110、7 供应链管理的关键是需要采用集成的思想和方法,而不仅是节点企业资源的简单连接。The key to supply chain management is the need to adopt integrated ideas and methods, not just simple connections of nodal enterprise resources.

110、7 供应链管理的关键是需要采用集成的思想和方法,而不仅是节点企业资源的简单连接。The key to supply chain management is the need to adopt integrated ideas and methods, not just simple connections of nodal enterprise resources.



供应链管理的关键是对部分相关企业采用集成的管理思想和方法,只要把各节点企业资源简单地连接起来或者将业务外包出去。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

() is a key factor in successfully moving products through the supply chain. A.none of themB.information sharingC.information openingD.information flowingE.Information management

不属于SCM(Supply Chain Management,供应链管理)的核心内容。A.商流B.物流C.资金流D.信息流

关于供应链管理特征的说法,正确的有( )。A.强调的是整个产业链的优化B.供应链管理强调和依赖战略管理C.采用集成的思想和方法D.不把供应链中所有节点企业联系在一起E.通过库存管理和合作关系力求达到最高水平的服务

主要采用供应链计划(Supply Chain Planning,SCP)和ERP系统来实施集成化计划和控制的集成化供应链管理阶段是( )。A.职能集成B.内部供应链集成C.外部供应链集成D.集成化供应链动态联盟

A management information system__( )__the business managers the information that they need to make decisions.Early business computers were used for simple operations such__(请作答此空)__tracking inventory,billing,sales,or payroll data,with little detail or structure.Over time,these computer applications became more complex,hardware storage capacities grew,and technologies improved for connecting previously__( )__applications.As more data was stored and linked,managers sought greater abstraction as well as greater detail with the aim of creating significant management reports from the stored__( )__.Originally,the term"MIS”described applications providing managers with information about sales,inventories,and other data that would help in__( )__the enterprise.Over time,the term broadened to include:decision support systems,resource management and human resource management,enterprise resource planning(ERP),enterprise performance management(EPM),supply chain management(SCM),customer relationship management(CRM),project management and database retrieval applications.A.asB.toC.as toD.that

A management information system__( )__the business managers the information that they need to make decisions.Early business computers were used for simple operations such__( )__tracking inventory,billing,sales,or payroll data,with little detail or structure.Over time,these computer applications became more complex,hardware storage capacities grew,and technologies improved for connecting previously__( )__applications.As more data was stored and linked,managers sought greater abstraction as well as greater detail with the aim of creating significant management reports from the stored__( )__.Originally,the term"MIS”described applications providing managers with information about sales,inventories,and other data that would help in__(请作答此空)__the enterprise.Over time,the term broadened to include:decision support systems,resource management and human resource management,enterprise resource planning(ERP),enterprise performance management(EPM),supply chain management(SCM),customer relationship management(CRM),project management and database retrieval applications.A.setting upB.foundingC.improvingD.Managing

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是一种分散的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流计划和控制等职能。

供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)

供应链(Supply Chain,SC)的思想是在20世纪80年代提出来的。



供应链 supply chain

供应链管理Supp1y chain management (SCM)


What is SCM?()A、Supply Customer ManagementB、Support Customer ManagementC、Supply Chain MaterialsD、Supply Chain Management

英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

SCM (Supply Chain Management)()A、供应系统管理B、供应链管理C、供应链D、供给链

Supply chain management is the () of these activities through improved supply chain relationship, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.A、CollectionB、AssemblyC、IntegrationD、Operation



判断题供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,SCM)是一种分散的管理思想和方法,它执行供应链中从供应商到最终用户的物流计划和控制等职能。A对B错


单选题SCM (Supply Chain Management)()A供应系统管理B供应链管理C供应链D供给链

名词解释题供应链管理(Supply Chain Management,简称SCM)

判断题为了支持企业内部集成化供应链管理,主要采用供应链计划(Supply Chain Planning,SCP)和JIT来实施集成化计划和控制。A对B错

名词解释题英译中:Supply chain management(SCM)

名词解释题供应链(Supply Chain)