







2013年12月9日,LeCun获邀受聘于Facebook,创建并执掌Facebook的人工智能研究院。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

下面不属于国外主流三大媒体平台的是( )。 A. QQzoneB. YoutubeC. TwitterD. Facebook

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.30.The best title for this text could be.A.Facebook-a News Giant That Would Rather Show Us Baby PicturesB.Facebook Is Reluctant to Be a News WebsiteC.Facebook,a New Bom Baby in the Age oflntemetD.Facebook's Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox

Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.27.By"making a tweak",Facebook means to.A.adjust the ranking system of the different news.B.give priority to news about friends and family.C.solve the traffic problem online.D.wam media companies to change their organizations.

共用题干1.Tired of social networking?Logging off Facebook?You're probably not the only one.Fearing for their privacy or perhaps just bored with using the site,100,000 Britons are said to have deactivated(注销)their accounts last month. And Facebook fatigue seems to be catching. Six million logged off for good in the U.S.too,figures show.Worldwide,the rate of growth has slowed for a second month in a row一and as it aims to reach its goal of one billion active users,Facebook is having to rely on developing countries to boost its numbers.The figures suggest that there could be a"natural limit" for Facebook's saturation(饱和).There is even speculation on blogs that, as is feared for its failing rival MySpace,the website could one day "pass into oblivion"(被人遗忘).2.Earlier this year,executives announced that the number of Facebook accounts held in the UK had reached 30 million,accounting for about half the population.The milestone was an increase of four million from last July and represented the highest saturation of any country in Europe.3.But times change一and last month more than 100,000 in the UK stopped using the website, figures show.In the U.S.,user numbers dropped from 155.2 million to 149.4 million throughout May.In Canada there was also a fall,of about 1.5 million users,while in Russia and Norway num-bers also fell by more than 100,000 users.4.It's not all bad news for the site.Worldwide,Facebook is still expanding and has around 600 million users,thanks to strong growth in countries such as Mexico and Brazil.5.According to Eric Eldon,of the website Inside Facebook,which obtained the figures through analysis of the company's advertising tools,there is a point at which the site can no longer grow, once it has established itself in a country."By the time Facebook reaches around 50 percent of the total population in a given country,growth generally slows to a halt,"he explained.Paragraph 1_________A:Facebook users in Britain increased a lot earlier this year.B:Facebook seems to be faced with a gloomy future.C:Facebook is a very popular social place for many people.D:Users of Facebook dropped dramatically in many countries.E:In spite of the setback in some countries,Facebook is still expanding worldwide. F: There is a reason for the decreasing users of Facebook.



()那两个社交网络是航空公司主要用以为客户服务的A、Facebook Eezeer.comB、YouTube TripAdvisorC、Facebook Twitter















单选题When Google and Facebook were established, the founders were still _____.Ain high schoolBin the armyCin primary schoolDat college

填空题Microsoft solidified multiyear advertising agreements with Facebook.____



