为使表达最为正式,句中划线词组可以被以下哪个选项替换。 The ability to put up with pain varies from person to person.A.tolerateB.bearC.standD.accept

为使表达最为正式,句中划线词组可以被以下哪个选项替换。 The ability to put up with pain varies from person to person.





左右皆恶之, 以为 贪而不知足。《战国策 · 冯谖客孟尝君》


It is imperative that you () there in person. A.areB.wereC.beD.will be

The ability to tolerate pain varies ______ person ______ person. (A) between … and(B) both … and(C) from … to(D) of … to

lunatic is a normal person.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

orderly is a person.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

当你执行以下查询语句:SELECT employeesno,ename FROM employees WHERE employeesno=7782 OR employeesno=7876;在WHERE语句中,以下哪个操作符可以取代OR?() A.INB.BETWEEN……andC.LIKED.=

为使下列代码正常运行,应该在下划线处填入的选项是abstract class Person{public Person(String n)!name=n;}public____String getDescription();public String getName(){return name;}private String name;}A.staticB.privateC.abstractD.final

I couldn't __________ his temper.A、 put up inB、 put up withC、put up overD、put up on

Happiness is a feeling which varies from person to person.()

He is intelligent enough, but he lacks () for working hard and becoming a successful person. A、reasonB、motivationC、talentD、ability

下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。 include class pers 下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。include<iostream.h>class person{int age,tall;public:person( ){age=0;tall=40;cout<<"A baby is born."<<endl;}person(int i){age=i;tall=40;cout<<"A old person."<<endl;}person(int i,int j){age=i;tall=j;cout<<"a old person with tall."<<endl;)~person( ){cout<<"person dead."<<endl;}void show( ){cout<<"age="<<age<<",tall="<<tall<<endl;}};void main( ){person*ptr;ptr=new person[3];ptr[0]=person( );ptr[1]=person(18);ptr[2]=person(20,120);for(int i=0;i<3;i++)ptr[i].show( );______}

The“progresslive tax” is the tax( ).A.collected for social progress.B.that Increases with each passing year.C.that is collected from those who earn most.D.that varies according to how much money a person earns.

A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person ______.A.at a high rate of speedB.under oarsC.against the windD.with the wind

The need for sleep varies__________from person to person.A.conservativelyB.alternativelyC.considerablyD.influentially

《移民法》的颁布,使移民程序走向法制化。选项中可以替换划线部分词语的是( )。A颁发B发行C公布D发布

1 can no longer put up with his rudeness.A: tolerateB: acceptC: takeD:suffer from

No one can tolerate him,as he always picks his nose when eating.A:put up with B:acceptC:take D:suffer from

当你执行以下查询语句:SELECT employeesno,ename FROM employees WHERE employeesno=7782 OR employeesno=7876;在WHERE语句中,以下哪个操作符可以取代OR?()A、INB、BETWEEN……andC、LIKED、=

SQL查询语句中,在FROM子句中可以出现()。A、 列名B、 基本表名C、 视图名D、 表达式


单选题A person has fallen overboard and is being picked up with a lifeboat. If the person appears in danger of drowning,the lifeboat should make().Aan approach from leewardBan approach from windwardCthe most direct approachDan approach across the wind

单选题The need for sleep varies ____ from person to person.AconservativelyBalternativelyCconsiderablyDinfluentially

单选题The way to _____ new words varies from person to person, depending on many factors.AreciteBrehearseCmemorizeDrecall


单选题A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person().Aat a high rate of speedBunder oarsCagainst the windDwith the wind

单选题According to the passage, music is mysterious (line 16) because ______.Amusical skill varies greatly from person to person within a populationBit is not as aggressive an activity as hunting isCit is found in some cultures but not othersDit does not to appear to convey an obvious survival benefitEmusical skill cannot be inherited

单选题当你执行以下查询语句:SELECT employeesno,ename FROM employees WHERE employeesno=7782 OR employeesno=7876;在WHERE语句中,以下哪个操作符可以取代OR?()AINBBETWEEN……andCLIKED=

问答题Practice 6  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  Akira Kurosawa’s film masterpiece Rashomon portrays several people who have witnessed a death. As each observer recounts the event as he or she witnessed it, we come to realize that each person’s story varies greatly from every other account. Watching the movie, we reflect the truth of an experience—and perhaps all truth—is different for each person.  Assignment: What is your opinion of the claim that truth is not objective, but rather is determined by each individual? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
