39 Non-verbal communication includes:A. Body movementB. GesturesC. Facial expressionsD. The way we move our handsE. All of the above

39 Non-verbal communication includes:

A. Body movement

B. Gestures

C. Facial expressions

D. The way we move our hands

E. All of the above


We must work, and _____, we believe in ourselves. A、of courseB、above allC、for sureD、not at all

Communication plays a major role in:A PlanningB OrganizingC ControllingD DirectingE All of the above

The standard types of communication include all butA WrittenB VerbalC TelepathicD NonverbalE None of the above

Techniques that can improve communication include:A establishing a single, one-way communications channelB avoiding face-to-face communicationC using redundancy (i.e. saying it two different ways) whenever possibleD disregarding the sensitivity of your receiverE All of the above.

Communication management is best described as conducting or supervisingA the way we listenB the way we speakC the way we feelD the exchange of informationE perfect documentation activities

A project manager trying to communicate accurately to the team should use:A the language of the team membersB the language of the project managerC non-verbal methodsD written memosE All of the above.

Non-verbal communication includes:A Body movementB GesturesC Facial expressionsD The way we move our handsE All of the above

The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A encodingB decodingC choice of a mediumD one-way communicationE All of the above.

114 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above.

157 Non-verbal communication includes:A. Body movementB. GesturesC. Facial expressionsD. The way we move our handsE. All of the above

193 A project manager trying to communicate accurately to the team should use:A. the language of the team membersB. the language of the project managerC. non-verbal methodsD. written memosE. All of the above.

133 Communication management is best described as conducting or supervisingA. the way we listenB. the way we speakC. the way we feelD. the exchange of informationE. perfect documentation activities

195 Techniques that can improve communication include:A. establishing a single, one-way communications channelB. avoiding face-to-face communicationC. using redundancy (i.e. saying it two different ways) whenever possibleD. disregarding the sensitivity of your receiverE. All of the above

75 A project manager trying to communicate accurately to the team should use:A. the language of the team membersB. the language of the project managerC. non-verbal methodsD. written memosE. All of the above

90 Communication plays a major role in:A. PlanningB. OrganizingC. ControllingD. DirectingE. All of the above

196 The project manager must receive reports and briefings from engineers, contracting officers, procurement personnel and marketing people. The project manager's communication dilemma is one of:A. encodingB. decodingC. choice of a mediumD. one-way communicationE. All of the above

We _________ to make him feel at home. A. went to our wayB. went out of our wayC. went away from our wayD. went on our way

The human body has developed its millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it. This helps us aajust to the outside world. Without our nerves and our brain, which is a system of nerves, we couldn’t know what’s happening. But we pay for our sensitivity. We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. The history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain. But there is a way to handle pain. Look at the Indian fakir (苦行僧) who sits on a bed of nails. Fakirs can put a needle right through an arm, and feel no pain. This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain. The big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. If the dentist says, “This will hurts a little,” it helps us to accept the pain. By staying relaxed, and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation, we can handle the pain without falling apart. After all, although pain is an unpleasant sensation, it is still a sensafion, and sensations are the stuff of life. [共5题]1.The human body has developed a system of nerves that enables us to ________.A.stay relaxedB.avoid painC.stand tortureD.feel pain2.What does the writer mean by saying “we pay for our sensitivity” in Para.1?A.We have to take care of our sense of pain.B.We suffer from our sense of feeling.C.We should try hard to resist pain.D.We are hurt when we feel pain.3.When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he shows that ________.A.fakirs possess magic powerB.Indians are not afraid of painC.people can learn to cope with painD.some people are born without a sense of pain4.What is essential for people to stand pain according to the writer?A.Their relaxation.B.Their interest.C.Their nerves.D.Their attitude.5.The author believes that ________.A.feeling pain is part of our lifeB.pain should be avoided at all costsC.feeling pain can be an interesting thingD.magic power is essential for reducing pain

