He was ________ a good and tireless writer. A. firstB. for allC. above allD. of all

He was ________ a good and tireless writer.

A. first

B. for all

C. above all

D. of all


l0.The 'cheicken tastes and sellsA. good,goodB. well,wellC. good,wellD. well,good

Eaton’s List was important to people on farms because it was a convenient way of getting _____.A. good-quality goods at reasonable pricesB. goods at unreasonable pricesC. good-quality goods at unreasonable pricesD. poor-quality goods at reasonable prices

执行以下语句后,输出的结果是 a$="Good" b$="Afternoon" Print a$+b$ Print a$b $A.Goodaftenoon GoodAfternoonB.Good+ GoodAfternoonC.Good+ GoodAfternoonD.Good Good

执行以下语句后,输出的结果是 a$= "Good" b$="Afternoom" Print a$+b$ Print a$b$A.GoodAfternoon GoodAfternoonB.Good+ GoodAfternoonC.Good+ GoodAfternoonD.Good Good

以下程序的运行结果为:public class Test{public static void main(String argv[ ]){System.out.println("good"+"morning");}} A. goodmorningB. "good"+"morning"C. good morningD. good+morning

6.I had a __________ sleep last night. Did you sleep ___________,Mary?A.good , well B.well, goodC.well ,wellD.good ,good

When the teacher gives feedback to students in teaching writing, he/she should NOT__________.A.make positive comments on the good features of the writingB.give words simply like "good" or "very good" to the writingC.point out areas for improvementD.express his/her personal opinion on the issue the writer has discussed

When the teacher attempts to elicit more information from the students by saying "And...","Good. Anything else", etc, he/she is playing the role of a __________.A.prompterB.participantC.managerD.consultant

When the teacher gives feedback to students in teaching writing, he/she should NOTA.make positive comments on the good features of the writingB.give words simply like "good" or "very good" to the writingC.point out areas for improvementD.express his/her personal opinion on the issue that student has written

He is a good science teacher but he often gives tedious lectures.A:great B:tiresome C:lazy D:tireless