






You will have to practice () times before you can do it . A.may moreB.more severalC.more oftenD.more many

Clearly the medicine ______.A.may be dangerous for small childrenB.can't be taken by children under twelve years oldC.may be taken by children but not by adultsD.may be taken by adults but not by children

根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:A.What about you?B.Would you like black tea?C.Do you have any eggs,madam?D.Would you like something to eat?E.Black tea or iced tea?F.Can I help you?G.Thank you very much.H.It is very tasty.第 56 题 Woman: 1Ben:Yes,madam.What would you like to drink,Tony?Tony:I'd like some tea.Ben: 2Tony:Iced tea,please. 3Ben:I'd like some lemonade. 4Tony:Yes,I'd like a pizza,please.Woann:What would you like on it,sir?Tony:Mushrooms,green peppers and onions,please.Ben:All right, 5Woman:Yes.Ben:We want a cup of iced tea,a glass of milk,a glass of lemonade,a pizza and two eggs,please.Woman:OK.

Coast Guard approved buoyant work vests ______.A.may be substituted for 10 percent of the required life preserversB.should be stowed adjacent to lifeboats and emergency stationsC.may be used by boat crews and line handlers during lifeboat drillsD.should be used when carrying out duties near a weather deck's edge

If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize damage to the environment,he ______.A.may be deprived of the whole or part of any special compensation due thereunderB.will be in no way deprived of any special compensation due thereunderC.will be required to pay special compensation to the parties involved thereinD.will be required to pay special compensation to the competent authorities thereof

What characterizes a Ro-Ro vessel ________.A.May carry up to 24 passengersB.High freeboard and sail areaC.Long port stays required for cargo securingD.Lightweight securing equipment trailers

根据以下内容,回答235-239题。What is the last day to apply for the WHC position? (  )A.May 1B.May 10C.May 17D.May 27

Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness,fear,and anger,guilt emerges a little later,in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms.Children aren’t born knowing how to say“I’m sorry”;rather,they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends-and their own consciences.This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt,in the right amount,to be a good thing:A child who claims responsibility for knocking over a tower and tries to rebuild it is engaging in behavior that’s not only reparative but also prosocial.In the popular imagination,of course,guilt still gets a bad rap.It evokes Freud’s ideas and religious hang-ups.More important,guilt is deeply uncomfortable-it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones.Who would inflict it upon a child?Yet this understanding is outdated.“There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking about what guilt is and what role guilt can serve,”Vaish says,adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary-feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another.Jealousy and anger,for example,may have evolved to alert us to important inequalities.Too much happiness(think mania)can be destructive.And guilt,by prompting us to think more deeply about our goodness,can encourage humans to atone for errors and fix relationships.Guilt,in other words,can help hold a cooperative species together.It is a kind of social glue.Viewed in this light,guilt is an opportunity.Work by Tina Malti,a psychology professor at the University of Toronto,suggests that guilt may compensate for an emotional deficiency.In a number of studies,Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy(and its close cousin empathy)may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing.Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt,which can rein in their nastier impulses.And vice versa:High sympathy can substitute for low guilt.In a 2014 study,for example,Malti and a colleague looked at 244 children,ages 4,8,and 12.Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations,they rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions(like guilt and sadness)after moral transgressions.Then the kids were handed stickers and chocolate coins,and given a chance to share them with an anonymous child.For the low-sympathy kids,how much they shared appeared to turn on how inclined they were to feel guilty.The guilt-prone ones shared more,even though they hadn’t magically become more sympathetic to the other child’s deprivation.“That’s good news,”Malti says.“We can be prosocial because of our empathetic proclivity,or because we caused harm and we feel regret.”  Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing_______.《》()A.may help correct emotional deficienciesB.can bring about emotional satisfactionC.can result from either sympathy or guiltD.may be the outcome of impulsive acts

--The situation was in a mess.--What a pity! It ___________ in a dramaticallydifferent way.A.should develop B.would developC.must have developed D.could have developed

It ______ be quite cold in winter eventhough the city is in Hainan Province.A.shall B.shouldC.can D.must

Not until the game had begun( )at the sports ground. A.had he arrived B.would he have arrived C.did he arrive D.should he have arrived