The trip to that city was eye-opening for everyone, and near its end, all the young people in our group began to reflect on what it had meant. We __21___the first night we had arrived. We had all gone into the markets of the city ___22__the young people could experience its energy. But what we actually saw simply __23__ us all ---- the rundown houses, the children in rags, the people begging for money … Walking home, ___24____ under a low bridge, we came across ___25___ families of homeless people seeking a bit of dry ground to sleep on __26__ the night. We had to step over bodies as we found our way through the darkness.The poverty(贫困) was __27__than anything my young companions had ever imagined. Back in the hotel, an air of sadness settled over the group. Many __28__ and cried. Spending time in this ___29__ moves a person to care about humanity.That evening, our group spent hours talking about what we had ___30___. Gently, I encouraged everyone to talk about the difficult ___31__ that day’s discoveries had inspired. Sitting together ___32__ a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that __33___ of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.Based on my __34___ in poverty-stricken areas, I suggested that __35___ the emotions we had were painful, they could also be important in helping us to move forward. We all__36__ that we had seen things that should never be allowed to happen. ___37___, what could we do about it? Together, we began to brainstorm ways we could help to case the __38__ we had seen. As I encouraged group members to focus on __39__ they could do, a sense of determination __40___ the previous sadness, Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.21.A. put up withB. got back toC. looked back onD. made up for

Water is the __46___ of all the things we eat and drink . Not many people understand this but __47____ quite true . The human body can go without ___48___ for a long time . We’ve got many examples for this . Yet two __49___ three days without water can usually make people __50____ . Man can’t live __51____ water .Many people don’t understand how ___52__ water the human body needs __53___ work well , and many people , especially young people , do not drink enough , ___54__ in very hot weather . Our body has mostly water , about 65% to 75% . That is to say about two thirds of our body is water . When we do sports , some of the water will get away from our body . __55 _ we don’t drink some water , we won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water , we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill . So you know how important water is to us .46.___________( )46. A. importantB. most importantC. more importantD. different

Passage FiveIn every language there are two great classes of words which, taken together, consist of the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words with which we become acquainted in daily conversation, which we learn, that is to say, from the members of our own family and from our familiar associates, and which we should know and use even if we could not read or write. They concern the common things of life, and are the goods in trade of all those who speak the language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the whole people; and are not the exclusive possession of a limited class.On the other hand, our language includes a large number of words which are comparatively seldom used in ordinary conversation. Their meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little occasion to use them at home or in the market-place. Our first acquaintance with them comes not from our mother's lips or from the talk of our school-mates, but from books that we read, lectures that we bear, or the more formal conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular topic in a style. raised above the habitual level of everyday life. Such words are called "learned". And the distinction between them and "popular" words is of great importance to a right understanding of the language.51. One class of words can be learned ______.A. through everyday lifeB. without too much practiceC. from popular songsD. with a dictionary in one's hand

Non-verbal communication can convey our________ towards ourselves and towards the people we are communicating with. A、expressionB、requestC、languageD、attitude

All of our nonverbal behaviors—the gestures we make, the way we sit, how mucheye contact we make, how fast or how loud we talk, and how close we stand—send strong messages.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Nonverbal communication can convey our _______ towards ourselves and towards the people we are communication with. A.requestB.attitudeC.expressionD.language

DWhen students and parents are asked to rate subjects according to their importance, the arts are unavoidably at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is viewed as mere entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it reflects their thinking and values, as well ad the social environment it came influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity as a society.Music provides a kind of perception(感知)that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts explore the emotive(情感的)meaning of the same phenomenon. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all.The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. They are the language of civilization through which we express our fears, our curiosities, our hungers, our discoveries, our hopes. The arts are ways we give form. to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children access to an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the meaning and value of peace and love.So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.A.regardmusicasawayofentertainmentB.disagreewiththeirparentsoneducationC.viewmusicasanoverlookedsubjectD.prefertheartstoscience

单选题We really appreciate our working environment, in _____ there was open, friendly workplace communication.AhowBwhatCwhomDwhich

单选题When our imports ______ our exports, we say we have a favorable trade balance; however, when our imports and exports are the other way round we say we have an unfavorable trade balance.Afall shortBfall short ofCrun out ofDare lack of