An element in the WBS was estimated to require 1 month for completion with 1000 hours of labor and a burdened cost of $50K. The task was completed in 1000 hours but a burdened cost of $60K. The most likely reason for the increase would be:A . Higher salaried employees were assigned.B . Overtime was required.C . The overhead rate increased.D . Employee salaries had increased.E . Any of the above

An element in the WBS was estimated to require 1 month for completion with 1000 hours of labor and a burdened cost of $50K. The task was completed in 1000 hours but a burdened cost of $60K. The most likely reason for the increase would be:

A . Higher salaried employees were assigned.

B . Overtime was required.

C . The overhead rate increased.

D . Employee salaries had increased.

E . Any of the above


在下面程序的横线处填上______,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。 include using nam 在下面程序的横线处填上______,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。include<iostream.h>using namespace std;class Date{Public:Date(int m=1,int y=0): month(m),year(y){}void Print(){cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<end1;}______operator+(const Dated1,const Dated2);private:int month, year;};Date operator+(const Dated1,const Dated2){int year,month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1.month+d2.month;year+=(month-1)/12;month=(month-1)%12+1;return Date(month,year);}void main(){Date d1(3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+d1;d2.Print();}

阅读下列说明,回答问题1至问题3。【说明】以下代码由C语言书写,能根据指定的年、月计算当月所含天数。int GetMaxDay( int year, int month ){int maxday = 0;if ( month >= 1 month <= 12 ){if ( month == 2 ){if ( year % 4 == 0 ){if ( year % 100 == 0 ){if ( year % 400 == 0 )maxday = 29;elsemaxday = 28;}elsemaxday = 29;}elsemaxday = 28;}else{if ( month == 4 || month == 6 || month == 9 || month == || )maxday = 30;elsemaxday = 31;}}return maxday; }请画出以上代码的控制流图。请计算上述控制流图的环路复杂度V(G)。假设year的取值范围是1000<year<2001,请使用基本路径测试法为变量year、 month设计测试用例(写出year取值、month取值、maxday预期结果),使之满足基本路径覆盖要求。请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

在下面程序的画线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。 include usin 在下面程序的画线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。include <iostream>using namespace std;class Date{public:Date(int m=1,int y=0):month(m),year(y){}void Print( ){cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl;}(9) operator+(const Datedl,const Date d2);private:int month,year;};(10) operator+(const Date dl,const Date d2){int year,month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1.month+d2.month;year+=(month-1)/12;month=(month-1)%12+1;return Date(month,year);}void main( ){Date dl(3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+dl;d2.Print( );}

在下面程序的横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果果为1/2005。 include using 在下面程序的横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果果为1/2005。include<iostmam>using namespace std;class Date{public:Date(int m=1,int y=0):month(m),year(y){}void Print(){cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl;}operator+(const Dated1.const Date d2);private:int month,year;};operator+(const Dated1,const Date d2){int year,month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1.month+d2.month;year+=(month-1)/12;month=(month-1)%12+1;return Date(month,year);}void main(){Date d1(3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+d1;d2.Print();}

在下面程序的横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。includeusing n 在下面程序的横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。include <iostream.h>using namespace std:class Datepublic:Date (int m=1,int y=0):month(m .year(y}{}void Print() {cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<end1;}______operator+(const Date d1,const Dated2;private:int month year;};______operaror+(const Dated1,const Date d2)int year, month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1.month+d2.month;year+=(month-1)/12;month=(month-1)%12+l;return Date{month, year}:}void main(){Date d1(3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+d1;d2.Print();}

有以下程序includeusing namespace std;static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,3 有以下程序 #include<iostream> using namespace std; static int days []={31,28,31,30,31,30,3l,31,30,31,30,31}; class date { private: int month,day,year; public: date(int m,int d,int y) { month=m; day=d; year=y; } date() {} void disp() { cout<<year<<"-"<<month<<"-"<<day<<end1; } date operator+(int day) { date dt=*this;; while(day>days[dt.month-1]) { day-=days[dt.month-1]; if(++dt.month==13) { dt.month=1; dt.year++; } }; retrn dt; } }; int main() { date d1(6,20,2004),d2; d2=d1+20; d2.disp(); return 0; } 执行后的输出结果是A.2004-7-10B.2004-6-20C.2004-7-20D.程序编译时出错

在下向程序和横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。 include using 在下向程序和横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为1/2005。include <iostream>using namespace std;class Date{public:Date(int m=1,int y=0):month(m),year(y){}void Print() {cout<<month<<"/"<<year<<end 1; }【 】 operator+(eonst Date d1, const Date d2);private:int month,year;};【 】 operator+(const Date d1, const Date d2){int year,month;year=d1.year+d2.year;month=d1. month+d2.month;year+=(month-1 )/12;month=(month-1 )% 12+1;return Date(month,year);}void main()Date d1 (3,2004),d2,d3(10);d2=d3+d1;d2,Print();}

When a teacher wants to test students'__________ listening skills, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, which of the following test format is the most suitable one?A.True or false questions.B.Completion.C.Dictation.D.Translation.

(单选)已知一个顺序存储的循环队列Q定义如下: #define MAXSIZE 50 typedef struct { QueueElementType element[MAXSIZE]; int front; //队头指示器 int rear; //队尾指示器 }SeqQueue; 则该非空队列取队头元素操作的语句是() A. Q->element[0]; B. Q->element[1]; C. Q->element[Q->front]; D. Q->element[Q->rear];

若有以下定义,则对变量student1中“生日”的正确赋值方式是()。 struct student { int num; char name[20], sex; struct { int year, month, day; } birthday; } ; struct student student1;A.student1.birthday.year = 2003; student1.birthday.month = 5; = 1;#B.year = 2003; month = 5; day = 1;#C.birthday.year = 2003; birthday.month = 5; = 1;#D.student1.year = 2003; student1.month = 5; = 1;