187 Budgeted contingencies can be detemined by:A. past experienceB. applying standard allowancesC. detemining the sum total of the most probable variances of the various risk items properly identified. D. All of the above.E. None of the above

187 Budgeted contingencies can be detemined by:

A. past experience

B. applying standard allowances

C. detemining the sum total of the most probable variances of the various risk items properly identified. D. All of the above.

E. None of the above


This train will_____me to get there in time. A.permitB.tolerateC.enableD.allow

His parents () him to watch TV at weekend. A、letB、suggestC、preventD、allow

It was ordered that no smoking (allow) ( ) in the library.

We find it impossible to ask our end users to ________ the delayed delivery. A.receiveB.acceptC.refuseD.allow

Activty和Task的启动模式有哪些?() A.standard、singleTopB.singleTop、singleTaskC.singleTask、singleInstanceD.standard、singleTop、singleTask、singleInstance

TMS320X28XX系列处理器CAN总线接口支持标准()。 A.CAN 2.0A,CAN 2.0CB.CAN 2.0CC.CAN 2.0B,CAN 2.0CD.CAN 2.0A,CAM 2.0B

Father will not ____ us to touch anything in his room when he is away. A、haveB、letC、agreeD、allow

注册一个自定义组件语句的用法是:( )A.RegisterComponents(TMyComponent,[‘Standard’])B.Register(TMyComponent,[‘Standard’])C.RegisterComponents(‘Standard’,[TMyComponent])D.Register(‘Standard’,TMyComponent)


According to the contract,transshipment is not ( ). A. allowing B. allowed C. being allowed D. allow