power and good fuel economyDdistributing the fuel to all parts of the combustion chamber for proper combustion

单选题A change in the quality of fuel atomization by a diesel engine fuel injector would be caused by a/an ()Aincrease in engine speedBincrease in cylinder turbulenceCleaking needle valveDreduction in cylinder turbulence

单选题Because of the resulting higher pressures in the cylinder from the combustion of this greater mass of fuel, and the larger diameters, the liner must be made () at the top to accommodate the higher stresses, and prevent cracking of the material.AthinnerBthickerCsmootherDrougher

单选题The quantity of oil injected into the cylinder can be regulated ().Aby turning the pump plungerBby vary the fuel valve spring forceCby no means by controlling the governorDby enlarging or diminishing the injection hole

单选题Engine coolant accumulating in the diesel engine lubricating oil can result from a ()Alow oil pressureBhigh coolant pressureCleaking fuel injectorDcracked cylinder head or liner

单选题A diesel engine will lose power if fuel injection occurs too late in the cycle, because the()Afuel droplets will burn as they leave the fuel injectorBfuel will not be properly atomized in the cylinderCmaximum expansion of the burned fuel cannot take place in the cylinderDcompression pressure will be too low to cause fuel ignition

单选题A sudden drop in compression pressure in one cylinder of a diesel engine can be caused by()Aa leaking fuel injector nozzleBa clogged air filterCexcessively early fuel injectionDmalfunctioning valves

单选题When a fuel injection nozzle overheats, which of the problems listed can be expected?()AThe fuel metering will varyBThe fuel will explodeCThe cylinder head will crackDThe engine will stop

单选题High cylinder firing pressure, accompanied by low exhaust temperature, can result from ()Aimproper fuel rack positingBlengthy exhaust valve durationCextend operation at light loadDexcessively early injection timing

单选题Fuel injected into a diesel engines cylinder is ignited by ().Athe heat compressed fuel/air mixture in the cylinderBthe fuel igniterCthe fuel injectorDthe fuel pump

单选题Fuel injection systems meter fuel, atomize fuel, and ().Acreate turbulence in the combustion chamberBaid in completing cylinder scavengingCinject fuel at the proper timeDminimize fuel penetration into the cylinder

单选题Turbulence in a diesel engine cylinder is of major importance in providing ().Aproper fuel meteringBcomplete fuel/air mixingCminimal fuel penetrationDproper fuel timing