单选题_____AsaferBmore safelyCsafetyDmore safety




more safely




more safety




What's more, it's not always so ______ for us to pay online as hackers might steal our and password. A safety ;B safe ;C safely

Educators think that television is making ____.A. more and more illiterates of childrenB. more and more children of illiteratesC. more and more children to become illiteratesD. more and more children will become illiterates

During PSC inspection related to the ISM Code,_____of the Safety Management System (SMS) should be carried out if clear grounds are establishedA.a less favorable inspectionB.a more favorable inspectionC.a less detailed inspectionD.a more detailed inspection

A port ______ if more than ordinary prudence and skill is needed to avoid exposure to danger there.A.safetyB.is safeC.is not safeD.is not safety

What is the purpose of the limit switch on gravity davits?A.To cut off the power when the davits hit the track safety stopsB.To stop the davits from going too fastC.To cut off the power when the davits are about 12 inches or more from the track safety stopsD.None of the above

A SOLAS passenger ship safety certificate is required on all ______.A.T-Boats carrying more than 49 passengers for hireB.T-Boats that carry more than 12 passengers on an international voyageC.T-Boats carrying more than 150 passengers for hireD.large excursion vessels on lakes,bays,sounds,and river routes

There is a ______ when one or more vessels are towing or pushing another vessel or vessels,provided that they are all involved in commercial activities and not in a salvage operation.A.private safetyB.private maritime adventureC.common safetyD.common maritime adventure

A large GM would give a vessel which of the following characteristics ________.① More safety in case of flooding;② Increased racking stresses.A.① onlyB.② onlyC.Both ① and ②D.Neither ① nor ②

Lawyers have questioned the____of the ban on political rallies, but officials continue to insist they are more interested in ensuring public safety than stifling political dissent .A.importanceB.qualificationC.legalityD.extension

进行安全检查。()A、Carry out safety inspection.B、Carry out more detailed inspection.C、Carry out important inspection.D、Carry out relevant inspection.

When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of () for a period not exceeding five years. A、beginningoftherenewalverificationB、completionoftherenewalverificationC、beginningofscheduleddrydockingD、completionofscheduleddrydocking

下面哪个检索式的作用与短语检索“informationsafety”等价()。A、information(W)safetyB、information(N)safetyC、information AND safetyD、information OR safety

单选题进行安全检查。()ACarry out safety inspection.BCarry out more detailed inspection.CCarry out important inspection.DCarry out relevant inspection.

单选题The main reason a long towline is used during an oceantow is that().Aa margin of safety is provided should the line partBthe towline will wear more evenlyCthere will be less stress on the towlineDa slight increase in speed will be realized

单选题The more learned a man is, and more modest he usually is.AThe moreBisCand more modestDis

单选题People are more likely to survive fires in the aircraft if they ______.Akeep their heads lowBwear a safety beltCdon’t smoke in or near a planeDread airline safety statistics

单选题When the renewal verification is completed more than three months before the expiry date of the existing Document of Compliance or Safety Management Certificate, the new Document of Compliance or the new Safety Management Certificate should be valid from the date of () for a period not exceeding five years.AbeginningoftherenewalverificationBcompletionoftherenewalverificationCbeginningofscheduleddrydockingDcompletionofscheduleddrydocking

单选题What is the purpose of the limit switch on gravity davits?()ATo cut off the power when the davits hit the track safety stopsBTo stop the davits from going too fastCTo cut off the power when the davits are about 12 inches or more from the track safety stopsDNone of the above

单选题In order to produce more, many measures are available EXCEPT _____.Ato make jobs more varied.Bto give workers more freedom when they are producingCto make their jobs more interestingDto give more money for less working hours

单选题The chairman requested that _____.Athe members studied the problem more carefullyBthe problems were more carefully studiedCthe problems could be studied with more careDthe members study the problem more carefully

单选题It can be concluded from the passage that _____.Aphysical strength is more important for sportspersons’ successBtraining conditions are more important for sportspersons’ successCgenes are more important for sportspersons’ successDpsychological conditions are more important for sportspersons’ success

单选题A port()if more than ordinary prudence and skill is needed to avoid exposure to danger there.AsafetyBis safeCis not safeDis not safety

单选题Now people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more ______.AcomfortableBdifficultCdifferentDpopular

单选题For existing ships,()is not an improvement to safety.Athe reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkheadBthe double bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo holdCthe introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating proceduresDintroduction of new and improved designs

单选题During PSC inspection related to the ISM Code, of the Safety Management System (SMS) should be carried out if clear grounds are established()Aa less favorable inspectionBa more favorable inspectionCa less detailed inspectionDa more detailed inspection

单选题A SOLAS passenger ship safety certificate is required on all().AT-Boats carrying more than 49 passengers for hireBT-Boats that carry more than 12 passengers on an international voyageCT-Boats carrying more than 150 passengers for hireDlarge excursion vessels on lakes,bays,sounds,and river routes

单选题A Convention about safety of life at sea was adopted in 1974 which included a new amendment procedure, according which an amendment shall enter into force()Aafter being accepted by more than two thirds of the PartiesBafter being accepted by more than half of the PartiesCwithin a specified period of time with no objectionsDwithin a specified period of time with no exceptions

单选题As you approach Old River Control Structure Light you see a flashing amber light. You should().Anavigate as close to the left descending bank as safety permitsBnavigate as close to the right descending bank as safety permitsCturn into the inflow channel as the bypass is now openDslow your engine speed to not more than 5 mph