1、D/P at sight指的是A.远期付款交单B.即期付款交单C.跟单托收D.承兑交单

1、D/P at sight指的是







___________ his mother, the boy stopped crying. A. At sightB. In sightC. At the sight ofD. In the sight of

_____[A] thought [B] sight [C] cost [D] risk

跟单托收的交单条件有:() A.D/P or D/P at xx days after sightB.Delivery of documents against letters of undertaking to payC.Delivery of documents against promissory noteD.Delivery of documents against a signed trust receiptE.Delivery of documents against part of collection to be paid at sight and the balance by way of the acceptance of a separate draft payable at a future date.F.D/A

Regarding payment, we prefer D/P at sight ()L/C at 90 days’sight. A、thenB、ratherC、toD、for

设p、q是任意命题。P因果蕴涵q指的是:如果p是真的,那么因为p是真的,q也是真的。p反事实蕴涵q指的是:如果p与事实相反,p是真的,那么q也是真的。p严格蕴涵q指的是:必然地,如果p是真的,那么q也是真的。根据上述定义,下列不属于上述三种蕴涵关系的是:A.如果1+1=2,那么0=1B.如果ab 且 b<c ,那么acC.如果甲从台阶上摔断了腿,那么当时他会感觉疼痛D.如果大气层本就不存在,那么地球上将不会有生命

Suddenly she turned and__________Xiao Hu.A.came in sightB.caught sight ofC.was at first sightD.was out of sight

D/P at sight,D/P after sight,D/A,L/C,属于银行信用的是()。A、D/P at sightB、D/P after sightC、D/AD、L/C



D/P at sight,D/P after sight,D/A风险较小的是()。A、D/P at sightB、D/P after sightC、D/AD、无法比较



D/P after sight指的是()A、即期付款交单B、远期付款交单C、承兑交单D、光票托收

下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。A、Payment byD/P30days after sightB、Payment at sightC、Payment by sightL/CD、PaymentD/A30days after sight

D/P after sight


单选题D/P after sight指的是()A即期付款交单B远期付款交单C承兑交单D光票托收


问答题天津某纺织品进出口公司日前与美国某客商达成一笔交易,金额为22580美元。双方商订付款条件为D/P at 30 days after sight.在合同执行过程中,美方提出修改该付款条件为D/P at 90 days after sight,并且指定美方的the Bank of New York为该业务的代收行。试分析美方修改上述条件的动机。试分析美方修改上述条件的动机。

名词解释题D/P after sight

单选题D/P at sight,D/P after sight,D/A,L/C,属于银行信用的是()。AD/P at sightBD/P after sightCD/ADL/C

单选题D/P at sight,D/P after sight,D/A风险较小的是()。AD/P at sightBD/P after sightCD/AD无法比较

单选题Sidereal time is NOT used().Aas the basis for star chartsBto enter a star finderCin sight reduction using Pub 249Din sight reductions of planet observations

单选题Underway vessels shall at all time maintain a proper look-out().Aby sight and hearing onlyBby all available means besides sight and hearingCby all available means except sight and hearingDby none of above means

单选题标准氢电极指的是()APt ∣ H2(PH2 = Pθ)∣OH-(a=1)BPt ∣ H2(PH2=Pθ)∣H+(a=1)CPt ∣ H2(PH2=Pθ)∣H+(a=10-7)DPt ∣ H2(PH2=Pθ)∣OH+(a=10-7)


单选题下列支付条件中,()对进口方最有利。APayment byD/P30days after sightBPayment at sightCPayment by sightL/CDPaymentD/A30days after sight

单选题When one of two vessels()is required to keep out of the way the other must keep her course and speed.AIn sight of anotherBSights the anotherCNot in sight of the otherDIn sight of one another