A very B also C seldom D not

A very B also C seldom D not


He often watches TV, but _______ goes to the movies. (A)ever(B) seldom(C) once(D) usually

It is very _______ for her to miss a day at school. (A)ample(B) seldom(C) rare(D) blank

I can be a teacher. I’m not a very patient person.A. seldom B. ever C. never D. always

I know personal selling is also a very effective tool for building ______buyers’ confidence. A.toB.upC.with

AWeather has a great influence(影响) on people.It influences people's health, intelligence (智力) and feelings.In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States.People there have heart disease and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times.People in these places may have heart disease after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1982 study by scientists, the in scores of a group of students were very high during a storm, but after the storm their IQ scores were lower than usual level. So storms can increase intelligence.However, very hot weather can lower it. Students in the United States often do badly on exams in the hot months of the year.Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings.Winter may be a bad time for thin people.They usually feel cold during these months and they may feel unhappy during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, fat people may feel unhappy. The sum- mer heat may make them tired and they are easy to get angry.( )21.lf thin people feel unhappy, the weather may be very _________.A.warmB. coldC. coolD. hot

He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics

36. E-mail is very popular today. People seldom write letters now,_________ ?A. did theyB. do theyC. didn't theyD. don-t they

(47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.此处译文为:

Max: Why notePeter: Well, I seldom have chances (57) .


—Is he very strict with you?—________ .A.Yeah. He seldom smilesB.Yeah. He is not kindC.Yeah. He makes us excitedD.Yeah. He is afraid

“smith seldom went swimming in summer, __________.” A. so didn’t his fatherB. his father didn’t tooC. his father also didn’tD. nor did his father

Mary would like to buy the handbag,______is very beautiful but also rather expensive.A. thatB. whichC. who

John seldom communicates with others, doesn't he?()

Was Fred very poor,but seldom unhappy?(1.5分)________________________________________________

Which of the following offers the MOST redundancy for a system but is also very costly?() A. RAID implementationB. Disk-to-disk replicationC. Server-to-server clusteringD. Hot site replication

________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.A.Neither, nor B. Not only, but also C.Both, and D.Either, or

According to the surveys in the U. S., _____.[A] bullying among adults is also rising [B] parents are not supervising their children well[C] parents seldom believe bullies [D] most parents resort to calling to deal with bullying

Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.A:crudely B:rarelyC:originally D:symbolically

Not only__________very well,but also__________well.A.she cooks;does she danceB.she cooks;she dancesC.does she cook;she dancesD.does she cook;does she dance

共用题干第三篇According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in disciplining children. It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love.Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble,but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline.These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules,parents use a combination of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A:Power strategies are used by a lot of parents because it's very effective way to discipline children.B:Some children may appear to he very self-disciplined but actually very nervous and insecure.C:Consistency is very important to any kind of discipline.D:The rules parents set for their children should be age-appropriate.

共用题干第三篇According to the most recent research on parenting,caretakers tend to use three strategies for disciplining children.Power includes the use of physical punishment such as spanking or the threat of physical punishment,but parents can also demonstrate power by taking away a privilege such as using the car, attending a sporting event,or in the case of a very young child,playing with a favorite toy.In spite of the fact that power strategies,especially severe physical punishment,can cause children to fear or even hate parents,it's surprising that power remains the strategy used most often in disciplining children. It's also worth noting that children who are harshly disciplined in this way tend to be hostile, defiant,and aggressive socially.Second in popularity after power is the withholding of affection.This can take the form of refusal to communicate with a child,threatening to abandon or reject the child,or otherwise treating children as though they were unworthy of love.Interesting enough,children disciplined in this way appear on the surface to be very self-disciplined,even model children who are seldom in trouble,but underneath,these same children are generally very nervous,insecure and dependent others to approve of and guide their evaluation of behavior.Finally,management techniques are employed for discipline.These begin with a set of rules that are clearly expressed at an age-appropriate level. To enforce the rules,parents use a combination of praise and approval with explanation and reasoning,always referring back to the rules.But regardless of the strategy,the behavior that has precipitated punishment should be clearly understood,and the consequences should be consistent. Key to any kind of discipline is a pattern of consistency so that children understand the relationship between the rules,their behavior,and the consequences.Which is the best title for the passage?A:Parent-Child Relationship.B:Strategies to Discipline Children.C:Children's Psychology.D:How to be a Good Parent.

I remember seeing her somewhere previous1y.A:before B:ahead C:seldom D:secretly

Which of the following offers the MOST redundancy for a system but is also very costly? ()A、 RAID implementationB、 Disk-to-disk replicationC、 Server-to-server clusteringD、 Hot site replication

单选题Which of the following is NOT included in the mission?ASwitch on gradiometer.BDevelop delicate technologies so the very fragile mechanisms could also survive the intense shaking.CFire up the T5 that will help maintain orbit.DForecast climate change.

单选题Which of the following offers the MOST redundancy for a system but is also very costly? ()A RAID implementationB Disk-to-disk replicationC Server-to-server clusteringD Hot site replication

单选题58 A seldom B sometimes C always D generallyAABBCCDD